The Game Thread

@Muffin Elite PC gamers are faggots. Wii is great for parties ;)

your face is faggots and anything done under the influence doesn't count, same as why fat downs chicks aren't attractive when off the sauce :p(not saying they are to me, but a friend of mine actually got hammered to the point where he woke up with a downs chick next to him in the morning, i haven't lolled that much ever since :lol:)
your face is faggots and anything done under the influence doesn't count, same as why fat downs chicks aren't attractive when off the sauce :p(not saying they are to me, but a friend of mine actually got hammered to the point where he woke up with a downs chick next to him in the morning, i haven't lolled that much ever since :lol:)

Thats how you know you've had a good night out. :lol:

As for the Wii granted its not for serious gaming but its good for lulz
Yeah i don't deny that, i'm just looking at it from the generation of games we usually play nowadays, but i suppose its like comparing Risk to hide and seek

Computer über alles though :lol:.. For my use at least, especially since the people i usually game with all have the same games as i do in PC format too, i suppose the circle of people one hangs out with/plays games with also dictates to a certain degree what platform one usually gravitate towards.

Speaking of which, I've heard rumors that Xbox360 players can connect to and play with PC users, and vice versa in GTA4, but i haven't gotten this confirmed, anyone know anything more about the subject? I've got a friend who's pc thinks GTA4 is too gay for it so it decides to go cocks up when one tries to run the MP side of it. However he owns a 360 with GTA4(but his disc is broken atm, he's getting it fixed if we can play together), so thats why i'm wondering.
Thats how you know you've had a good night out. :lol:

As for the Wii granted its not for serious gaming but its good for lulz


Seriously, the wii had so much potential, it's just very underused... the few games which DO use it are fantastic, however. I get the feeling it's about to fly now, we'll see.

I might be about to buy a 360 too. The exclusives are better, and the graphics processor is better. The only lure the ps3 has to me is as a blu ray player and to install linux and do scientific computing on the cell, but my nerdness can fuck off. I got fucked enough when I bought a cheap laptop thinking "baaah, I won't play games in it anyway" and now just drool over all the games I can't play, or the stuff I can't do with direct3d for the lack of a decent video card (at least I can do parallax mapping and hdr lighting, that's half the way to awesome graphics, but anything that involves calculation of sillouttes, most conspicuously volumetric lights/shadows, bogs it down to 4fps very fast :()
Who are you?

I'm a mix between 2 and 13.


No. It actually hasn't, and it's the same one that I bought when the 360 was first released. It's probably one of the few of the first batch that hasn't had any problems :lol:

Has your PS3 got any genuinely good exclusive games yet?


Are you fucking serious? I got one of the first ones and it RROD'd back in summer '08, had to buy a new one :(
Besides, the advances in gaming have been fucking amazing

Put of curiosity, care to cite any advances? Because gameplay-wise they've been pretty stagnant. I can't say that the natural GFX improvement is justifiable as "fucking amazing advances".
Well for a start games are becoming more and more similiar to movies in that they are being used as devices for storytelling rather than just being games. Bioshock is the most poignant memory I have of a game telling a truely brilliant story and even making social commentary, even touching on ideas of philosophy. Games are more than ever letting the player actually control the story.. Not just a stupid "morality bar" that consists of "killing people = bad, helping people = good". But the decisions the player makes actually drastically effect the story, e.g. Mass Effect.

Anyway, I actually expected you to take issue with what I said because you are one of the aforementioned "nostalgiafags". Nothing worse than when people simply attribute "Old" with "Good", people do it with music too, pisses me off.
Well for a start games are becoming more and more similiar to movies in that they are being used as devices for storytelling rather than just being games. Bioshock is the most poignant memory I have of a game telling a truely brilliant story and even making social commentary, even touching on ideas of philosophy. Games are more than ever letting the player actually control the story.. Not just a stupid "morality bar" that consists of "killing people = bad, helping people = good". But the decisions the player makes actually drastically effect the story, e.g. Mass Effect.

Anyway, I actually expected you to take issue with what I said because you are one of the aforementioned "nostalgiafags". Nothing worse than when people simply attribute "Old" with "Good", people do it with music too, pisses me off.

This. Old=/=good.
My favourite game of all time was released in 2003 and my favourite album was released less than a year ago.
Actually, I believe the golden age of gaming is about to come. We're quickly coming to the point where graphics don't matter... not more than they matter in, say, movies.

The difference is not really dramatic as it was before. That's why the focus can shift to storytelling.
Well for a start games are becoming more and more similiar to movies in that they are being used as devices for storytelling rather than just being games. Bioshock is the most poignant memory I have of a game telling a truely brilliant story and even making social commentary, even touching on ideas of philosophy. Games are more than ever letting the player actually control the story.. Not just a stupid "morality bar" that consists of "killing people = bad, helping people = good". But the decisions the player makes actually drastically effect the story, e.g. Mass Effect.

Anyway, I actually expected you to take issue with what I said because you are one of the aforementioned "nostalgiafags". Nothing worse than when people simply attribute "Old" with "Good", people do it with music too, pisses me off.

I'm not a nostalgiafag, well maybe a little. But it comes not from fagness, but from informed opinion. I agree, all of that development has happened, but it happened in the late 90s, and been stagnant since that. Games as devices for storytelling have been around for a while, and many with a relatively better quality of writing than many modern games. Games like Planescape: Torment or Fallout or Arcanum all touched philosophy on pretty deep levels, and had player decisions affect the gameplay, the story and the ending like few other games since have.

Also, IIRC, the bipolar "morality bar" is a fairly recent development, at least as used without being complemented by other things, like for example Fable had. So perhaps it's a backward development. In addition, a lot of games recently have been self-censoring, thus making good social commentary more and more rare to come by (ex. Fallout 3).
Actually, I believe the golden age of gaming is about to come. We're quickly coming to the point where graphics don't matter... not more than they matter in, say, movies.

The difference is not really dramatic as it was before. That's why the focus can shift to storytelling.


I've that good graphics are becoming more of a standard and less of a discussion. Yes a game can be said to be 'beautiful' but now it's not hyped for it's graphics. Like a couple years ago I felt like games were having a graphics race. Many games had splendid graphics for their time but the gameplay and storytelling...not to talk about optimizing really sucked ass.
I've been trying to get as much information on Halo: Reach as I can, does anyone here have an opinion on how it might turn out?
It's Bungie's last Halo game, it looks like it will be fucking legendary and be more like the first one, but I'm still afraid it might be a disappointment like Halo 3 was.
I think it'll be awesome. And Halo 3 wasn't dissapointing at all, EVERYONE just complains about EVERYTHING when it comes to Halo. I am yet to see a negative review of any Halo game that can actually pinpoint SPECIFIC issues they have with the games, apart from the fact that a couple of the Flood missions were annoying, that's it. Essentially what happened was Halo: CE was awesome, Halo 2 was different, and Halo 3 was different again, gamers are shit at dealing with change and immediately say "I am disappoint" without even being specific.

Anyway, here's some low-res leaked screens:
Oh god, not the flood! I can still remember getting assraped by a thousand zombie covenant soldiers or freaky humans "SCREECH!!!!" *couple jump right up your ass with their stupid melee strikes*
I think it'll be awesome. And Halo 3 wasn't dissapointing at all, EVERYONE just complains about EVERYTHING when it comes to Halo. I am yet to see a negative review of any Halo game that can actually pinpoint SPECIFIC issues they have with the games, apart from the fact that a couple of the Flood missions were annoying, that's it. Essentially what happened was Halo: CE was awesome, Halo 2 was different, and Halo 3 was different again, gamers are shit at dealing with change and immediately say "I am disappoint" without even being specific.

Anyway, here's some low-res leaked screens:

I'm a fucking gigantic Halo fanboy, it's just that the campaign and visuals weren't all they were hyped up to be and the multiplayer didn't entertain me for as long as Halo 2 which had fucking fantastic online. Halo 3 was a good game but it wasn't amazing and I thought it would be.