The Game Thread

I remember getting a game that was almost 10 gigs

I had a game of 16,5 gigs. It didn't work though :(

Any CSS players in here? :p

Another game that is cool for few months and then you bored to it. It's always fun with friends though. I do still play CSS if I don't have anything else to do. CSS Surf is fun, but my favourite surf server disappeared, so I haven't played it for very long time. Sometimes I do play some original maps without any mods, because the game feels much more realistic that way. Though it sucks if you're the last one of your team and your teammates go to "zeh 3p1cz0r rag3 m0d3" if you fail :D
Yay, finally called in for my label, so it should be here within a few days to be shipped off and to be fixed (:
For whateverthefuck reason I'm still stuck playing CS1.6; I should really switch over to CSS sometime soon.