The Game Thread

So I'm going to get some arcade games sometime this weekend on my 360. I'm thinking Small Arms probably. I played the demo earlier and it was pretty cool. Reminds me of Super Smash Bros just with guns. I'm going to get 1600 ms points I think so any recommendations on any good arcade games or has anyone played Small Arms with anything to say about it?

If I don't get MS points I may try to get the new Ultimate Alliance game. I liked the first one even though it wasn't reviewed as amazing. Any thoughts on this?
castrlwe crashers is VERYYY fun except you need to play it with 3 or 4 ppl for it to be the most fun because it's too hard just with 1 person it doesnt take into account the amount of playeers playing into the difficulty

a highlight includes a forest level where all animals shit themselves
Btw, on the previous subject of "golden age of games":

I saw a video on Mass Effect 2 (can't find it :() in that the developers commented how they wanted to make the eyes look alive, and that they spent a lot of time in development for that.

That's what I meant. In the past, when a developer said "we worked hard to get great graphics" they meant 1009203232803823028392 polygons on screen plus 2893298372893892 nifty effects... now it's 'we worked hard to make the eyes feel real'.

That's the point.
Well obviously it's not the best game "ever". But what would you suggest? Some JRPG from the 90s I assume?

No. :lol:

In fact I hate most JRPGs except a few. They're just poorly done games.

TBH I was kidding about ME2, I haven't gotten to it yet, so can't say much about it. Given it's a Bioware game, probably won't be "best ever".

I'd probably have to name one for every genre, but I'd say some games like Planescape: Torment, Disciples II, STALKER, Devil May Cry 3.
I don't get the whole deal about STALKER.

I installed it and it seemed cool and all, then I saw this enemy, aimed, couldn't see shit, couldn't hit shit.

I then uninstalled the game.
No, it's you Ensi. STALKER isn't supposed to be a walk in the park, it's difficult. You need to learn to use your surroundings, to pick the right weapons and use them correctly, etc. The ballistics are extremely realistic (for example, a sniper from over 200m away needs to aim above the target because of gravity), so no wonder that early on in the game you couldn't hit shit with your half-broken pistol which has low accuracy and extremely low damage.
LOL, like most pistols in the game do. They're "secondary weapons" for a reason. Try not to get into trouble with any "big" enemies like the military until you get some real hardware. Assuming you're playing the first of the three games, it may take a little while - it's a bit slow to start. It gets awesome once you get further into the game, once both you and your enemies are armed to teeth, and the atmosphere finally starts soaking in (especially those creepy secret labs).

One other cool thing about the game is that both you and your enemies have equal chances. Everyone dies from one bullet to the head. So yeah, you should give the games another chance. Just don't forget to patch them before playing ;)
You know, the official program that fixed in-game bugs?

I haven't tried the new one yet, I'll get to it once I beat the second one.
No, it's you Ensi. STALKER isn't supposed to be a walk in the park, it's difficult. You need to learn to use your surroundings, to pick the right weapons and use them correctly, etc. The ballistics are extremely realistic (for example, a sniper from over 200m away needs to aim above the target because of gravity), so no wonder that early on in the game you couldn't hit shit with your half-broken pistol which has low accuracy and extremely low damage.

Right, because in the real life, pistols do no more than tickle people into submission. That's why the police use them, as non-lethal weapons! Too bad they're so innacurate, they should just switch to uzis and shotguns.
IIRC, the game version is shown in-game, on the starting screen.

Right, because in the real life, pistols do no more than tickle people into submission. That's why the police use them, as non-lethal weapons! Too bad they're so innacurate, they should just switch to uzis and shotguns.

Well, I'd like to see you try to hit anyone with one from even 50m away. It still kills anyone from one shot to the head, but I'd like to see you make that shot.

Also, comparing video games to real life? Spare me.