The Game Thread

^yeah, that doesnt always seem to work either if they lunge at you at the right time.
It will work if you manage to hit them in the head with Handcannon (RE4) or Hydra (RE5). By the way has anyone played these new Resident Evil 5 DLC modes?
I mean :lol: If your assault rifle can't compete with some strangers knife you deserve to be sliced :lol:

I suppose. Logically yeah, an assault rife should be able to beat a knife. Not in Modern Warfare 2 though for some fucked reason. I could unload half a clip of scar into someones torso and they'd end me with a butter knife... >.>

Shit's gay.
So today is ApocalyPS3. 1st day of March fucks up PS3s internal clock for some reason and sets the date to 31.1.1999 or 1.1.2000. This problem concerns only the old, "fat" model of PS3. Weird thing that my PS3 isn't fucked up. This bug has deleted some trophies and corrupted save game data. I also heard that it made demoes from some games purchased from PS Store. Sony has said that it isn't recommended to turn your console on.
I suppose. Logically yeah, an assault rife should be able to beat a knife. Not in Modern Warfare 2 though for some fucked reason. I could unload half a clip of scar into someones torso and they'd end me with a butter knife... >.>

Shit's gay.

Dude, seriously, try it out!

.44 magnum, or any pistol that can use tactical knife. Marathon, Lightweight and Commando.

Run around like a spastic squirrel on speed, don't run straight up, move like you're drunk. Knife. The horrendous lag (thanks to IWNet) makes the bullets magically miss you!

Result? Top of the scoreboard.

So today is ApocalyPS3. 1st day of March fucks up PS3s internal clock for some reason and sets the date to 31.1.1999 or 1.1.2000. This problem concerns only the old, "fat" model of PS3. Weird thing that my PS3 isn't fucked up. This bug has deleted some trophies and corrupted save game data. I also heard that it made demoes from some games purchased from PS Store. Sony has said that it isn't recommended to turn your console on.

Yeah my sister's boyfriend were over and brought his PS3 to practise to a LAN event.

It didn't work, he said it was bugged to shit. Now I know it was not only in his case.
Apparently that PS3 bug has something to do with Y2K. Kinda funny cause ten years ago they "solved" the problem. Fuck it. They only moved the problem ten years forward. I kinda feel sorry for people whose hard drive got fucked up because of mistakes of people at Sony. Good thing though that Sony really tries to do something about it.

Someone has a clear opinion of this problem :lol:

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Run around like a spastic squirrel on speed, don't run straight up, move like you're drunk. Knife. The horrendous lag (thanks to IWNet) makes the bullets magically miss you!

Result? Top of the scoreboard.

How this constitutes a good game/gaming experience is beyond me, I think I'm getting old.
It's always boggled my mind how simple people view games, regardless of their complexity, it seems that most people boil it down to points and rank, rather than experience and intention. Different strokes i guess, but my camp(the latter one) feels small and dwindling :(
I suppose. Logically yeah, an assault rife should be able to beat a knife. Not in Modern Warfare 2 though for some fucked reason. I could unload half a clip of scar into someones torso and they'd end me with a butter knife... >.>

Shit's gay.

Maybe because MW2 is a buggy POS? Just my 2 cents.
No joke, Heavy Rain is fucking incredible. The graphics are insane, the atmosphere intense and the story is wicked. I had to pry myself away from it last night. Its been a while since I've been this hooked.
The Story is NOT wicked, it has ridiculous plotholes, the voice acting is terrible and the first half hour of the game is entirely pointless.
It's pointless because they could have set that scene with a 5 minute cut scene.

Anyway, my main beef with the game is that if you're going to try and make a game ENTIRELY centered around the storyline. At least make the storyline good, and not have some of the most careless and ridiculous plotholes I've ever seen.
It's pointless because they could have set that scene with a 5 minute cut scene.

Anyway, my main beef with the game is that if you're going to try and make a game ENTIRELY centered around the storyline. At least make the storyline good, and not have some of the most careless and ridiculous plotholes I've ever seen.

It is a good story and the reason the intro isn't just a cut scene is to let you get to grips with the control scheme. Elaborate on said plot holes? Am I right saying you haven't actually played it (bar maybe the first five minutes.) Of course I am, or you wouldn't be jarring such BS :p

EDIT: Seriously, play it yourself or stfu.
A friend has it and I've seen it being played most of the way through. Sure, Heavy Rain LOOKS like some smart, arthouse thriller movie, but it's a cheesey B movie if anything. The first time I realized the game making NO sense when... Oh wait one second.


Was when you break into Kramer's Mansion and kill a shit ton of security guards with there being no consequences whatsoever. The police are investigating a series of murders and yet they don't give a shit about a mass murder occurring in one place on one night?

Anyway, I went home to actually read up on the story and seriously, it makes about as much sense as Modern Warfare 2. Conveniently Gamesradar actually ran a feature listing all the plotholes they found. The most hilarious ones have to be :


Above: "Good job I had the flying murder-pixies to help. Otherwise this hand would really hurt"

The butterfly trial makes no sense. The contrived set-up of Shelby’s second Saw-style test for Ethan would be impossible for any one man to put together. There is no logical way anyone could fill a complex tunnel system (comprising miles upon miles of chokey-tight crawl-space) with broken glass without painting themselves into a corner and getting cut to ribbons trying to get back out. And if Ethan is cramped in there, a man of Shelby’s size would probably destroy himself just trying to get in, let alone escaping.

The guns used in Heavy Rain must be props, used simply to look intimidating. Whenever a single, easy shot would resolve things neatly, fingers stay well away from triggers and prey implausibly escapes in exactly the way the plot requires. We know this one happens in bad movies as well, but the frequency and choreography of it in Heavy Rain is stupid almost to the point of parody.Most notable examples? The way Ethan can escape a motel besieged by SWAT teams (‘Shit, he’s a whole eight feet below us on that pavement. Our bullets don’t even work down there’), and the numerous ladders Shelby can chase Madison up during the climax. Person slowly climbing very tall structure = sitting duck. An ex-cop should know that.

And the best one:

If you make sure that Madison survives to the hospital scene near the end, she (but not you) is told the identity of the Origami Killer. Understandably, she is shocked and aghast at the name she hears being associated with such atrocities. Not understandably, she and said killer have never met in the game at this point, and in fact are completely unaware of each other’s existence. She’s reacting to nothing, which becomes even more face-palm-worthy when she scoots immediately round to his house.
Hahaha, I knew you had read the games radar article instead of forming your own opinion. Every single person I know who has already completed it (some multiple times) agree that it is a fantastic game. Anyone who can recognise a good game would understand that this is exactly that.

Its fine, you just continue believing everything you read and run with it. I'll formulate my own opinion thank you very much. Plus alot of the points mentioned on the games radar article are totally blown out of proportion and they make it come across in a completely different perspective. Agreed there will ofc be some silly points but they are nothing compared to how great the game is.

Go play. Stop being a bellend
That IS my own opinion, I'm sorry that it's so hard for you to understand but that game is far from perfect. As I said, I read the GR article AFTER seeing the game. I commend the developers for trying to do something different. But the entire premise of making a game based on storyline rather than gameplay is totally hinged on the storytelling being awesome, which Heavy Rain simply doesn't do well enough. Mass Effect 2 has a better storyline, it's more original (ie: Not just a mix of Saw + every thriller movie cliche), it has better voice acting, better facial animations, the characters are more involving and much easier to get attached to and so the story benefits. But on top of that the gameplay is kickass too.

I mean fuck I began to actually dislike Ethan towards the end of the game, didn't feel an sort of sympathy for his plight at all.
I really hope that by saying "Mass Effect 2 has a better storyline" you don't mean to imply it has a GOOD storyline.
Seriously. I don't understand how you don't like it. The voice acting is great on most characters (granted the kids are a bit gash) and there are some scenes which literally look like you're watching a film. Last night I got gimped by the PS3 as it corrupted my save so I had to start again, Good times. Never played Mass Effect 2 but the characters in this game are great. I feel attached as ever, I'm trying far too hard to keep them alive (if they die, they stay dead and the story adapts thus you don't get to see their ending) also cocks.

Its not just me either, everyone else I've spoken to about it has high opinions of it. I just think you're filling the 'cool to hate' role here :p