The Gaming Thread

you can't? i just installed it from the cd... it lags sometimes though, almost died due to the lag once :p
mine is not original. I want diablo 1 original :<
i have the same problem with D2. sometimes running it in service pack 3 compatibility mode (right click, properties, compatibility)
I try :<

yeah like 15 fucking years between D1 and D3, i guess some things never change :lol:
:lol: glad i only played D2 i guess (not even lord of destruction :p, i can feel brains exploding around the world at that statement)
LORD OF DESTRUCTION ROCKS!! the last part its so cute ^^ all red
*brain explodes*
like tunnelbana

baal? never heard of him
runewords? doesnt sound important
expansion pack? sounds like more DLC, trying to milk me out of my money, no thanks

(seriously though i always wanted to play LoD but never had money :()
yeah i heard later on it was amazing, always wished id bought it. i could only find the battlechest lately.

maybe ill try and sell stuff on the real money auction house to make enough to buy LoD :lol:
Selling shit on RMAH to buy old Blizzard games. Nice:)

I honestly preferred Diablo 2 before LOD on . LOD was fucking awesome for LAN games but it made kind of lame. I yearn for the days when getting max level was more than a minor inconvenience. Getting to max level shouldn't take 1 day, it should be a damn struggle and something only dedicated players can achieve. That's just my two cents though. I would have loved LOD if it were not for everyone being lvl 99, and everyone using the same items because the randomly generated rare items could not compare. I like variety and surprises
i find that true of most people/games though, theyve already found ways to rush up in D3, and then there is only a small percentage whove made it to the area where you can find the best items, so they just farm them and sell them for huge profits :lol:. meaning that every item that is not level 60 max item level with great stats is essentially worthless.

so im stuck at level 60 doing butcher runs to get 150,000 gold to buy, selling the great stuff i find for 5000 gold, all in the hopes of one day finding a good deal on a 10 million gold item :lol:
I'm once again going to bring up E3 in somewhat of a rant. I think there was on overdose of games at E3 this year. I guess game companies do not wish for us to see the outside ever again. I felt extremely jaded like I had to much Cake even though the cake, it was a lie. With all the releases of games and features for the consoles and ads I can safely that Ihave never seen so much product pushing before in my life. Ok its great you have all these games lined up and you are going to push consoles to there limit cause there ending there life span. Oh but wait lets release all these games for the year of 2012 and 2013 then come out with the new systems in 2014. We have a problem there, So here lays a question. How is the working man supposed to buy 60$ games and have enough time to play them? They are doing nothing but extorting us I remember when gaming was fun and it wasn't so much product pushing.
it's like music really. there's a ton of stuff out there, but most of it is garbage. if you sift through and do your homework you can usually find some pretty excellent stuff.
its why i used to like renting games. 7$ and it made for a fun weekend, and if it turned out to be a great game, well 150 hours :p.
baal? never heard of him
runewords? doesnt sound important
expansion pack? sounds like more DLC, trying to milk me out of my money, no thanks
(seriously though i always wanted to play LoD but never had money :()
yeah i heard later on it was amazing, always wished id bought it. i could only find the battlechest lately.
maybe ill try and sell stuff on the real money auction house to make enough to buy LoD :lol:
I only have diablo 2 original like 2 months ago :lol: just download the lod, if you want to buy it, mine cost 10 usd on internet, DII+exp :)

Its sad, they sell diablo 1 at 30 usd :< i hate them

i never got to lvl 99... my highest was a 98 nova sorc :D then blizzard released 1.10 and she became useless :cry:
i never have a character more than lvl 50 :lol: I always forgot to "save" the game before format my computer :)
just in friend house, and now just 2 months ago :) but internet here its very bad, so i have lag all the time ^^
Apparently Diablo has been beaten for the first time in Inferno Hardcore. Blizzard confirmed it as the first victory. Cool shit, looks brutal
