Well Red Faction Guerrilla was not really a great game, but like the rest of the series my main draw was the destruction. It was an average game in storytelling and actual presentation but the detail of the destruction made it awesome for me. I will play any game that allows me to either obliterate a building in one go, or slowly dismantle it with timed charges.
Add on top that there was a kickass jetpack and the nano-cannon that eats everything it shoots including people. I felt I got my money's worth. Also with mods you can regenerate everything you destroy so you can BLOW IT UP AGAIN!! Hexwind would have loved this game.
Oh and I forgot to mention the Hammer! You can smash through everything in the game with a hammer that makes Thor jealous, and it's your starting weapon.
On Sale I'd recommend it if you like blowing shit up. But if you didn't find that part of Red Faction to be your main draw then you might find it average.

Add on top that there was a kickass jetpack and the nano-cannon that eats everything it shoots including people. I felt I got my money's worth. Also with mods you can regenerate everything you destroy so you can BLOW IT UP AGAIN!! Hexwind would have loved this game.
Oh and I forgot to mention the Hammer! You can smash through everything in the game with a hammer that makes Thor jealous, and it's your starting weapon.