The Gaming Thread

I found tons of sets and uniques in D2... I think that on average each character I make on their first run through the game (not item runs just playing through the difficulties) find around 5-8 unique items and probably 10+ set pieces. Not complete sets of course, and they are the more common items most of the time, but every so often you find something useful. I'll never forget the time I found my first Gull in a cow level, or the one legit SOJ I found. I literally almsot shit my pants when I identified that thing.

i was playing LoD recently and man they changed it since i last played it seems. i think i only made it to level 13 and did end up with a unique (might have been a rare). i played through vanilla D2 twice (or whatever the update was like 6 years ago) and never found a thing :lol:
That's exactly why I think it's funny. I wrote a lot of really bad stories at that age, being able to type made me want to write retarded things. That is pretty much the same quality of story my early grade school self might write. Thank god the internet was not that big and I couldn't submit that stuff :lol:
:lol! its annoying how that works eh? ive now found 3 top tier pieces of the immortal kings set. i dont even have a barbarian :lol:

before they changed most of the legendaries i used to find the most random garbage ones, a level 55 shield, weapons with low damage, junk.
Actually I love those low level armors. I honestly did a quick run of each cave in early Act 1 normal hoping to come across arctic pieces, they are great base act 1 items if you get them early enough. I think there was a belt too but can't remember what it was. Shit now I kind of want to play D2.
we should schedule a weekly forum playthrough of D2 :lol:

my only relatable experiance is my low level set plan i got in nightmare. so i can craft an armor set at level 42 that is pretty much better than any rare armor up to about max level :lol:. served me well making alts and treating friends
Starting my playthrough of Black Mesa to see what the fuss is about. Everything is ringing true thus far with a gleam of modern sex.
Starting my playthrough of Black Mesa to see what the fuss is about. Everything is ringing true thus far with a gleam of modern sex.
Starting my playthrough of Black Mesa to see what the fuss is about. Everything is ringing true thus far with a gleam of modern sex.

needed to be said twice? i've been waiting for black mesa since 2004-ish, and now i haven't even looked at it

I just played through Black Mesa as well, and yeah it's fucking awesome Jocke. They did a very good job of modernizing it, they didn't just rehash the old levels they added enormous amounts of detail. The entire first area (not the tram intro) is revamped like hell and it plays and looks great, yet it still feels VERY much like Half-Life 1. Unfortunately as of right now you can only play up to Lambda Core, but that's still a majority of the game covered.

The team did an excellent job, this is what Valve should have been doing when they released Half-life Source which added very little to the game.

Also it's free, so if you like Half-life I highly recommend it, I can honestly say I had no complaints at all. Excellent from start to finish.