The Gaming Thread

get this bud, i had a rocket launcher that had 1800 attack and was also genuine. i killed a boss like nothing because as i started to reload more rockets, i would throw my rocket XD. not sure how much it did but it was at least comparable (im thinking it does a % of your total gun power)

i heard you like rockets so i gave you rockets while you wait for rockets so you can rocket while you rocket
Dude the Genuine Pistols are great too. Not sure if anyone has used one but instead of reloading, you throw the gun at the opponent and it fucking blows up and you instantly get a new gun fully reloaded in your hand. It's so awesome. Too bad they are not all that powerful form what I've seen.

Yeah I was a little surprised to find that all Tediore weapons turn into a grenade upon reloading :lol: Some of them to great effect. My roommate found a pistol yesterday that was does a metric fuckton of damage when thrown.
Yeah I was a little surprised to find that all Tediore weapons turn into a grenade upon reloading :lol: Some of them to great effect. My roommate found a pistol yesterday that was does a metric fuckton of damage when thrown.

i have a revolver i wish had that, im thinking sniper rifles would probably be insane with it as well

also ty for calling it tediore :lol:, always forget to check which type drops that
Also, my girlfriend kept blowing me up in Borderlands 2 last night. I feel abused. She also found it funny to keep resurrecting me in toxic water where I couldn't get up to shore. What a meanie.
Getting Borderlands 2 on pc since i'm already playing it on 360 with the lady via her copy. So look for me on steam if you need a partner at all.
:lol: my friend got it on ps3 and was like we should play a couple times a week. im running out of character options XD, but yeah im on steam frequently, if im home its on :lol:
Nes : Jnes or Nestopia are both very solid. Jnes is fast, simple and works well with most games, while Nestopia is considerably more advanced with options. For some reason I've mostly played Jnes for it's simple approach.

Snes : Zsnes is my personal favorite Snes emulator, but Snes9x is good too so it comes down to personal preference

N64: Project 64 is hands down the best emulator for N64. I myself have never found a game it won't play to near perfection.

Gamecube/Wii : Dolphin is a great emulator that works for both Gamecube and Wii (I play several Wii games without lag or glitches, and I got through Twilight Princess and Windwaker without lag or problems on gamecube). There is a bit of a setup involved but with patience it'll go so long as your computer can handle it.

Gameboy : Visualboy Advance definitely for Gameboy.

Nintendo DS : Last I checked it out the DS scene was a work in progress, however iDeaS was far and away the best emulator and I suspect it still is. I was able to play some Castlevania games on it but I didn't spend enough time to say you can complete them.

Playstation 1 : Epsxe is a GREAT Playstation 1 emulator, however there is another emulator simply called "psx emulator" that is extremely basic and extremely accurate so if you want to avoid technical shit and having to get the plugins it's as good an emulator as any, and if you don't want the BS of setting another emulator up it's definitely the way to go. Playstation emulators are by far the hardest ones to set up, with a lot of third party plugins required to get the most out of it. If you do go with Epsxe (the true winner here) I can help you get the best plugins for improved graphics/sound and such I've got it all set up for awesomeness.

Playstation 2 : PCSX2 is THE Playstation 2 emulator, I got through Xenosaga series without too much trouble on it, and the first Xenosaga is notorious for being hard to emulate. Again as with PS1 this can be a bitch to setup although I have not tried to newly released v1.0 so it might be streamlined by now. This emulator WILL kill your CPU resources, PS2 is much harder on resources than Gamecube or Wii.

Genesis/Gamegear : Gens or Fusion. I prefer Gens personally, and if I recall they also support Gamegear games.

Dreamcast : I personally found Dreamcast was never given a great emulator, but Chankast will get you through many of its games.

Sega Saturn : I hope you don't want to play Sega Saturn games because its emulation scene is shit.

That about sums up my Emulation knowledge, but I think you'll find it accurate. I have played a LOT of emulators over the years, almost all of them, I started way back when emulation was in its infancy and I've loved it ever since.

just quoting this for future reference :)
Torchlight 2 is fucking awesome man. This is what Diablo 3 should be copying. It even has Diablo 2's composer doing the music so it sounds familiar. I love this game already lol.

Character building is easily half of the experience of this type of game, and Torchlight 2 nails it. And it's only $20.
i heard a lot about it, ill probably pick it up on sale or whenever im looking for a new rpg. it does look really steller though. i like that they open up console commands for you so you can cheat, but they put an exclamation point over your head to indicate youre a cheater XD. i also like that the emphasis on the item hunt. the one thing that is kinda sour about diablo 3 is the empahsis on selling the shit you find to buy shit you need.i mean i like the overall product, but i think they tried to stop the botters and traders the wrong way. part of me suspects they made diablo kinda unbalanced to keep people around while they updated it, every month theres a big update and it draws people back :lol:

that being said im getting into hardcore modes, makes it a lot more fair

edit: i was kinda dismayed you cant cast spells on elites that invoke status effects in torchlight. gets rid of those fun builds based around status effects for me.
Also, my girlfriend kept blowing me up in Borderlands 2 last night. I feel abused. She also found it funny to keep resurrecting me in toxic water where I couldn't get up to shore. What a meanie.

Getting Borderlands 2 on pc since i'm already playing it on 360 with the lady via her copy. So look for me on steam if you need a partner at all.

is Borderlands 2 better or worse than the first game??

Torchlight 2 is fucking awesome man. This is what Diablo 3 should be copying. It even has Diablo 2's composer doing the music so it sounds familiar. I love this game already lol.

Character building is easily half of the experience oal=f this type of game, and Torchlight 2 nails it. And it's only $20.

Going to take the dive eventually, the first was certainly fun if mostly for nostalgia.