Fuck it I'm being an idiot, I bought D3 when it was released and I barely touched it. I should be giving that a shot first, even if I don't like the auction house and the skill system.
Played some D3. I do have to admit the combat itself is very satisfying.
next patch doubles the rate at which legendaries drop
haha i found at the very least the story kept me interested, its not on the same level as D2 (i mean the perspective from which the story was told was enough to make it amazing) but still entertaining. it is at least worth your time haha.
the skill system is interesting, at max level you get magic find bonuses for killing elites, the bonus lasts a half hour, stacks up to 5, and resets back to a half hour every elite killed. the only thing is you cannot switch skills or it resets to 0. in this way, you are sort of forced to find a build thats good overall. gear wont always allow you to switch all your skills on the fly either, the whirlwind berserker relies on critical hits and life gained on hit to survive, despite having low damage they are amazing. but if you switched the same to play as a high damage skill user (who will hit less times per time) he would be worse than useless because he cant keep his skills on cooldown.
in that way you cant truely just switch or use any skill, you have to build a character to use the skills you want, and in that way there are actually becoming quite a few diverse builds, with lots of room to customise (especially over the patches)
the more ive played the more ive come to dislike the auction house, finding stuff on your own is still more satisfying. i looked at it as more of a trading system, like i found a set item with dexterity, but i need strength so i trade it for another item. the AH is so flooded right now that really anything can be bought quite cheap. only exception is the incredible set items (some are amazing now

its also way easier than ever, i started hardcore with nothing and made it most of the way through act 2 inferno before fighting an enemy that was just too much. even only being in there a day i managed to make a bunch of gold, enough that ive tracked down half a characters worth of max level gear for when i get back to that point.
already made a new hardcore character, Niki II. love it XD me and you caleb, always with the novels

(add me Isolation#1274)