Of course getting it running perfectly depends on the game you are playing, you might have to make a lot of little adjustments to get proper mouse/keyboard control for a shooter, and it can also vary from game to game as Perfect dark handles controls differently than say Turok so sometimes you might even need to adjust in-game controls and then reference it over to the keyboard setup in the plugin to get them working nicely.. I just make a profile and save it for each game so I don't have the hassle. I have a profile to play Perfect Dark mainly since it's the only shooter besides Goldeneye I need N64 emulation to run (both Turoks after all are on PC)
Edit : Here is a link to my Perfect dark setup if you want a reference or to use it yourself. I changed a couple of controls within the game to make it better suit keyboard layout though, mainly you have to change the ingame control scheme to make the c-buttons movement (basically wsad) and the joystick to look around. (control style 1.2 in the options)
Just start up the controller plugin (after making N-Rage teh default) and click load profile and load this up
I'd like to note that if you wanted to use mouse/keyboard to get through the pesky Zelda sections with longshot as you mentioned before, this will only work if oyu go back and forth between control style/plugin in the emulator. Remember the joystick makes you move in Zelda unless you are in aim mode, meaning you would have to use the mouse to walk around normally. You could swithc back and forth jsut for aiming but that would be a pretty big pain. . In Zelda you are straight up better off getting a good PS2 or Xbox controller for PC.
With a usb controller yeah it will work. If it has the playstation end plug i think there are usb converters but really almost any old usb controller at a local tech store will work. There are countless brands of mock xbox and PS contollers, running from very low prices to higher end ones with needless features. It worth $15(CDN) to play countless games via emulation.
anyone ever play a hardcore mode in an rpg? up to level 40 in diablo on hardcore (if you die, character deleted). its a lot of fun, real tense at times
Yup I had hardcore characters in D2. It definitely makes things more intense but it becomes such a piss off when you die due to server issues. However the sense of accomplishment is very different, your goals are different, you're not grinding away you are working on survival instead.
Taking today to truly get into Torchlight 2, I have been playing it on and off but only in short bursts when I had the free time. Today is the day I spend 6 hours just playing. I actually played some Diablo 2 last week because Torchlight 2 felt like such a spiritual successor to it I got the craving to build a classic Diablo 2 character. Looking forward to seeing how it stands up to a hardcore playing bout and trying new characters classes
Fuck it I'm being an idiot, I bought D3 when it was released and I barely touched it. I should be giving that a shot first, even if I don't like the auction house and the skill system.