now i really want to try this update, i played morrowind but never owned it, so i never got far (and for a long time i was level 1 as i didnt know you had to sleep to get levels >_>)
i always figured later on it would be like oblivion but even worse looking, and im the guy that really never liked oblivion so it was a hard sell. with better combat im sure i would love it. i love having a ton of options for characters, even if some of them suck

. i used fireballs in skyrim most of the game despite them sucking hard (in fact,
all elder scrolls magic sucks, it should get more powerful as you level up, not cheaper. id rather throw 2 fireballs that deal 500 damage than 200 fireballs that deal 5 damage, let me be responsible for my mana ffs).
also want to see daggerfall, just cause the map itself is the biggest in any game ever. i believe its literally the size of the state of georgia