So how is diablo 3? Ive been thinking about picking it up for awhile. Worth getting?
its fun, and its easier to get into than ever id say
So how is diablo 3? Ive been thinking about picking it up for awhile. Worth getting?
In order to make it like D2 they need to add some re-playability, get rid of that retarded fucking Auction House (which seems to be one of the top reason people are leaving, and I totally fucking called it the day I heard about it, look back I ranted!) and add some PvP. Did they add PVP yet? Not sure I'm a little behind. Anyway PvP was one of my main draws to Diablo 2 once I'd bested the game in and out. The true thing that kept me coming back was to perfect my character builds and get an item with 1% more damage, just to be sure I could kick ass all over US East. Character builds are important, 1 stat point misspent and I'd seriously restart a character.
That utter perfecting of stats and skills and getting a perfect killing ratio along with the best gear I could find or trade, so I could measure myself against other very good players gave my countless hours of fun. D3 striped most of that out, instead relying on item hunts without any of the other options and building. I could rip through just about any player I came across with maybe 2 or 3 exceptions. Of course I also had a lot more time back then.
Ahhh Diablo 2....
Hell yea! I would love to see Gondor in SKyrimthat sould be so cool!
Just like the morrowind overhaul there's literally HUNDREDS of people helping make it.Not to be a pessimist but unless they have a huge team of truly dedicated people it sounds waaaay too ambitious to be completed, at least not for a very very long time. If it took years to rebuild Morrowind for Oblivion (and it's still not finished) where they already had source material to work with.
I can't see a world 9 times the size of Skyrim being designed, fleshed out and then populated by proper NPC's and quests, plus entirely new inventory and creatures etc etc. If it doesn't die, and the team doesn't have massive turnover they might have it partially done in 10 years or so. lol. Think about it, this would be a "on our free time" type of deal, most people have lives and a job. It's not like an actual studio where making the game IS the job with contracts and income to get the job done.
Just saying... Don't look forward to it any time soon, you'll probably not be playing Skyrim by the time a proper Beta arrives or Alpha for that matter.
And Dawnguard for PS3as a general rule i try not to get excited about something until its almost about to be realised.
this is because i have been waiting for years for:
a new hitman (after like a 5 year wait >_>)
persona 5
ogre battle sequel (they only made 4 out of 7 from the main storyline)
tales of vesperia for ps3 (ended up borrowing an xbox)
yup, plus why bother, within a couple years it'll be all old gen anyway
I say there is at least 3 more DLCs left for Skyrim. The next DLC is supposed to be set in the Nord colony Solstheim from the DLC of Morrowind Bloodmoon.
If it'll make any of you feel ANY better...I have Dawnguard, and it's awesome.