Well Deus Ex HR has been slow going due to lack of time, but so far everything has been awesome besides the boss encounter I had. As I fought him I kept thinking it feels really out of place and rushed, they just had him appear out of nowhere without any story or anything and pitted me in a gunfight? This guy is supposed to be a main nemesis and it was pretty anti-climactic to have him jump out of nowhere and gun him down. So I looked into it a little, Eidos OUTSOURCED the boss fights! That is asinine, it's no wonder it felt so out of place.
That was Daud, the other infamous assassin that also received powers from the Outsider. He is a main part of the story I'm surprised you didn't get who he was. lol. However you're right, that was an awesome boss fight done right. You can simply pick-pocket him to send a message, assassinate him straight out or fight him head on. I think the best option is to fight him, it progresses the story better, and Daud is easily the most fun battle in the game. Since he continuously called off his own assassins from attacking me during our duel, I let him live when given the option. Seemed like the more interesting path to follow.
Anyways I kind of gave myself spoilers in Deus Ex HR by reading about the bosses being outsourced. Now I am expecting more of the same, but I still don't think it takes away from the experience overall. It's a good change of pace to keep me sharp if anything, especially since I've gone entirely stealth up to this point.
I take so damn long cause I am caught up in the Multiplayer and yes its the same dude that spoiled Borderlands 2those two things are mutually exclusive, you cannot both be a spoiler and a friend.
same guy who soiled borderlands 2?. guess you gotta confront him or beat games faster (i actually take forever to finish games now >_>)
Everyone was busy buying WWE 13 and leaving Darksiders 2 in the dust.It sounds like THQ is going to go bankrupt, partially because of the amount of money it poured into Darksiders 2...which is a fantastic game. I wish more people had bought it.