The Gaming Thread

Im surprised considering the success of other games like Saints Row. And yes darksiders 2 deserved more attention. Im getting sick of these annual release cashcow franchises giving the gamers no value and still making shitloads of money while good innovative games get pushed aside. You have fucktards lining up at midnight tp buy a damn near identical COD game to last year with a new 4 hour campaign and then some great game with tons of content and a shitload more effort put into its thought and design gets dismissed.
Im surprised considering the success of other games like Saints Row. And yes darksiders 2 deserved more attention. Im getting sick of these annual release cashcow franchises giving the gamers no value and still making shitloads of money while good innovative games get pushed aside. You have fucktards lining up at midnight tp buy a damn near identical COD game to last year with a new 4 hour campaign and then some great game with tons of content and a shitload more effort put into its thought and design gets dismissed.
4 hour? More like 45 minutes.
So I finally bought a bluray writer. Discs are still too pricey but I got a bundle deal. I have like 2TB of data to back up and there is no way in hell Im doing that on DVDs! It would be like 500 of them :lol:. At those numbers I think dvd would habe cost more too. I love that I can get an entire TV series on 1 or 2 bluray discs too.
Im surprised considering the success of other games like Saints Row. And yes darksiders 2 deserved more attention. Im getting sick of these annual release cashcow franchises giving the gamers no value and still making shitloads of money while good innovative games get pushed aside. You have fucktards lining up at midnight tp buy a damn near identical COD game to last year with a new 4 hour campaign and then some great game with tons of content and a shitload more effort put into its thought and design gets dismissed.

Then you have ip's such as Grand Theft Auto that have what I would consider to be a lot of titles under their belt, however they do it right by putting apt time into the new titles and let time pass so that the fundementals of gaming are slightly different as a whole when a new title releases. How many CoD games have come out since GTA 4? Hell, how many Halo games have? This industry is ridiculous.
Yeah they really upped everything (except scale) in GTA 4, it's surprisingly my favorite in the series and I say that as a fan since the very first game on Playstation 1. I can honestly say I remember the first time I walked out of the starting safehouse vividly, because I remember feeling like I'd jsut walked into GTA bliss. The game felt so different and refined, and looked amazing after having played the PS2 era of GTA games for years which were comparably cartoony and rigid.

That's not to knock the PS2 era, I played GTA 3 for hours and hours on end when it came out and San Andreas is damn epic. I just think GTA 4 refined everything that made the series great into a perfect package. I am really hoping that GTA 5 will take it further and make a more diverse larger world, and I'm sure that's what they will do. ...And they better release it on PC so I can mod the shit out of it.:)
what if it was the size of a dime? then it would be impressive :D

hitman: absolution is so far awesome. just like the old ones with some new things. the controls feel a lot more solid and fluid than the other games (old ones you couldnt aim down sights, but rather switched from 3rd person to first). im playing on expert, which is one step below purist, which is no HUD no map, max enemies, no instinct (used for walking past people who would recognise you arent what your disguise would imply).

only complaint i have is that im on the fourth level and 2/3 "assassinations" ive commited were cinematics, so i didnt get to do the killing. the levels themselves are pretty open, usually seperated into a few parts. these parts have many ways to tackle objectives. there are checkpoints (a new part) which are akin to the saves you could have in the old game (and purist has no checkpoints, just levels). on expert they are quite far apart too >_>. ive played it about 5 hours so far. i would say one level was only one part, the rest are 2-4 parts. takes probably an hour or two to complete some of the bigger levels, im partway through the fourth level and i just said fuck it, im just gonna kill guys when i need to"
The "new goddamn Xbox" looks like a bastard child of a PS2 and biscuit tin

The "new goddamn Xbox" looks like a bastard child of a PS2 and biscuit tin

:lol: It does look like a biscuit tin. The ultimate troll christmas present.

Step 1: buy a biscuit tin and paint it to look like an XBox 720, microwave some popcorn when done

Step 2: watch person open their new Xbox in confusion to discover tasty cookies.

Step 3: eat popcorn and watch ensueing tantrum.

Step 4 : ?

Step 5:Profit
i see a lot of trolls on the diablo forum. i tend to fall for it because it is very difficult for me to separate people being intentionally inflammatory, and people who are actually ignorant :lol:.

and who doesnt love a good internet fight? :lol:. although this is really the only forum i talk about games on. usually there is a wide variety of games people like on here. most of us have been around for a while so things tend not to get too far out of hand. not too many new people with something to prove haha.
:lol:! not sure how i would feel about that...on the one hand i dont have a new xbox, on the other...i would have a great tin of cookies.

...and the average player of call of duty is definitely an older, mature audience :lol:
I meant to say that too, most people playing COD sound like 5 year olds and then proceed to saying their in high school when I've never heard someone in my school who still sounds like a little kid. Doesn't make sense, why try to hide your age when its obvious you haven't even hit puberty yet? I sound pretty much the same as I did when I was 11 and i'm 16...

I actually don't mind the 720's aesthetics.

Oh yeah I forgot you're a 'troll'.
I'm not a troll. I HAVE trolled (especially on YT a couple of times) but that doesn't make me a full time troll. I was completely serious, most of my older friends have kids that think GTA is the best game series ever.