damn fellas, if you havent played silent hill downpour you should. the game is one of the best silent hills ive ever played (played 2, 3 and homecoming). i think me and my gf are like halfway through now, and damn the story is so fucked up!
we get to this bank, and i stroll on through trying to defeat these waves of enemies (i was playing, she wanted to play SH but was too scared
). if you defeat them all you get bonus stuff. anyway i died because...well they introduce a new enemy who was pretty badass.
so i hand the controller off to her "its not scary, we know whats gonna happen, just combat really". so she decides to give this a shot. in one try....using only one medkit. havent seen something so badass in forever. at one point shes fighting a heavier enemy, a brawler and her weapon breaks, and she fuckin just goes to town on this guy with her fists. beats the crap out of him and curb stomps him as a finisher. the last wave comes (that finished me) and she just whips the pistol out and puts them down in like 2 seconds. (our reward was more pistol ammo than she spent)
leans over, gives me a kiss and gives this face ^_^. shit dudes i think im in love...
we get to this bank, and i stroll on through trying to defeat these waves of enemies (i was playing, she wanted to play SH but was too scared

so i hand the controller off to her "its not scary, we know whats gonna happen, just combat really". so she decides to give this a shot. in one try....using only one medkit. havent seen something so badass in forever. at one point shes fighting a heavier enemy, a brawler and her weapon breaks, and she fuckin just goes to town on this guy with her fists. beats the crap out of him and curb stomps him as a finisher. the last wave comes (that finished me) and she just whips the pistol out and puts them down in like 2 seconds. (our reward was more pistol ammo than she spent)
leans over, gives me a kiss and gives this face ^_^. shit dudes i think im in love...