The Gaming Thread

By the way its rumored to have Adaptive Reality and VR. What is this the 90s?

The fact that the Xbox 360 is not called 'the RPG-A-TRON 6000' and lacks decals of pikachu tentacle raping a doe eyed school girl is the real reason for this monstrosity.

Upgradable parts as well. Let me guess only licensed Xbox accessories will be compatible with it.


Copying a move from apple I see LOL with how you have to buy a specific graphics card made by apple for the Macs.



I'd rather build a decent gaming PC that will be up to date for the next 8 years than to have a limited console.

What a joke
With me I am hoping for Q2 of 2014 they have just introduced Smart glass for android iphone and windows phones along with tablets. I mean they just gave the Xbox Dashboard a whole new over haul. I just don't get why they updated the Xbox 360 with all these new add ons if they are going to release a new system in the next year. That's a waste of software if you ask me. Just like everyone thought this year a new system was going to be announced at E3 but it wasn't.

What about our 360 games will we still be able to play them as well?
^haha i always liked playing rpgs with friends, someones trying to get me into league lf legends...but im just not sold on free to play.

i never play with joakim an stefan again :( i want to play with jew

D3? i still play all the time ^_^. anyone who has it can feel free to add me (isolation#1274).
haha im sure ive got some neat legendaries or something people can have :). got a wizard and demon hunter at level 60, witch doctor at level 54, and a level 10 monk/barbarian.

Edit: i play on north american server, so if youre on eu or asia we cant play :(

i have no idea why Agent 47 decided to put them this way, but he did it on several attempts of this level

EDIT: fucked up the whole page <3
I've actually only tackled the Torque one thus far, but yeah, it was funny, has some fun boss fights and many booms. At the end you can unlock raid versions of the bosses. Main story quest had enough content to take me from lvl 34 to 36.
^haha i always liked playing rpgs with friends, someones trying to get me into league lf legends...but im just not sold on free to play.

D3? i still play all the time ^_^. anyone who has it can feel free to add me (isolation#1274).
haha im sure ive got some neat legendaries or something people can have :). got a wizard and demon hunter at level 60, witch doctor at level 54, and a level 10 monk/barbarian.

Edit: i play on north american server, so if youre on eu or asia we cant play :(

I know that you still play, and i try to add you once, but like you said, we play in different servers T.T. I start playing in eu server thinking "I can change it later"... and I forgot xD
I'm probably going to get Farcry 3 but it is not a priority so far. Farcry 1 was enjoyable but failed in areas it should have taken advantage of with its setting (Crysis made up for that so it's okay), and I just could not get into Farcry 2 even though it seems a lot of people liked it. Farcry 3 looks like it's probably an awesome game but I thought the same thing about the first two and wasn't really hooked in for the price. I'll wait for a sale I think unless I'm convinced otherwise.
well i'll explain what i liked about farcry 2 (never played 1).

-open world, you can pretty much go anywhere, theres always bad guys around to fight, safe houses to check out. tons of quests to go on to advance the story and tons of sidequests to unlock guns and upgrades
-guns are awesome, there were so many in FC2. the best part imo was how you could upgrade them, and this is supposed to be a bit deeper. it was worth finding guns and putting them in your safehouses (put it in one, you find in all). if you pick up a gun from a random guy, it will look all dirty. it will then have a chance to jam when youre firing. i love stuff like that i guess haha, as its so intense in the middle of a firefight when you have to unjam your weapon.
-gorgeous world, you can see forever and the jungle looked great in FC2. there were mountains you would visit, going down rivers, out in the desert.
-because it was a pure single player game, the story was actually really cool i found :D. you choose a mercenary thrust into this world, make friends with the locals, do jobs for the different factions and see if you can get close enough to the boss to put a bullet between his eyes. betrayals, ambushes...whole thing was madness :D

if it isnt your game it isnt :). the old ones never had a multiplayer, and FC3 looks like an afterthought. these are actually long single player experiences. i think i got 14 hours on one playthrough of normal mode in FC2.