The Gaming Thread


:lol: Excellent use of feelbro.
^I HATED peoples complaints about the flashlight being separate before. It was an important mechanic imo and added a ton to the game.

it mainly felt ridiculous being a bad ass marine on mars in the future and they don't have duct tape or weapons with built in flashlights. you should at least have been able to use the flashlight in combination with the hand gun :p

anyway, the game was pretty shitty
Im not far at all in Dark Souls but I like that it fucks you hard right off the start. :lol:. I thought I was supposed to beat the Asylum demon with the broken sword at first. I kept thinking "Wow they were not kidding about difficulty. Here I am with nothing but a hilt and Im fighting a giant demon and I dont even know the controls!". Then I saw the escape. That seemed a bit harsh even for a difficult game
Im not far at all in Dark Souls but I like that it fucks you hard right off the start. :lol:. I thought I was supposed to beat the Asylum demon with the broken sword at first. I kept thinking "Wow they were not kidding about difficulty. Here I am with nothing but a hilt and Im fighting a giant demon and I dont even know the controls!". Then I saw the escape. That seemed a bit harsh even for a difficult game

:lol: yeah in demons souls you start off similar. youre supposed to lose to that one so i did. was shocked to find you cannot just die to him to progress, you have to find a sword and kill him :(.

lots of sidequests to be had, wait until the world opens up, and you realize you just have to press on, rarely with any guidance or maps or hints. its so hard but every inch of progression feels epic.
Well after playing some more I have to say that it's not really that unforgiving a game so far. It is difficult to be certain but if you're patient and take the time to use the bonfire frequently you don't really lose much other than having to re-fight enemies. I actually found the amount of potions you can have to be very lenient, I thought I would be fighting for my life with no potions or maybe 1 or 2 spread over long distances but I can heal basically any time.

So far my worst enemy has been the controls, I'm having a hard time adjusting to them. I don't care for the controller layout at all, I'm constantly drinking potions, dodging randomly and switching between one and two hand stances when I mean to attack. Also the kick/jump attack is basically useless since it seems to be a gamble of getting it to work, and in an intense fight trying to get a kick in there gets me killed every time. Seriously I wish I could change these controls it's getting me killed in places I know I'd utterly destroy if I wasn't always consciously thinking about my button layout. I have to think before reacting rather than simply reacting naturally, and it makes it very frustrating to know I can do much much better but I keep pressing the wrong damn buttons.

The enemies must think I'm a raging alcoholic schizo that is too busy puzzling over my sword stance to attack or block or parry, before diving off a cliff to my doom. :lol:

Edit : If I sound like I'm trashing it I'm not. Just need to get a feel for the control scheme I think, it's really awkward to my style of play.
you're trying to say you found doom 3 scary? :erk:

It was a little scary I would say. I immersed myself in it pretty heavily and I was constantly freaking out over the little things, especially any bathroom or confined area that left me cornered in the dark. I found it much scarier than Dead Space, I waltzed through Dead space like it was a Mario game, and Dead Space was supposed to be survival horror.
you can't even compare amnesia to doom 3, it's like comparing the ring with scream :lol:

Mind you I'm not comparing them , merely stating you can't muse over me getting some frights out of it till you get on ny level and balls your way through Amnesia ;).

But yea, at the time Doom 3 gave me frights for sure. Due to how it was graphically compared to other shit at the time, the fact that its approach hadn't been done to death yet at the time, etc. Sure, it didn't get to me like silent hill 2 or anything, but still.