The Gaming Thread

Well after playing some more I have to say that it's not really that unforgiving a game so far. It is difficult to be certain but if you're patient and take the time to use the bonfire frequently you don't really lose much other than having to re-fight enemies. I actually found the amount of potions you can have to be very lenient, I thought I would be fighting for my life with no potions or maybe 1 or 2 spread over long distances but I can heal basically any time.

So far my worst enemy has been the controls, I'm having a hard time adjusting to them. I don't care for the controller layout at all, I'm constantly drinking potions, dodging randomly and switching between one and two hand stances when I mean to attack. Also the kick/jump attack is basically useless since it seems to be a gamble of getting it to work, and in an intense fight trying to get a kick in there gets me killed every time. Seriously I wish I could change these controls it's getting me killed in places I know I'd utterly destroy if I wasn't always consciously thinking about my button layout. I have to think before reacting rather than simply reacting naturally, and it makes it very frustrating to know I can do much much better but I keep pressing the wrong damn buttons.

The enemies must think I'm a raging alcoholic schizo that is too busy puzzling over my sword stance to attack or block or parry, before diving off a cliff to my doom. :lol:

Edit : If I sound like I'm trashing it I'm not. Just need to get a feel for the control scheme I think, it's really awkward to my style of play.

That's how everyone feels on the first day.
At first the controls feel very clunky, but by the end you'll realize how precise they are.

Also, it doesn't get truly "hard" until some of the boss battles. And Blighttown.
Just like with any old-school styled game (i.e. Megaman), it's all memory. Once you figure out the patterns to thing, it's not too bad.

But yeah, there are some bosses in this game that will severely destroy your will to live. Get back to me when you've fought the Capra Daemon, Iron Golem, or Ornstein/Smough.
Amnesia is excellent, if you love horror as much as I know you do you should go through it or at least further in. Unless it really is unenjoyable.

It's weird that most movies don't scare me too much but games are able to get me going. Even as a kid there were only a couple movies that got me, and yet Doom 1 was fuckin scary sometimes, especially in a dark maze with a bunch of Pinky's. I know it sounds absurd now but when Doom came out it was considered a jump-worthy game and was noted for having scares. Especially when you consider that most people played strictly on the keyboard control scheme (no mouse), which was clunky and made you weak to those ambush moments.

But yea, at the time Doom 3 gave me frights for sure. Due to how it was graphically compared to other shit at the time, the fact that its approach hadn't been done to death yet at the time.

I think iD software tried to roll with that scary part of the first Doom games too much when they created Doom 3. I enjoyed Doom 3 and I still think it was a bit scary when it came out and I'd never seen lighting so advanced and moody before, but the heart of the original Doom games was excellent gunfights, tight controls and carnage. I think iD Software learned from Doom 3's long term reception though, and I'm hoping Doom 4 will manage to blend kick-ass action with the horror aspects, and still keep the narrative elements intact.

Now that I'm getting used to Dark souls control layout I'm doing fewer retarded things and kicking more ass. I just had to break myself of the usual control scheme of hack and slash games. Sometimes I still fumble a little in a really intense fight but overall the controls are solid. It's a pretty fun game, I've been playing all day :lol:
yeah, learn the controls, and take each enemy as a threat. love it for that, no fodder just action. i must say a second playthrough is already more enjoyable because i recognize most of it haha

i dont think i ever found doom scary. when i was a kid it was really obvious that it was not real. but it was still cool...get farther and farther...dat first day you first found BFG9000. was really difficult near the end. played it through on ultra violence as an adult and it was a blast.

doom 3 i guess was the same, although there are just tense moments with the flashlight, first time playing. im playing on the hardest difficulty it lets me and its challenging. i found it scary backtracking for health after reaching some codes, only to watch the door be ripped down and 2 imps come out, those guys are fast if you let them get the upper hand.
cant wait to get further
It was a little scary I would say. I immersed myself in it pretty heavily and I was constantly freaking out over the little things, especially any bathroom or confined area that left me cornered in the dark. I found it much scarier than Dead Space, I waltzed through Dead space like it was a Mario game, and Dead Space was supposed to be survival horror.

the first couple of scares were, but then it just got too predictable, there were always something behind you or whatever :p

doom 1&2 had a much more creepy scaryness imo, for its time at least

i really want to play through amnesia some time, but it's just too much :lol:
Is there really only two of us in here that have finished Amnesia? Holy vagina squad, that survey that pegged women as 40% of gamers was clearly wrong. By these numbers its looking more like 80%.
i have amnesia, but i guess i never had any interest in it. just seems like myst.

im not saying im super brave though either :lol:, like i said, hadnt played it
Amnesia was just too stressful for me.
There's no peaks and valleys to it. It's just perpetual dread of what is coming around the next corner. I think you need a minute to feel "safe" every now and then for the longevity of the game.

I feel this way with all games, even ones that aren't horror.
Like I really dislike shooters where it's just CONSTANT ACTION ALL THE TIME SO MANY FUCKING EXPLOSIONS AND BULLETS. But some people love that shit.

Amnesia is a fantastic fucking game. From what I played of it, I enjoyed. But I haven't felt compelled to pick it up again because of the reason above.
i guess im just used to survival horror. i enjoy being able to defend myself, but that feeling of dread when youre like damn.....only got one clip of bullets left and 2 shotgun shells...must make only headshots from now on.

Because Amnesia wasn't scary enough.

I looked into this. It reminds me a lot of Slender. I think this game has potential to be honest, I was unnerved by the first creature you come across and with lots of polishing this game could be pretty awesome. I like that you are in control of your blinking, and if you take your eyes of the creature or blink it will jump closer to you. Speaking of low-budget horror games....


Some of you may have heard about this already, but this game is fucking creepy as hell. it's a very short and free game that is worth taking a few minutes to play if you want something very effective at scaring you. It's simple, you start out in the woods at night and try to collect all of the notes/pages scattered around the world. After you pick up the first one Slender Man will spawn somewhere on the map and the more you collect the scarier and more frantic the game becomes as you try to escape him with nothing but a flashlight. If you use the flashlight Slender man finds you faster though. It's made even scarier by adding more ambient horror sounds each time you find a note. It's so simple yet one of the most effective horror games I've ever played, and I think it will at the very least scare almost anyone the first time (and beyond I would think due to the psychological nature)
Yeah, I played Slender for a second (because that's really about as long as it is), but I see it more as a tech demo. Once you get killed once it's like "Well, cool...I've shit my pants, and that's enough of that". But it's not like there is any real gameplay there.

Still awesome though and it's a funny story.
I had my wife play it and it terrified her (because we live in the woods). Well after that, I noticed that she had put this really nice picture of some woods as her desktop background. I commented on it once and she said something like "yeah, they are really cool trees! Sometimes I just look in the background because it seems like there is something JUST behind the fog".

So being the artist that I am, I had to fuck with her. I replace the image with this:

..which is the exact same image except for a subtle addition.
It took about 2 months but she finally saw it and shit bricks.

The long cons are always the best.
Nice. :lol:. It took me a few to find him and I was looking for it.

Yeah that's pretty much why I said play it for a few minutes, because that's about all it takes to play it and it's no work to obtain it haha. They are making a full game now so that should be interesting

This is good news seeing they released a rushed game and didn't add file share.

Yeah, I played Slender for a second (because that's really about as long as it is), but I see it more as a tech demo. Once you get killed once it's like "Well, cool...I've shit my pants, and that's enough of that". But it's not like there is any real gameplay there.

Still awesome though and it's a funny story.
I had my wife play it and it terrified her (because we live in the woods). Well after that, I noticed that she had put this really nice picture of some woods as her desktop background. I commented on it once and she said something like "yeah, they are really cool trees! Sometimes I just look in the background because it seems like there is something JUST behind the fog".

So being the artist that I am, I had to fuck with her. I replace the image with this:

..which is the exact same image except for a subtle addition.
It took about 2 months but she finally saw it and shit bricks.

The long cons are always the best.

:lol: Awesome. Extremely subtle, but perfect.