The Gaming Thread

There's no information I could use there, maybe you didn't read my question. I don't have time to watch playthroughs for hours either so anyone who has played the DLC, (this has absolutely fucking nothing to do with glitches or the fact that they are "fucked up") on any console would be helpful.
I remember the good old days when if you couldn't figure a game out it remained unbeaten on your game shelve, almost branding the low IQ on you.

Now...there is the internet.
You had to buy a strategy guide. The internet kicked online guides into gear around the time of PS1 and N64 with sites like gamefaqs and dedicated console sites. Now everything gets a wiki which makes it really easy to solve issues.

I try really hard not to use guides though, I ruined the experience of a great RPG long ago by following a walkthrough the whole time and missing tge chance to solve things and make good discoveries on my own. I almost consulted Gamefaqs for Dark Souls recently because I was wandering arpund lost for fucking hours but I made it through without looking. Awesome game BTW I was quite happy when I beat it

Not really, but I am still pissed off about it. I am trying to help EffigyForgotten but he aint go no time for my link.

I've used that wiki among others (Fallout 3/New Vegas) to find all the help for weapons, tactics, skills etc, and sometimes help in questlines if i'm stuck but as I already said their is no information I could use there, if there is I would have to read through tons of shit, or on YT I would have to browse through videos all day.

I need someone who has played the DLC (DOESN'T FUCKING MATTER WHAT FUCKING CONSOLE) to tell me if i'm glitched and the door I spoke of was the only way out, or there is something i'm suppose to do at the point in the DLC that I can't seem to find.

:lol: That is awesome. I have been playing Diablo 2 solo lately for fun. I only play like an hour at a time because I get bored fast thanks to my sinking thousands of hours into it, but it's still a rewarding game. I tried soloing using /players 6 but it got too slow moving so I am going for /players 3 alone. Nightmare has proven to be a problem there, I need to level faster.

I need someone who has played the DLC (DOESN'T FUCKING MATTER WHAT FUCKING CONSOLE) to tell me if i'm glitched and the door I spoke of was the only way out, or there is something i'm suppose to do at the point in the DLC that I can't seem to find.

Yeah you just need someone to confirm if you missed something within the actual quest so you can continue. If I had played the DLC I would help you out but I've been putting Skyrim off since my first character so I could dive in with mods and DLC's later and enjoy the game all over. For now I'm doing the Crysis Trilogy though. Just about to beat 2.

By the way, I consistently like your avatars even if you occasionally piss me off :lol:
Thanks :lol:

Yeah I must have missed something or there is some kind of puzzle (that has to do with the shout you get at the point i'm at I suppose)

Crysis 3 is possibly the best action game I've ever played, as some of you may know, I'm a fan of "stealth" kind of gameplay and Crysis 3 is pretty much based on that, and does it fucking excellently. The graphics were quite epic as well, and to add on top of all that I was high the entire time I played it.
Stealth has been my gameplay style of choice since ES3 : Morrowind made me take sneaking more serious actually. Stealth games before that were pretty laughable. I have played almost every game that way ever since. I am actually better at the run and gun style because I'm a Doom-child and I have quick headshot reflexes, but it's not nearly as rewarding as studying a situation and utterly kicking the enemies ass without them ever knowing what hit them.
guides ruined games for me. played all of majoras mask with a guide page by page. when i was done i never wanted to play it again. been waiting a good 10 years to forget it all and start over.

diablo 3 has pvp now :lol:, but it sucks, just like it always has :).

hardcore mode solves many of those problems :p. (no rmah at least)

*contains nerd rage*

:lol: just kidding around, but i am at about 1400 hours now, most in hardcore. im ranked 14 in north america, or 25. depends on which site you go by i guess