The Gaming Thread

Apparently there is a fringe group of rebels bitching that they now have to spend time playing the game to get good items. I quote...

"How is this a good thing?! I have other things to do in my life than spend time looking for items Diablo is about killing monstrs, and I cnat kill them without good gear. You guys are destroying this game by doing this and Im not wasting my time looking for gear when I should buy it."

WTF??? I'd like to say it's a troll but my guess is that there are some people that legitimately just want to buy their way through the game and never earn.

I re-iterate, RMAH is basically paid cheating. That's all it is, you pay to get ahead rather than do it the right way and earn it.

K done nao
yea haha, there was a guy who spent several thousand to be #1 in hardcore. ill admit, he played a lot too lol. i have good characters...but this guy carries everyone he plays with lol.

ruins the fun of it though :p, i just played, used what i liked and sold what i didnt
So I thought Id give AC2 a look, it does seem to be more streamlined and has more to do. It is very similar but a bit more focused and with less repetition. Also a much better story, Ezio's story actually draws you in while I dont even know who AC1's protagonist is really. It just throws you into his shoes.

It doesn't matter how good the story is (and it's not actually), it will get repetitive trust me. Plus, Ezio's accent is just plain awful. It's such a big turn off.. at least Altair was kind of sexy.. in a very weird way.
No that's just Hox. He drops in from the grim frostbitten mountains every so often to semi-troll us and then disappears for months :lol:. He used to post fairly often.
Nobody seems to be mean to me in this forum. You're all very friendly. How adorable.

We are only mean if you are monoxide_child, and he brought it on himself by posting really stupid and annoying things no one wanted to see or hear. Oddly there isn't a whole lot of bad blood around here, everyone seems to get along really well. I wish I could meet everyone that posts on here honestly.

It doesn't matter how good the story is (and it's not actually), it will get repetitive trust me. Plus, Ezio's accent is just plain awful. It's such a big turn off.. at least Altair was kind of sexy.. in a very weird way.

I have not gotten that far into the story still, but I meant more in terms of introductions and having a sort of origin story for Ezio. Altair was just this random guy that magically loses his abilities and has to earn them back.

It is still kind of repetitive but it seems to be streamlined enough that I'm not as bored with the combat as I was in the first and there isn't as much bland traveling that requires me to constantly switch between sprinting and blending. It's all handled much better in AC2, even your notoriety is much better. In the first even running past a guard alerted them, at least you can run around freely now. I might push into the game more tonight.
I wish I could meet everyone that posts on here honestly.

Well, there are a lot of internet psychos you know. I must advise against ;)

I have not gotten that far into the story still, but I meant more in terms of introductions and having a sort of origin story for Ezio. Altair was just this random guy that magically loses his abilities and has to earn them back.

It is still kind of repetitive but it seems to be streamlined enough that I'm not as bored with the combat as I was in the first and there isn't as much bland traveling that requires me to constantly switch between sprinting and blending. It's all handled much better in AC2, even your notoriety is much better. In the first even running past a guard alerted them, at least you can run around freely now. I might push into the game more tonight.

Yes, you didn't know anything about Altair and yes you'll know a lot about Ezio and his family. Unfortunately, that doesn't help much. AC2 is far bigger than AC1, and there's no story in this world that can stop you from getting bored. You'll end up doing almost the same stuff over and over, but this time it will take you longer to finish. So, good luck with that ;)