The Gaming Thread

God damn I have spent like 300$ on skins and keys I won't lie, it's addicting. You're way higher rank than me I float between gold and high silver, fuckin nub! Funny cause I've been playing cs since it was like .2 mod for Half Life.
Yes, it is addicting. I curse Gabe every time I open some shit in his lame ass cases and yet I keep buying them.
I would probably have lower rank, but im playing dust2 only, I feel like I could be blindfolded and navigate this map moderately good lol. If only I was better at aiming and my body was flooding me with adrenaline every time situation gets intense I could probably rank higher but oh well, I dont really care about ranks, just want to have some fun.
So its confirmed that DA:I is shit. Cant say im surprised, they focused only on political correctness of their game, buttcrack licking and "enviroments" but they failed at that.

Glad I pirated it, but its a waste of HDD space anyway.
Of course, it's 2014 and they made absolutely disgusting females for both black and white races. Thanks to that feminist activists shall be pleased. There is more homosexual options in game than heterosexual for men.
And I will ask again, where are asian characters? They will probably show up as soon as asians will start screaming "racism", but they are too reasonable to do that.

Changing topic to Witcher 3, judging by the character designs (it's heavly westernised and some characters look like they wear gear from 5 different dungeons from terrible MMOs) it has a high chance to fail as well, especially thanks to deals with the microsoft and Collectors Edition fiasco.
Sadly, im a whore for limited editions and I wont cancel my preorder for CE :/
Of course, it's 2014 and they made absolutely disgusting females for both black and white races. Thanks to that feminist activists shall be pleased. There is more homosexual options in game than heterosexual for men.
And I will ask again, where are asian characters? They will probably show up as soon as asians will start screaming "racism", but they are too reasonable to do that.

Changing topic to Witcher 3, judging by the character designs (it's heavly westernised and some characters look like they wear gear from 5 different dungeons from terrible MMOs) it has a high chance to fail as well, especially thanks to deals with the microsoft and Collectors Edition fiasco.
Sadly, im a whore for limited editions and I wont cancel my preorder for CE :/

dragon age is for girls.
Of course, it's 2014 and they made absolutely disgusting females for both black and white races. Thanks to that feminist activists shall be pleased. There is more homosexual options in game than heterosexual for men.
And I will ask again, where are asian characters? They will probably show up as soon as asians will start screaming "racism", but they are too reasonable to do that.

For someone that claims sex is over-rated you certainly seem to be more concerned with relationships in an epic open world game than the actual core of the game itself. Who cares dude they are scripted, computer generated NPCs, not the object of your affection. If you want to throw away what seems to be one of the best games of the year over not being able to bang a dwarf that's your loss I guess. You may as well disown pizza because you don't like the how the box looks.
I dont care for relationships in this game since there is no dwarf female, but terrible character design is fact and the game sucking (ok, it's better so far than DA2 but even being fucked by a pack of gorillas is better than this) is also a fact.

Combat is boring, tactical mode is bullshit, graphics are only decent (again, its 2014, I upgraded my PC and this is shit, I could model better stuff in sims2 or any current MMO like ArcheAge or EVEonline.

As RPG this game fails, it was hyped too much for what it's offering. And those reviews...
""The general consensus was that Dragon Age 2 was the ultimate RPG experience to date, PC gamer crowned it the RPG of the decade. With such high expectations most developers would be afraid to even attempt expanding on such greatness, Bioware not only attempted, they succeed."
I didnt hear so much bullshit since an interview with top politicians.
Btw, 5.5 on Metacritic, looks like im not the only one "complaining". 5-6 is best I could do for DA:I and im not willing to test it further. If Witcher 3 fails i will be done with RPGs in this decade.
And thats why we will never be pro gamers. I wouldnt call it stress, but my body is pumping too much adrenaline = shaking hands, good luck aiming those headshots :(
True, same thing happens to me in CS when I'm the clutch in an important round. Hands start trembling, freaking out can't think. That's how I feel the whole time playing Starcraft when I'm sober, it sucks. Why I choose to play such competitive games I dunno lol.

Btw add me on Steam guys, grieverr
I tried to do a stream for the first time in forever, after a long winning streak at the end of last season I have been struggling in the new season that just started. Of course, the game I try to broadcast was beyond infuriating.

Let's just say that it's a good thing I ordered a new headset last week...
I'm getting the new Dragon Age. I fucking loved Origins, hated the second and this seems to be a mix of the both so I might like it who knows. I need a break from the evil Starcraft.
True, same thing happens to me in CS when I'm the clutch in an important round. Hands start trembling, freaking out can't think. That's how I feel the whole time playing Starcraft when I'm sober, it sucks. Why I choose to play such competitive games I dunno lol.

Btw add me on Steam guys, grieverr

I added you. What rank are you in CSGO?

Also, git skins git gud, n00b!