The Gaming Thread

I finished it this weekend. As a huge GOT fan I thought it was fucking awesome. Definitely captures the feel of the show. If you liked past Telltale games and the show, definitely get it.

I never played the Witcher 1 but I thought Witcher 2 was fantastic. Don't really understand how someone could find that boring, unless they just don't like RPG's at all.

I don't like suspense. The wait between "The Wolf Among Us" episodes was annoying as hell. I'm only going to get it when all episodes released :p
See what you do? You project an opinion before experiencing something thereby effecting how you will experience it itself by the time you actually take it in. You're a fan of self sabotage.

Its still better than making yourself hyped and then "enjoying" the steaming pile of shit in your mouth. I'd rather be pleasantly surprised than dissapointed.
I still have not played Dragon Age 3, but it seems to have a lot of people that are butthurt giving it a flat out 0 on metacritic rather than a constructive and honest breakdown of the game. I can't trust jaded opinions that are obviously not being objective so until I have played it myself I will not judge it. I'm waiting for the glitches to be dealt with so I get to play it as it was intended.

And fanboys are giving it 10/10 after 1 hour of playing. That's why, when you use metacritic for big titles you usually should, just in case, remove 2 points from the score.

Im far from giving any game 1/10 or 10/10. Wouldnt even rate my fav horror games 10/10, even silent hill is like 9,5/10 because of stupid reasons. Dragon Age 3 is 4/10 for me, but im not a teenager anymore, i cant be bothered and i dont have time to play games that are below avarage. Retro shit games are at least fun for a while, modern shit games are just... Well, shit.

dragon age is bad because the females models arent great, skyrim is bad because theres no dwarves, evil within is bad because the controls werent great (not unplayable, just less than perfect) etc etc.

Your memory is bad :(
DA sucks becasue of a lot of reasons, skyrims is mediocre because of copypaste locations, shitton of bugs and being too fuckin easy, evil within is unplayable on PC for me, its a console game, shoouldnt be on PC at all in its current state.
Just finished another session in Contagion after half year break. Its such a great experiance on coop when played on hard. One fuckup and you lose hour progress, no crosshair, ammo is very limited, random ammo and gun locations, locations also randomised. Great game to kill time while waiting for left4dead 3
*missed the point*

im oing through my library to find old games i want to play. i might make a run through of dark souls again just because i want to restart a file when being a cleric was badass and not just mediocre (ie ds2 :lol:)

need to find my ps3 controller

I would play this game, horror game with adventure, rpg and fps elements? Yes, please, but Unicef and game indsutry are pussies and they will never release such title. Shame. Thats what i actually expect from video game. Emotions, not another call of doody
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Started playing War Thunder, free to play WW2 dogfighting simulator. It has 3 levels of realism and the first two you can play with mouse and keyboard no problem, actually easier than using a flight stick. On full sim I can't even land a plane to pass the tutorial to play online so I'm sticking with arcade and realistic for now lol. Graphics are awesome too, check'r out if your bored it's great if you like WW2/flying games.
Just gave Evil Within another try. Since the controls are cancer I used gamepad aaaaaand, the controls still suck, but whatever.

The game is NOT scary at all, how dares it to call itself oldschool survival horror. Childish gore is not scary. Combat is terrible, boss fights dont even get me started. I could deal with all of it but not the fact that the game just isnt horror. Therefore I rate it 3.5/10, avoid at all cost unless you have too much free time and you are masochist. Soundtrack is passable.
Started playing War Thunder, free to play WW2 dogfighting simulator. It has 3 levels of realism and the first two you can play with mouse and keyboard no problem, actually easier than using a flight stick. On full sim I can't even land a plane to pass the tutorial to play online so I'm sticking with arcade and realistic for now lol. Graphics are awesome too, check'r out if your bored it's great if you like WW2/flying games.

I've been playing War Thunder for a while now, I've logged about a hundred hours in it. It's absolutely the best action-flying game out there, however the grind can be pretty long to get new planes - but yeah it's awesome!
Just started Walking Dead by telltale, I was avoiding it for a long time, but since I dont have anything worth to play now im trying it out. I wont change my mind that I hate the graphics, i have nothing against bad graphics but I just hate stylised ones, dont know why. Maybe my brain sees it as "they didnt want to put much effort in their game so they just did some poor models and stuff".

But so far I like the voice acting and dialogues. Not a fan of QTE or "combat" because controls feels clunky, they are not bad but far from perfect.
I wouldnt mind if i had extra 5 seconds to make a decision what to say. I consider myself a fast reader, but as soon as im done reading my options i have like 2 seconds to make a decision. I didnt misslick so far, but it will happen eventually. If the story is worth it I will keep playing.
Just started Walking Dead by telltale, I was avoiding it for a long time, but since I dont have anything worth to play now im trying it out. I wont change my mind that I hate the graphics, i have nothing against bad graphics but I just hate stylised ones, dont know why. Maybe my brain sees it as "they didnt want to put much effort in their game so they just did some poor models and stuff".

But so far I like the voice acting and dialogues. Not a fan of QTE or "combat" because controls feels clunky, they are not bad but far from perfect.
I wouldnt mind if i had extra 5 seconds to make a decision what to say. I consider myself a fast reader, but as soon as im done reading my options i have like 2 seconds to make a decision. I didnt misslick so far, but it will happen eventually. If the story is worth it I will keep playing.

It's definitely worth it. I'm not a fan of the walking dead premise (zombie apocalypse and survival games etc) but the game was definitely very enjoyable.

I highly recommend "The Wolf Among Us" as well. It has a better premise (dark versions of characters from popular fairytales) and a lot more refined gameplay when compared to both the Walking Dead games.
I just finished 2 episodes so far, I wish sometimes I had more option to react to something, because in episode 2 i was knowing whats going on faaar before characters knew and couldnt do anything but its a good game. And hey, it's a game with a child that doesnt piss me off. Well, Duck sucks and I hope he will die suffering, but Clem is fine.
payday 2 i seem to always return to, i love that once you hit level 100 you can restart (well, up to 5 times, which is a solid couple hundred hours i think). im like 2-89.

been playing dark souls 2 as well, will play 1 again if i can ever find my controller. lol havent made it far, ive mostly just made 4 level 80 characters :lol:
And I finished 1st season of Walking Dead. Fucking hell, it's been since Silent Hill 2 when the game made me shed a tear. This game had amazing voice acting. I could still complain about the graphics and controlls but fuck it, immersion was fantastic.