The Gaming Thread

I hyped on vain.

September 1st is really terrible release date for me and there will by no physical release for PC it seems, so that means no CE for me and it pisses me off greatly. Kinda douche move.
I finally started Dark Souls 2, and I am not far enough to make the call but so far this is shaping up to be just as good as DS1. I noticed it is a slightly friendlier game though, I didn't get a kick in the ass right from the start... Aside from the three menacing little pigs that cornered me in town and snorted me into oblivion for no god damn reason :mad:. Seriously, I didn't even see it coming. I thought it was a safe zone and sure I saw the little potbelly sons of bitches but I thought they were neutral critters and I did not expect them to follow me clear across town, surprise me into a corner and proceed to kill the shit out of me. They were so small I could barely hit them, and they were obviously on PCP or had some kind of dermal armour because my attacks barely made a dent in their HP!

Demonic bacon aside the game is not nearly as quick to throw you into the deep end as the previous one. I was really rusty and did a bunch of really stupid things for the first half hour but after I got back into my Dark Souls groove I was shocked by how easy the first two bosses were. The Last Giant literally never even came close to hitting me, and the Dragonrider after him was a complete joke who was swinging waaaay past me 95% of the time.

I did however have to get used to losing your maximum health the more you die and for a while I could not figure out why I could not level up.

Those complaints aside I really like the map design so far (the main Hub is much better than DS1), and the mechanics and combat really shine. The fact you have fewer Estus flasks in the beginning also helps to offset the relatively tame starting difficulty.

Once I am further in we will see how it stands up to its predecessor.
I was just finishing up No Mans Wharf when I walked off a cliff last night. Sooo I stopped for the night. It was still a cakewalk up to that point. Hoping it picks up soon, so far I am only dying because I do sonething idiotic like rolling into deep water :lol:.

Recipe quest?? Sign me up!
it is just as good as DS1. it is much easier if you are familiar with dark souls :).

it gets tough, i think i enjoyed aspects of ds1 more (such as the multiple pathings) but ds2 had better balance. both are amazing :D, cant wait for a new one.
Looks like ill have this one, here's the list of what ill get in the bundle:
"- Rayman Legends,
- The Last of Us Remastered,
- Killzone Shadow Fall,
- Tomb Raider DE
- "Shadow of Mordor,
- inFANOUS Second Son

Ill probably sell watch dogs and kill zone pretty quick, and I already played tomb raider and shadow of mordor on PC. Rayman sounds sweet though.
Played Shadow of Mordor for several days straight. Damn man that was a surprisingly great game. For some reason I was expecting some kind of epic RPG and was a little disappointed by it being kind of shallow, but once I changed my expectations and embraced the pure action style I got very addicted. Since I was sick I had nothing else to do and was glued to my PC for 4 days straight.

Imagine that, a licensed property game that doesn't suck. A rarity to say the least.
Currently very hyped for the GTA V release. I will cry if they postpone it again. I think they've done it three or four times now. Uncool :(

yeah but it will be the best, even on ps3 it was amazing

So excited for this. As a PC only guy I have never played GTA V. Not even for a few minutes. After they chose not to port Red Dead Redemption I was worried GTAV would suffer the same fate. I am glad they didn't abandon us PC gamers yet.
2 hours?? Maybe if you are speeding through only the main story and ignoring the fun parts of the game out of a desire to not enjoy yourself. The Narrative was the weakest and shortest part, I spent the entire time building up different Nemesis and then pitting them all against each other at the end of my game. Hell I would intentionally let my enemies get stronger just to see how much shit I could take on before getting my ass kicked.

If it were not for the whole revenge and leveling your enemies it wouldn't be much fun, but I had a lots of fun every time I got to face off against a really strong lvl 20 Uruk with immunities to all my best tricks, and suddenly like 4 more Captains appear to fuck me up in a massive brawl. I'd say I put a good 25 hours into it before I finished it.
Yea, what I meant is the game has no story at all and this one trick pony nemesis system gets old quickly. I did enjoy killing some orcs, then stronger orc and then the strongest orcs, but it was always easy to abuse them and the AI of the orc horde is rather bad, they are coming at you 1 by 1, there is no challenge. Good game to play half hour - 1 hour a week, just to blow off steam.
you cant say "abuse game mechanics" and then say "there is no challenge" lol.

thats like saying dark souls was easy i just kited everything

and yes gta5 is everything youd expect from rockstar and nothing you would have come up with on your own haha
So the developers should make kiting enemies a pain in the ass not worth the effort. If I can destroy tons of enemies without using HP i will do it. Its the goal of the game, kill enemies and dont die.