The Gaming Thread

It's true in some cases, but it's really more of a specific type of 3rd person game that plays better with controller, usually games designed with console in mind. Dark Souls, Darksiders, Tomb Raider type games for example. If the developer takes the time to make the mouse/keyboard controls tight though it's a different story. Shadow of Mordor's M+K controls were tight and responsive as fuck. I started it with controller assuming it would be the better option, but when I tried it with the mouse I started kicking all kind of ass because I could react more accurately and move the camera faster.

Most 3rd person games that were designed with PC as the primary platform and have a lot of features play better with mouse/keyboard. RPGs for example.
Everything depends on developer. If they respect gamers they wont make half assed port like 90 % of nowadays ports are.
People can talk shit about Konami, but they ported mgs v to PC in such a good way that i consider it the best port ever made. Better graphics, better controls (one flaw, rolling, takes practice to execute right) fantastic optimization. Cant even say that about Witcher 3 for example, game that was primarily made for PC.
Bitch pls, filthy casuals


I played C&C Red Alert on Playstation. Somehow I got good at it, probably because I had not played it on PC yet. It was a pretty big shock when I got the PC version later and I could actually see more than 10 meters of the map at a time. :)
Im done playing as Rewowler Dogecelot or Big Paws in cs for now.
It's time to shine as Solid Doge and I have evil plan.

When I start ranked ill set up a timer so they need to wait 5 minutes for me before I connect and then 1 extra minute after I connect making it long, boring 6 minute warmup just to say

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Sons of Liberty would be better if you didnt play as whiny bitch for 80 % of the game.

Yeah, MGS2 is my least favorite of the series. Don't get me wrong I still loved it, but it was SO convuluted even by MGS standards, the story was almost un-followable cause it was so insane. And yeah not being able to play as Snake for most of the game also sucked.

MGS1 will always be my favorite, cause at that time in 98 I was 14 and it had a big impact on me. I think MGS3 Snake Eater is the most underrated of the series, that game was fucking amazing.
TBH MGS3 seems to be fav for majority of the fanbase. I dont get bashing of Peace Walker. Yes, controls suck and to get "real ending" you have to grind like crazy but still was a good game.

I guess mgs2 might be my least fav too. But just because Solidus was killed by such a pussy Raiden is :mad:
Finally installed Outlast and after half hour uninstalled it.
Game from the very beginning relies on jump scares.

You enter the asylum (zzzZZZzzz) just to find out everyone is dead (zzzZZZZzzz) and there is blood everywhere (zzzZZZZzzzz) and then you have to open the door and something shows up on your screen and screams. Wow, yea, i jumped, but if it was donald duck chanting darude-sandstorm i would also jump, so not a very good job.
Then you see ton of dead bodies (pls) and one of the body has different model, so you can now for sure it will be jumpscare. Was it? It was.
Then something just attacks you from behing with music blasting in your speakers.
Then you see some twitching dude on wheelchair. Suprisingly he ignores you. Can you be sure that it will attack you on the very next occasion after you do something? Yes, you can.

Boring, not even gonna rate this garbage.
Sounds like my experience with Dead Space. When you are aiming at where you think the next enemy will jump out before it even does (and you're always right) the game has failed as a horror game. Never played 2 or 3 after that. It gets a bit bland when everything is completely predictable. Although I would give any game more than 30 minutes, there have been quite a few games that I didn't like at all at first, but they either got better or they just slowly hooked me in.