The Gaming Thread

I read some reviews after my encounter with this game to see if anything changes. Nope, just more jumpscares and cheap shock factor like necrophilia, dicks, more blood and gore. TBH i'm pretty jumpy and I dont want to die from heart attack in front of PC because some talentless cunts cant create atmosphere and rely on some cheap tricks. I dont mind few jumpscares from time to time I know they are unvaoidable but cmon, 5-6 times in less than 30 minutes? And I was literally crouch walking the entire time so if I decided to move normally I would probably encounter 10 or more.

Had Dead Space installed for a while but since I didnt have any pad for PC at that moment and I disliked k+m controls I never played it past "first level" or tutorial. And thanks to you I wont in the future :)
Have you tried Amnesia: The Dark Descent? There wasn't really any programmed jump scares in that one, its genuinely terrifying once you get sucked into it. It took me 2 years to beat cause I could only handle it in small does. I am at the end of Outlast and was never as scared as I was when playing Amnesia.

I'll never forget one time playing (the prison section, which is by far the darkest in the game), I was getting chased and I was literally stomping my feet on the ground and scared as shit. Find the nearest door to try and hide, swing it open, turn around to close it, turn around after closing it and theres a monster right in my fucking face. I fucking screamed loud as shit. Play at night with the lights out and the sound cranked. Good times.
Have you tried Amnesia: The Dark Descent? There wasn't really any programmed jump scares in that one, its genuinely terrifying once you get sucked into it. It took me 2 years to beat cause I could only handle it in small does. I am at the end of Outlast and was never as scared as I was when playing Amnesia.

I'll never forget one time playing (the prison section, which is by far the darkest in the game), I was getting chased and I was literally stomping my feet on the ground and scared as shit. Find the nearest door to try and hide, swing it open, turn around to close it, turn around after closing it and theres a monster right in my fucking face. I fucking screamed loud as shit. Play at night with the lights out and the sound cranked. Good times.

Amnesia is great! I am not scared easily by games but Amnesia creates a truly scary atmosphere that is fantastic....I have played through it three times so far I love it! :lol:
I am not sure which was the most scary part for me....the first time you encounter the bigger type of monster in the gaschamber like room with all the decomposing bodies or when one of those big fuckers start to chase you and tear through the doors in the final section of the sewer! :)
Have you tried Amnesia: The Dark Descent? There wasn't really any programmed jump scares in that one, its genuinely terrifying once you get sucked into it. It took me 2 years to beat cause I could only handle it in small does. I am at the end of Outlast and was never as scared as I was when playing Amnesia.

I'll never forget one time playing (the prison section, which is by far the darkest in the game), I was getting chased and I was literally stomping my feet on the ground and scared as shit. Find the nearest door to try and hide, swing it open, turn around to close it, turn around after closing it and theres a monster right in my fucking face. I fucking screamed loud as shit. Play at night with the lights out and the sound cranked. Good times.

I think I already did some hate on Amnesia here. I mean its not bad but it didnt appeal to me at all. There were some great sections, like prison, water level but the story was so mehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I couldnt care less about the characters in this game and fate of the world.

I enjoyed their previous game much more, Penumbra: Overture and sequel, Black Plague. Both games had amazing atmosphere, I loved the setting and the story was amazing for me. Overture had terrible combat though but they got rid of it in Black Plague and I consider it one of the best horror games ever made. And it works the same way as Amnesia so definitely give it a try guys. Dont bother with 3rd installment of Penumbra, it's terrible puzzle game, nobody knows what were they thinking. The story ends in Black Plague.

Oh, forgot to add. I didnt give a fuck about Amnesia's villain. But "villains" in Penumbra? Main character is so unimportant next to them that it created even greater immersion for me, I felt like I was the one stuck in the mine for a long time. Tom Redwood and Clarence, I salute you.
Pillars of Eternity is an amazing game. Anyone that likes an old-school wall of text story driven RPG should play it. I completely loved Baldurs Gate 2 back in the day and I have been waiting for a proper follow up ever since, and so far this game has delivered exactly what I was looking for. :)
Im afraid to pick up this game. I have great memories from Baldur and Icewind Dale era and i dont want this game to potentialy ruin it. Maybe one day when im really short on games to play.

Today the new episode of Life is Strange is coming out. Its actually downloading right now but im going to sleep. I got really hooked up and im still surprised im not hating this game. Getting old I guess.

Also, 29th of July Magic: the Gathering (Duels Origins or something like that) will be hitting steam. F2P model, similiar to Hearthstone. I have my doubts, since MtG was getting easier and easier nowadays and here they got rid of a lot mechanics and turn phases, rarirty restrictions and so on, but I love Magic and will give it an honest try. I really dont want to be dissapointed but I might be. Ill let you guys now if its worth playing later. Do I think this game will survive for a long time? Seeing how WotC handled the release and promoting this game, I doubt it. They dont seem to give a fuck or they just completely dont know how to handle digital market.
dead space 1 was great (although predictable) and 2 was even better. seriously watch a vid of the first 5 min of 2 and it'll sell you on a playthrough :lol:
So, after a day of playing Magic Duels Online:

Game has its issues. Servers are unstable atm, soundtrack will probably get boring and interface is from the 90's. Also its a pretty casual version of magic.

But I enjoy it so far, much more tactics than in HS and I can build proper ramp deck after only opening 4 boosters. I expected the storyline to be easy and boring, to my surprise its fucking hard and gets annoying. Ive been playing mtg for 15 years and I cant beat their bullshit AI decks with this garbage game gives me.

7/10 giving it benefit of the doubt. If technical issues wont be fixed and they wont add new modes or hold priority option (who played magic knows what i mean) ill lower the score.
Playing 4th episode of Life is Strange now. Still I dont know why I love this game and I actually "feel" something and care about the charatcers.
Oh, and I finally had to google to solve one puzzle. Then I realised I was an idiot because I forgot about rewind power. But at least puzzles are getting more interesting. Will probably finish the episode tommorrow.
Why won't WoW just die already?? Stop giving Blizzard your money assholes. It's a shitty MMO that is over 67 years old and plays like a drunken Elephant trying to water-ski. I would rather use my dick to hammer a nail into titanium than play an hour of the damn thing, why do people like it?

Damn it I hate Blizzard these days. Fucking up Warcraft and setting Diablo down a shaky path. I suppose the next big project will be fucking up Starcraft by adding Koala-Bear space Marines and introducing an Elvish god that is better than everything in the universe combined. Because Elves.

Okay I think I'm done with the hate for now. I'm getting grumpy as I get older. :erk:
Back in my day we only had two buttons and a joystick to beat the game, and we didn't have no wikipedia and cheat codes to win!! *shakes cane*
Now Blizzard is gonna release some poor ass FPS team fortress retarded copy with "I suck, so I need to use this button granting some super power like teleporting or shield".

I stopped playing MOBAs and went back to CS for a sole reason, you fuck up - you die, not use teleport through the wall or bullshit like that. Now they are introducing this bullshit in FPSes.
Theyre not even trying, people will play it just because it was made by Blizzard. Same goes for Hearthstone. Yes, it can be fun and casual, but in reality everybody just netdecks and half of the cards contains "random" wording on them and I cant take this card game seriously. Only random thing should be my draw, but even that should be minimalised by my deck building skills. Wanted to like HS and it just pissed me off. Wanted to like HotS but it was so "friendly" that it encouraged being fucking bad "im playing for fun and its casual game". Nothing fun in you ruining the game for the others and Blizzard implemented no punishment for trolls and leavers. Wanted to like new WoW but they started to water it down.
So yeah, again, fuck blizzard.
Finished episode 4 of Life is Strange. Damn plot twists and now I have to wait 2 months for season finale. At least there is mgs v very close so ill have at least something to play after i got bored with gta v and witcher 3 pretty quick.
Why won't WoW just die already?? Stop giving Blizzard your money assholes. It's a shitty MMO that is over 67 years old and plays like a drunken Elephant trying to water-ski. I would rather use my dick to hammer a nail into titanium than play an hour of the damn thing, why do people like it?

Damn it I hate Blizzard these days. Fucking up Warcraft and setting Diablo down a shaky path. I suppose the next big project will be fucking up Starcraft by adding Koala-Bear space Marines and introducing an Elvish god that is better than everything in the universe combined. Because Elves.

Okay I think I'm done with the hate for now. I'm getting grumpy as I get older. :erk:

Not sure you actually want an answer or if you're just venting but I'll bite anyway. I like it because it is insanely rewarding to kill that boss you kept wiping on. The questing experience in Warlords of Draenor was the best one ever - the art is fantastic too. Sure, it could look a lot better, but it's 11 years old so I don't mind. Another part of why I enjoy it so much is simply investment of time. I've played this game since late 2005, and so there are tons of memories in the game. And while the WoW forums contain terrible people, and once in a while you group up with an asshole... It's still awesome to play with your guild and dick around. For example, just the other day someone in my guild invited me to a group at 3 in the morning, with 3 other guild members in that group. All of them drunk off their minds as we tried to kill rare elites :lol:

Not to mention how awesome the new class and expansion looks! So yeah that is why I like it but you seem to have a pretty strong opinion so I don't know if I'm making sense to you :p