Big Paws
I read some reviews after my encounter with this game to see if anything changes. Nope, just more jumpscares and cheap shock factor like necrophilia, dicks, more blood and gore. TBH i'm pretty jumpy and I dont want to die from heart attack in front of PC because some talentless cunts cant create atmosphere and rely on some cheap tricks. I dont mind few jumpscares from time to time I know they are unvaoidable but cmon, 5-6 times in less than 30 minutes? And I was literally crouch walking the entire time so if I decided to move normally I would probably encounter 10 or more.
Had Dead Space installed for a while but since I didnt have any pad for PC at that moment and I disliked k+m controls I never played it past "first level" or tutorial. And thanks to you I wont in the future
Had Dead Space installed for a while but since I didnt have any pad for PC at that moment and I disliked k+m controls I never played it past "first level" or tutorial. And thanks to you I wont in the future