The Gaming Thread

After wanting to read some discussion on the internet about Life is Strange im again pretty pissed off:

For fucks sake, 90 % of discussions are those retarded pairings. Those fucktards only care about which pixels date other pixels. Of course if main characters went full lesbians it would please the plebs like there is no tommorrow.
Why do people feel the need to "ship" everything they see. I dont want to write that Hitler was right, but Hitler was right.
I keep hearing the name Life is Strange but have not seen it yet and don't know anything about it really. Gotta check it out I guess.
I agree, turns out I could save one person in early episodes and because I didnt all dialogs and lot of plot changed. Impressive.
Chloe is annoying for me, she get's offended every fucking time you dont do exactly what she wants. Bitch.

Only bad thing about this game is lipsync. Buty you get use to it after 1 hour.
Not sure you actually want an answer or if you're just venting but I'll bite anyway. I like it because it is insanely rewarding to kill that boss you kept wiping on. The questing experience in Warlords of Draenor was the best one ever - the art is fantastic too. Sure, it could look a lot better, but it's 11 years old so I don't mind. Another part of why I enjoy it so much is simply investment of time. I've played this game since late 2005, and so there are tons of memories in the game. And while the WoW forums contain terrible people, and once in a while you group up with an asshole... It's still awesome to play with your guild and dick around. For example, just the other day someone in my guild invited me to a group at 3 in the morning, with 3 other guild members in that group. All of them drunk off their minds as we tried to kill rare elites :lol:

Not to mention how awesome the new class and expansion looks! So yeah that is why I like it but you seem to have a pretty strong opinion so I don't know if I'm making sense to you :p

My hatred for the game is many years in the making so I have a bit of an excessive dislike of it, and Blizzard in general lately. My biggest reason for disliking them is because as much as I already disliked WoW, I really hate how it has influenced Blizzard in almost every aspect. All of their games look like WoW's art design, their marketing and business models are basically money-centric MMO style. I was surprised when they actually delivered with SC2, I was expecting cartoon graphics amd micro-transactions to get extra shit for units up until it was released. :lol:
^I definitely agree about their business model. I can't believe you still need to subscribe and pay monthly to play a game that has its latest expansion cost €45 on launch. At least now they did the token thing. But I like their art direction though!
Still working my way through Pillars of Eternity, and it's still awesome. I wish I could play it for more than a few hours at a time, I'm only about 16 hours in and I think I'm at about 30% completion. It is so much like the old Baldur's Gate and Icewind Dale games, complete with too many transitions and loading screens so it takes a while to get shit done. Exactly how I wanted it :lol:
i always felt i would enjoy WoW, it just seems like a really well done grind. which is either your thing or the opposite haha.

gf and her sister been thinking about playing wow, might get me into it. but i doubt it haha
I am considering doing a GPU upgrade to relieve the bottleneck on my computer. I bought this in Feb 2011 and all of the parts have held up extremely well.

I am currently using two AMD Radeon HD6850s in crossfire.

My processor is an Intel Core i5-2500k which even after all these years is capable of performing almost on par with brand new CPUs(for gaming at least). I got lucky with that buy, I got it for very cheap and it is a very versatile CPU that is a BEAST for overclocking. I have not even taken advantage of the overclocking capabilities yet and I rarely go into high CPU usage.

The problem is, even though my CPU has aged great, my graphics cards are starting to have troubles in a few cases. I have noticed certain games eat up video memory like crazy so I find myself running them on the upper-medium settings.

I think I would rather upgrade to a higher end single GPU and remove the gaming bottleneck so I can get another couple of years out if this rig without lowering my settings.

These decisions suck when money is tight. It's kind of an unnecessary purchase just to avoid medium settings in games. Considering medium settings on PC usually still looks better than consoles.
This year was the first time when I upgraded my computer when I wanted not when i had to. I had really bad luck involving my hardware. This fall i changed my gpu and motherboard that is able to hold more than 4 gb ram. I payed 250 $ and i dont plan on upgrading for another 3 years unless something breaks again. Im looking at you, graphic card.
I am considering doing a GPU upgrade to relieve the bottleneck on my computer. I bought this in Feb 2011 and all of the parts have held up extremely well.

I am currently using two AMD Radeon HD6850s in crossfire.

My processor is an Intel Core i5-2500k which even after all these years is capable of performing almost on par with brand new CPUs(for gaming at least). I got lucky with that buy, I got it for very cheap and it is a very versatile CPU that is a BEAST for overclocking. I have not even taken advantage of the overclocking capabilities yet and I rarely go into high CPU usage.

The problem is, even though my CPU has aged great, my graphics cards are starting to have troubles in a few cases. I have noticed certain games eat up video memory like crazy so I find myself running them on the upper-medium settings.

I think I would rather upgrade to a higher end single GPU and remove the gaming bottleneck so I can get another couple of years out if this rig without lowering my settings.

These decisions suck when money is tight. It's kind of an unneccessary purchase just to avoid medium settings in games. Cobsidering medium settings on PC usually still looks better than consoles.
Second hand R9 290 GPUs (still in warranty period) can be easily had for under 200$. They're absolutely fantastic value if you can live with the vaccum-cleaner levels of noise.
I'm thinking of going with an Nvidia GTX 970. I tend to flip flop between AMD/ATI and Nvidia depending on my experiences. This one with AMD wasn't so great, really loud, with some unexplained stuttering (which may or may not be related to Crossfire it's hard to replicate). So I thought I'd give Nvidia another go since the latest cards seem to be outmatching AMD's current offerings anyway.
i upgraded to the 700 series and now my cpu is bottlenecking haha. ah well, at least i have some good parts for when i build up.

trust me, the jump from medium to ultra is both amazing and meh. im always blown away and then immediately like "ok i just spent 500$ so everything looks slightly better"

that being said, if gaming is your hobby than its worth it in my mind :)
I knew Fox Engine is potato friendly but not rotten potato.

Still, I installed it (mgs ground zeroes) on my netbook and tried to turn it on. This is what happened

You turned into Big Boss? Nice.

trust me, the jump from medium to ultra is both amazing and meh. im always blown away and then immediately like "ok i just spent 500$ so everything looks slightly better"

Yeah that is why I am backing off the idea. Even at low settings games look amazing these days.