The Gaming Thread

Has anyone tried Alan Wake on PC? I think its the last horror game I wanted to p-lay and didnt do it yet. Am i going to be dissapointed or was I avoiding a gem?

Interesting story. Mediocre gameplay. More of a psychological thriller than a horror game. Doesn't seem like your bag whatsoever.
This is fucking nuts :lol:

More like typical smurf raping silvers. Nothing interesting, been here, done that.

Interesting story. Mediocre gameplay. More of a psychological thriller than a horror game. Doesn't seem like your bag whatsoever.

Started playing 3 days ago, just finished chapter 1 and combat is boring cancer. If it has interesting story and is a thriller its more than enough for me to deal with shitty gameplay. I finished SH4 and was happy :3
Second account. Depending on the game that means that you either just want to have more characters (like in MMO or something) or in games like CS, or MOBAs you just want to rape newbies.
Around 5 months ago I camped in the exact same spot against newbie retards. Knifed 4 of them, got killed by teammate with AWP because he's retarded.
This bombsite on this map has amazing potential to humiliate other players. Just look at the spot im camping in this video, im knifing a guy around 0:20.

Even on higher ranks people dont check those spots and you can get some easy 1500 bucks from knife kill or ninja defuse if the enemy is completely clueless.
This bombsite on this map has amazing potential to humiliate other players. Just look at the spot im camping in this video, im knifing a guy around 0:20.

Even on higher ranks people dont check those spots and you can get some easy 1500 bucks from knife kill or ninja defuse if the enemy is completely clueless.

DMG is not a high rank. People at SMFC/GE will always jiggle peak that corner, if not straight up molly it.
Bitch, it was on Supreme. Havent played much on Global recently, but im pretty sure I could easly do it on this rank too.

You overestimate people getting boosted by their friends / people they payed for it.

Another breed of retarded Globals are people with very good aim but not even a slightest hint of tactics. Sure, they will win aim duels, but clutch situation or something that requires some planning and they die like fucking bots.

Thats how i reached my rank. Im avarage / good at aiming, but i make up for it with tactics.
Can anyone recommend turn based strategy game like Jagged Alliance series?
I tried some, but most of them (xcom, Breach&Clear) are not exactly what im looking for, I like to give order and my character does it immediately, instead of waiting for my orders to other characters and then they all do their actions at the same time.

Divinity: Original Sin Enhanced Edition

It's a hardcore RPG, but the battle system is more like a TRPG. It's fucking brutally hard even on normal, I like it. :)
I was always thinking it was either hack'n'slash or with battle system with active pause. Apparently i was wrong?
If yes, i might give it a try soon.
Divinity Original Sin is entirely turn based, but no it does not wait for you to end your turn before the characters move. When you enter combat it basically pauses, you enter your command and that character immediately carries it out. Each character/enemy on the screen is given their turn one at a time. So you won't have something unexpected happen in the middle of the turn that you can't fix, and screws up your plans.

I did not get far because I had many games to play so I can't speak for its difficulty, but it was definitely an old school vibe.
Thanks for the suggestion guys, I will definitely try it.
I dont know why i always thought it was hack n slash. Probably somehow got it mixed up with Torchlight ot something.
Yeah it's not hack and slash at all, the battle system is entirely turn-based with AP just like a tactical game. It has a strong emphasis on using the environment to your advantage. Using fire spells to light oil pools on fire, water to use lightning spells, etc. And yes you don't wait till the end of the round to have your character take action. You make your decisions, use your AP, or skip your turn to save AP and it happens right then and then goes to next in turn.

Like Belac said, it is very old school. And with that comes a almost complete lack of hand holding to a very complex and punishing game. I've had to alt-tab out more times than I'd like to admit to wiki things. It can be compared to something like Baulders Gate with voice acting and really nice graphics. But I for one like this type of game as an older guy, 99% of games nowadays basically tell you exactly what to do in every step of the game and hold your hand like a child. This does not.
Yeah it's not hack and slash at all, the battle system is entirely turn-based with AP just like a tactical game. It has a strong emphasis on using the environment to your advantage. Using fire spells to light oil pools on fire, water to use lightning spells, etc. And yes you don't wait till the end of the round to have your character take action. You make your decisions, use your AP, or skip your turn to save AP and it happens right then and then goes to next in turn.

Like Belac said, it is very old school. And with that comes a almost complete lack of hand holding to a very complex and punishing game. I've had to alt-tab out more times than I'd like to admit to wiki things. It can be compared to something like Baulders Gate with voice acting and really nice graphics. But I for one like this type of game as an older guy, 99% of games nowadays basically tell you exactly what to do in every step of the game and hold your hand like a child. This does not.

<3 I ordered it already and cant wait to play it <3

did anyone play magicka btw? that games was loads of fun

Magicka was ok, could compare it to recent Helldivers. Nothing spectacular but was fun to play with friends