The Gaming Thread

3 ranks and 6 kilometers later I can say my idea was amazing.

Time to become full time lifestyle gaming streamer.

On strength building days I shall do pushups everytime I topdeck something good and do my biceps when my enemy does.
Just was playing with SovietWomble on stream, i am famous now.

3k people saw me carrying the team in Overwatch

Wololo, motherfuckers!!
Finally finished Witcher 3 main campagin and I can give a proper review to this game.

Since as you can see it took me almost 2 years that means the game is not amazing.
Let's start with the obvious things, the story. Some parts were great (and excuse me if I name characters wrong, they sound different in polish version of the game, ill get to that later) like Blood (red?) Baron storyline. Then it sucked for a long time. Then a good storyline on Skellige, then crap again, Yennefer bullshit etc etc. Finally, after you find Ciri the game started to gain tempo but it ended very quickly.

So, the main issue for me is that there is no sense of urgency in this game whatsoever. I fucked around with a lot of side quests, where some were great, some were "if i have to use my witcher senses again i will rape a puppy". And then I got punished for gaining the levels and dealing with low level missions AND i got punished for completing high level missions. If you say the game is open world dont fucking punish me for doing what I want.

The final moments of the main story were just okay, the final battle was laughable, it was much better in Kaer Morhen. I mean, I took a break for 5 months and with this game controls I took down 2 final bosses WITHOUT TAKING A SINGLE DMG. Thats just pathetic.

And then whoopsies, the end, you finished the game. Fine, you ended Ciri storyline but then again, you call this game RPG and you let me encounter a lot of important characters. Nope, you dont get to know what happens with Priscilla and Dandellion, screw Zoltan and witches/female mages / whatever they call Yenn and Triss. The list goes on and on. Unless they want to milk a franchise and dont want to spoil things it was a terrible ending.

Quikcly about controls, clunky, but whatever, got used to that and just abused rolling. Next.

Music. Would be okay as a standaoloine music, for video game music its bad. OST is too short and repetetive. Again, if you want to make an open world game make lots of music.
Talking about open world game, character models. Not enough models for an open world game, too many fucking clones.

Finally, character voices. I played polish version because polish has greater vocabulary for "medieval" style games and writers did amazing job at copying the style of Andrzej Sapkowski. Best part of the game are dialogues BUT not all actors were great. In polish version Geralt is 1337/10, perfect voice tone, majestic and sarcastic, just like in the books. Vesemir and most of dwarves 10/10. Triss 8/10. Ciri good voice tone, but the actress seem to not have a lot of experiance with VA, often felt like she was reading a book. And then there is Yennefer. The same screeching, shouting, annoying voice no matter what she reads. -5/10.
So I installed english voices for a while. What I liked is a lot of accents in character voices and some characters had a good voice. But fuck me, your Geralt sucks. A terrible mix of Batman and Solid Snake. Absolute garbage. I often praise english version of games over polish but damn, no.

Overall the game had potential. It would be a much better game if it wasnt open world game and had better writing for the main story. But I think i could rate it 6,5/10 or 7/10. Above avrg / good.
Figured I didnt play anything on my ps4 so bought Nier Automata.

So far im having a blast. The visuals are 10/10, design of main protagonist I thought would scream ANIME but nope, while it's "asian" its really fucking stylish, love it. Animations are fantastic, especially the fan of running and stopping somehow, seems really fluid.
I expected the game to be a midnless slasher, turns out it has a story, so I hope it's good.
Finally, im getting used to combat and camera work, takes some time to get used to for someone who hasnt played slashers in years and on consoles probably never. Still waiting for some kind of tutorial to give me some combos, because for now im just experimenting with button mashing and taking unnecessary damage.

Also some enemies are fucking huge. The final boss of MGS V was fighting a giant robot. This game is filled with fighting giant robots. Not having that much fun yet as fighting Metal Gear Sahalenthropus, but it has potential.
Okay, today realised that I can totally recommend Nier.

I was normally playing it 2-3 hours a day with breaks after 1 hour or so.

Today, when I was beating the final boss (and quite a lot of fighting before him), then came the new chapter (because this game has zillion endings and looks like each one pushes the story more) with tons of fighting, chaos, hard enemies, new mechanics and I played for like 6 hours where 4 hours were fucking intense and...

Im getting old. My hands hurt, eyes want to fall of my sockets, head is about to explode. But damn, I enjoy it. If only I wasnt scrub at playing with pad I would enjoy it even more if I could pull off some combos, but I cant in this game, i do them rendomly.

So besides the beginning of second "ending" which is basically replaying the same shit with other character and some "fetch shit" sidequests the game is pretty good. Also I was strong, but 2B has a high chance of becoming my new waifu. I always digged chicks with scars on face / eyepatches etc, here she has half of the face covered with something and it's hot.

This game gets better and better the longer I play. For someone who is not patient it might be too slow at the beginning but then the story is rushing as fuck and characters are going full G.R.R Martin. 30 hours on the clock and probably almost another 20 hours if I wanted to complete a lot of shit. Worth the full price even for the poor polack.
Done. Finished all main endings and got true ending finally. What a fucking rollercoaster. After the final, final boss my hands are destroyed (cant tell much about it, but without the scrifice of other (real) people i dont think its possible to beat).

Story and emotions 9,5/10. Gameplay 8/10, but im a console noob and struggled with controls so if you are familiar with using a pad efficeintly can give it a 9. Boss design 7/10 (some are amazing, the rest, probably due to a budget are copy/paste but still amazing to kill them). Character design 9/10. Character's personality 10. Graphics 7/10. Music 9/10.

Overall 9/10 from me. After this game I realised something. Most of my fav games are either made by japanese or published by japanese company. Conclusion is simple, ching chongs understand me and understand gaming. They make no sacrifices to please everyone. You don't like high heels on characters? Too bad. Story might be offending for someone? Who cares.
Just like in MGS this game had a perfect mix of humour and seriousness without being pretensious. It takes a good director to do that. I salute Yoko Taro and will go and discover the rest of his games.

But it still breaks my heart to leave 2B, A2, 9S and POD 042 and POD 153. I will miss you :(. Oh well, side quests to complete, probably maxing this game.
I bought Alan Wake because it was on sale on Steam for $3.

What a boring and clunky game. Not sure why this gets so much love. Maybe you had to play it in 2010 to appreciate it.
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I bought Alan Wake because it was on sale on Steam for $3.

What a boring and clunky game. Not sure why this gets so much love. Maybe you had to play it in 2010 to appreciate it.

Yup, everyone was like "if you love Silent Hill / survival horror games youre gonna love that".
Bought collectors edition and... Yup, it fucking blows. Story is boring, controls are fucking horrible combat is cancer. Didnt bother finishing.
Yeah that about sums it up. I thought it was going to be scary and twisted, but it's not even a little bit scary and it's just a poorly made action game with a slightly different way of telling the story. Not at all what I was expecting. The bad controls/camera/action could be excused if it had horror or a good story to back it up. Bad controls are part of what made some of those survival horror games work better. Alan Wake has no redeeming qualities to save it as far as I can tell.

Oh well, glad I waited for it to be $3.