The Gaming Thread

In past survival horror games controls were bad BUT they couldnt be any better with what we had. For Alan Wake having such bad controls was unnaceptable in this age.

I believe Silent Hill: Homecoming (which was veeeeery avarage game) came around the same time and while it too had bad controls they felt okay in survival horror game.

Woke up during the night to watch Sony conference. They hinted a lot about The Last of Us 2 being there.

Okay, whole conference nothing, moving to the final game, it must be it guys, makes sense, biggest hype!


"A true playstation exclusive"

"From one of the most respected studios"



fucking spiderman

Im done
Cos I lost hope in western publishers I purchased another ching chong game - Persona 5.

Played only 10 hours (yes, only, game is supposedly around 100hours long) so cant make a final judgement but game is pleasant and relaxing. Life simulator parts are sometimes too rushed, but then again I shouldnt expect Sims and the rpg doungeon parts quickly became more challenging, which is fine, if the chellange is fair.

Art style is reaaaaly japanese, but I got used to that rather quick. Cutscenes are a mix of ingame engine and true anime. Voice acting is spot on so far (the cat is fucking annoying, but I think he should be annoying).

So far would reccomend.
Finished Silent Hill 2 again.

I will never not love this game. And I always get the same ending, I just can't bear to see the others.

The music, the atmosphere, won't ever happen again.
Talking about Sh2, I finished it yesterday, turned on my PC for the night and currently steam is still coninved im playing it.

I'm fucked. At least I will be punished to the greatest soundtrack ever. Cant wait to die.
LMAO and I just stumbled upon perfect meme

Not putting a spoiler or anything because if you didnt play this game until now just kill yourself

I manned up and played it in the dark, jumped 3 times total like a pussy, bot those were the jumpscares part.

SH2 lies in atmosphere, i have this constant feeling of uneasiness (is that even a word?) instead of "fuck, when is another jumpscare going to happen" (*cough* Outlast *cough*).
yeah, that uneasiness (yes, it's a word) is what made the game so awesome to me. i remember so many times me and my then-gf were playing it, and we just didn't dare to move another step due to the music and atmosphere. after awhile we mustered some courage and went on, nothing happened, lol.

a few years later, i played doom 3 and got bored after the 50th jumpscare 30 min into the game
Thats my problem with modern horror games.
My body is overreacting to everything. I actually have adrenaline pumped 24/7 (thus i have slightly shaking hands 24/7) and when I see sudden movement / loud noise I "jump" and am ready to deal with the situation.

Downside is I can play a game for children and a bunny can suddenly appear on the screen with louder noise and I will be "scared". So shove those cheap tactics up your asses, create atmosphere not jumpscares.

Best games I played had almost no jumpscares. Silent Hill, Penumbra, Soma, they all relied on story and atmosphere.

Then we have half life mods like Cry of Fear (had it's fair share of jumpscares, but it was paired with absolutely depressing atmosphere) or Underhell, where you barricaded yourself in a room and was afraid to come out. What I mean, single person is able to create masterpiece and rich studios cant? Fuck off. Instead we have Resident Evil 7 (played only demo, but was riddles with jumpscares) and Outlast which is not only disgusting with the amount of jumpscares but also tried to be edgy as fuck. Uuuuu, rape, uuuuu, shit, uuuuu guts and gore. Boring.

While writing this post I realised something. Monsters should represent something, and again, the game is good when they do. Silent Hill and Cry of Fear? Every monster is manifestation of something. Soma, Penumbra? Backstory to types of monsters. Okay, Underhell has zombies, but even some of them are "special" and the rest have origin.

Outlast? Fuck that, scary and disgusting "because". Yup, piece of garbage gaining tons of praise.
Still playing Persona 5, emberassed to say that it's too much fun. The music's great, the atmosphere is cool, characters while somewhat cliche are very likeable, even obnoxious fucks.

Game is so good that my brother who was still talking "still playing this anime bullshit?" "so u weaboo now?" when he borrowed my ps4 when I was out for 2 days he played Persona.

I open it today, see his save. 23 fucking hours in 2 days. Almost caught up to me.

What I dont like about this game? Well, there are some annoying sequences but biggest flaw is... This game's gonna end one day and I will feel empty again :(

I hate good games.
my ps3 died, original backwards compatibility, opened it up and tried to fix it but no good :(

damn im sad but oh well

gf and i bought a wiiu. breath of the wild is the best zelda ive ever played, and ive beat all of them, oot and lttp probably 10 times each, breath of the wild is like oot but with more of everything
i played persona 3 and 4 and theyre amazing. glad to hear 5 is good as well. i want it so bad.

its about as gay as anime gets, but fuck if it isnt one of the best rpgs ever

Man, I just decided to ignore gay anime style (unless it's ultra gay bordering on pedophilia), thanks to that I got to play Valkyria Chronicles, Nier Automata and Persona. No regrets. And both of these games lack this stupid anime crap like HUGE eyes HUGE tits (well, besides one character in VC). Characters have good (Persona) or great (Valkyria, Nier) designs, love it.
gf and i bought a wiiu. breath of the wild is the best zelda ive ever played, and ive beat all of them, oot and lttp probably 10 times each, breath of the wild is like oot but with more of everything

really? i've mostly heard bad things about botw. i was super hyper for it at first, but when i realized it's lacking proper dungeons and music i was a bit put off.
really? i've mostly heard bad things about botw. i was super hyper for it at first, but when i realized it's lacking proper dungeons and music i was a bit put off.

I stopped giving a fuck about Switch and Zelda when all I saw on the web and in other medias is hype. Mediocre hardware for noone (console? I have ps4 / xbox. Handheld? Bitch, 3DS).

And then fucking Zelda review I read had me fuming "BotW has it's flaws, dungeons are boring, gameplay could be better, there is no story" 10/10. Really.

And then I went to review of Nier: Automata in the same magazine. Quoting "I rated Zelda higher but Nier is the better game". 8/10

Replaying Valkyria Chronicles this time on Ps4 not PC.

Great strategy game, half turn based half real time, completely unique in it's genre. And the story is so good and cute that it's the first time I rooted for main character to get his waifu <3 (´。• ω •。`) ♡