The Gaming Thread

I just spent an hour and a half playing life is strange. I feel like I'm not a target audience for this game at all. It doesn't draw me in the least and I find the millenial hipster type characters boring and borderline-repulsive. I'm so bored that I can't even continue playing it enough to get stockholm syndrome'd.
Turns out, that when I'm cheerful people actually like me and my animu shenanigans ;_; It warms my kokoro so much. Being honored so hard even though we lost is something weird.


Probably helped that we had no polacks in our team, communication was great and nobody blamed anybody. God, if every online game would be like that. It's been a while since I felt good losing.

B-but if I won't be toxic, it wont be me. I would lose myself. Life sucks :(
I heard everything is shit besides Wolf and Walking Dead :) Also heard Borderlands are good, but since the original game was shit i assume its just fanboys justifying buying this garbage
I heard everything is shit besides Wolf and Walking Dead :) Also heard Borderlands are good, but since the original game was shit i assume its just fanboys justifying buying this garbage
Yeah, Borderlands TTG is probably only going to be entertaining if you liked the Borderlands lore and theme. I enjoyed the actual Borderlands games and TTG as well. But it's probably mid-pack.

Wolf > TWD > Batman > Borderlands > GoT > Meinkraft

Haven't played Guardians of the Galaxy yet, but the reviews are good.
Played some league of legends again.

Teemo cures cancer, Teemo is love.
When you play him of course.

For those unfamiliar, this is basically a little shit that just leaves posinous mushrooms on the map and rules people into them. Today I could pinpoint the exact moment someone smashed their keyboard because they flashed and used their jump ability compeltely random and unnefective at the same time when they were going from my cancer field. Glorious.

This video of mine is like 7 years old but you can see what type of cancer this champion is.
I've heard about him. There is a similar hero in Dota 2 called Techies. The entire point of the hero (at least until a couple of months ago when they reworked his abilities a bit) was just to move around the map and spreading canc... I mean mines everywhere and then watching people rage as they blew up randomly. Extremely fun to play when you got the hang of it, and playing against him was never fun, unless the Techies player was really bad.

Well, I mean since I know Teemo I know what kind of shenanigans he can pull off and enemy Teemo wont surprise me there. I bet its the same case with this dota guy. If you dont know what exactly he can do then you can get rekt, if you know the fight might be easy.

Of course thats why when I see someone knows what theyre doing I place shrooms inr etarded places I shouldnt, so the guy dodging regular shrooming spots will go into them anyway.
Don't know about Teemo, but Techies' mines are invisible unless you have some kind of item giving you true sight (sentry wards, gem). This can also be bypassed by Techies, by placing the mines on high ground (which you don't get vision of until you walk up a ramp etc). This can cause the game to drag out for extremely long time as the team without the Techies needs to play very carefully to avoid getting blown up and being dead for 90 seconds in the late game. Techies has three kind of traps: mines that explode when you walk on them, traps that stun in an AoE after a delay, and traps that can be remotely exploded by Techies. Old Techies could also suicide bomb for a lot of AoE dmg, while also not providing any gold or exp for the enemy team :D
Teemo shrooms are invisible too, you need special wards / items to uncover them.

This Techie sounds amazing with different kind of traps and TIL that Dota's terrain is not flat. Also sounds like my kind of guy, maybe in my spare time (meaning not now) Ill give dota a try.
The terrain adds a lot to the gameplay in Dota since attacks from low ground to high ground also have a chance to miss. If you like LoL I'd definitely recommend trying out Dota 2, you'll find a lot of similarities I bet since LoL is based off of Dota 1 (and I think has one of the original developers from Dota 1 too).

I don't think I'd recommend diving into Dota 2 and trying out Techies as your first hero though, as it takes quite a lot of map awareness (where to be at which time, where and when to place mines, knowing where you can be seen and where people normally place observer/sentry wards etc), and he is definitely not one of the easier heroes to play correctly.
Once you get the hang of the game, you can probably rek noobs in lower mmr easily with Techies though.

Dotabuff actually has a small guide for League-players who wants to try out Dota 2:
Eh, woudlnt say I like LoL tbh. I just need some brainless relax and since im sick of blizzard shenanigans and ruining Hearthstone i came back to lol. People are still retards there but its more pleasant to play when you just dont really care.
Hell no, I uninstalled Hots yesterday. I tried to enjoy Hots but outside of events queues are long and people play it like LoL im sick of seeing people last hitting instead of doing objectives. It was fun for a while, then it gets really tiring.