The Gaming Thread

Blizzard hate when people interact with each other, this way the collective mind my come to conclusion blizzard sucks ass.

I mean they even removed a fucking emote from HS because it triggered some people.
Exactly this. I remember when Riot said something along the lines "trolling and feeding is not as destructive for the community as toxicity".

I can literally mute the dude or not being a lil bitch. I cant do anything when he intentioanlly feeds though and it triggers me.
Yup, "indie" companies with shitload of money still fucking up like 2man studio manned with 20yo
I finished vanilla SC not too long ago so ill hold on that.

I always laughed on how easy Protoss were in first SC, just build carriers, order them to fly to the other side of the map, go for a walk, come back for victory. AI couldnt deal with those little things flying arounf carriersp.
yeah original campaign is very easy (mostly) with every race pretty much;
terran: just buy marines, tanks and battle cruisers depending on map
protoss: carriers and scouts
zerg: guardians and scourge/mutas

last couple of missions on brood war zerg campaign was actually pretty hard
But with other races you actually had to help the AI. With protoss I literally was going AFK to do shit for up to few minutes depending on situtation.
Actually pretty decent regular metal. This reminds me 2 years ago they also released a music album with 2 metal tracks where one was absolutely fantastic. Their music department is doing a fairly good job, when new champions / events are released they also make new loading screnes for the client and music there is often pretty cool.

From time to time I guess they also hire other musicians to perform a song for them, I particulary liked this one (and video is pretty neat too)

65 millions view, noice.
I walk down the stairs and suddenly hear familiar tones from Medal of Honor. Think somebody plays it and what I see? Some shitty show with celebrities using the soundtrack. I bet illegaly

Temped to let Giacchino know but he probably wont give a fuck.
I beat Breath of the Wild on cemu tonight. I had neglected it for a while and I restarted which is why it took so long, but I'm very glad I stuck with it. BOTW is easily one of the best games I've played in a long time. It actually took a fair amount of time to appreciate how much fun I was having with this game, and I had to beat it and reflect on the experience to realize how much I actually loved it. I felt empty when I finished it, like I'd just completed something I didn't want to end. That is the hallmark of a great game if you ask me. It took me almost exactly 100 hours to finish and in retrospect, that was some of the best 100 hours of gaming in I'd experienced in a long time. Something I have not felt in a Zelda game since OoT.

This is basically a perfect combination of Skyrim, Dark Souls and Zelda. It starts off with very little direction but if you give it a few hours of your time you will likely find yourself hooked.

I wish there was a post-game DLC....
Yeah I may have laid it on a bit thick there. It's cliche but I think it's a pretty apt comparison. It's not populated like Skyrim, but it's extremely open, and although it's not as brutal as Dark Souls (BOTW gets much easier the longer you play) it has a similar kind of frustration. I wanted to throw my controller many times.

I dunno I just liked it more than I expected to.