The Gaming Thread

I probably will never play it because I wont buy Switch, because I still believe its not a device for someone who has PC / ps4(xbox). It's neither good home console and neither portable. And I dont trust Nintendo, since they can release new versions of consoles every 2 years. Cant say how pissed I was when I bought 3ds to see them release "new 3ds" half year later and restricting new games to it.

Also their constant fuckups when it comes to having good supply (amiibos, NES classic) I rwally dont want to support them. If they change I might again, for now they release shitty consoles and terrible pokemon games.
I want to thank my waifu Makoto for carrying final(?) boss battle in Persona 5. Not even fainted once, top tier defense buff, minor healing, occasional nuclear attacks and resistance. Rest of the scrubs had to be revived every other turn.

I always had goos taste in women

And EA will still make shitton of money, because fanboys will always make them money.

Modern gaming is a joke, multiplayer cancer is leaking to single player, and when single player goes to shit I'll just fucking stick to play pong and asteroids.
Because im right before final boss in Persona 5 and I dont want to finish this game, because it would break my heart I decided to finally play Wolfenstein: New Order.

You can just feel that it was made for the consoles in mind. Menu navigation is terrible, mouse is delayed AF, thankfuly its not as annoying during the game, but instant precision is not given.

Otherwise the game seems mindless and cool, although the polish dialogue in the game is really stiff, no polack talks like that, we don't use "I, you" etc very often, everybody knows whats going on with a context.

Oh, and one final complaint for now, Playing on max difficulty, havent died a single time. This is fucking laughable, I'm not saying I should die from 1 hit, but I should feel challange, but I feel none. Thats probably the consequences of this being on consoles too. I shouldnt be able to breeze through the new game for me like that. Hope it gets harder later.

Well, I lied, I just beat finall boss, but looks like i still have some cutscenes left so still not finished :3
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Got my first 12:0 in Hearthstone Arena and with pretty mediocre deck, but I must admit that some plays I made were sick. I also managed to shit on opponent with ridiculous cards, but as soon as they saw an opportunity of "IM GONNA ZERG RUSH HIS FACE" they were being punished for that. Good trades > going face.


And now I can celebrate Halloween with playing some Silent Hill 2 :3
TFW when you are playing LoL, standing as Teemo in bushes and waiting for enemy to come.
She's coming. I ready my blinding dart that will deny her 3/4 of the combo and give me an easy chance to finish her off or buy enough time for my teammates to come.

She's really close, come in range, come in... FIRE THE DART.
Now what happens is happening when my blinding dart is traveling. She unleashes her combo on me, I die before I can process what happened. See death recap "Dealt 2300 dmg in 0.45 s" I had 2200 hp. My blinding dart traveled longer than 0.45 s.

There is no god.
Dunno why I assumed Golden Joystick awards wont be a joke again.

Best storytelling:

3rd: Persona 5. Okay, yea, fantastic story!
2nd: Nier Automata. Yes, that is correct, also a great story

That leaves us with no candidates for the first place so I was like "probably Zelda fanboys won"
1st: Horizon 0 dawn.

Lmao, game with generic story, only good thing about this game is graphics, other than that its roll to win action game. But I guess it was the most mainstream out of 3.

And at least Persona placed second as the game of the year, while Zelda won the first place. Again, I dont know whats with people blinded by Nintendo. Even if the game was causing literally cancer fanboys would still praise it.
I didn't see trailer for Nier, but saw trailer for Persona and thought the same thing. I knew about Nier from a review, which made me interested in the story.

But i trusted my guts in both cases and they werent wrong.

Just watched the trailer ("New Cinematic Trailer") and okay, it sucks and is basically one big fucking spoiler in 70% of the scenes if you know the context.

The "honest trailer" series is perfect to see whats the game about


BUTTS, epic music, BUTTS, nihilism, BUTTS, perfectly animated fights and THIGHS
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Although only first game was good (because it was released on PC, while 2nd was PSP only and SUCKED, while 3rd was PSP only and never released in the west) but still hype.

If they wont create obnoxious characters like in 2nd game and make them likeable like in 1st game definitely buying it. Finally some turn based love.
Finished Persona 5. Waited 2 months to wait for 25th December because the last ending cutscenes were taking place at this time in game. Well, and then 14th February and 20th of March but I'm not that strong.

Fantastic game. Never thought I would like this weeb shit, but it wasnt too weeby. Great art direction, top tier soundtrack, likeable characters, good plot, solid voice acting (for the main cast, some minor roles were terrible sometimes). Everything you would want from a game.

And since this year is ending I won't be able to decide if I liked Nier Automata or Persona 5 more. Games were too diferent, completely different emotions, the only thing they have in common is that they are fucking done and I'm sad.

So the best game of the year award Ill give to them both. Congratulations Japan, you win this year.