The Gothic Thread (prick your finger upon the rosebush and cry a bloody tear with me).


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
I threatened to do this a few years ago when Erik and I were faggothing out with Diabolique, but here we are a ways in the future. Given that, let's just segue in reverse from gothic-tinged metal, backwards into the origins of it all.

I cannot start this thread without a nod to where my sadjourney began. Thank you forever in eternal death and darkness to Type O Negative.

Oh shit, I'm in a club and very sad about life but wow my hair looks great. Diabolique are amazing and I cannot recommend them highly enough.

Too girly for you? Fine, here's something more sperm-producing and heavy, if thou wilt. Same band, but back when they were more METHULL. Great album, but the leadoff track is my choice.

This song is the peak of all this madness. On Thorns I Lay absolutely nailed everything I have ever loved in the auditory ways of life with this tune.

Love them or hate them, Cradle of Filth are the bridge. For an "underground" band they are very successful, and also really brought the Castlevania/Frankenstein thing to the forefront. Ignore their popular days. Ignore even the album I like best (the Bathory one with the terrible snare), and listen to this song. It's fantastic.

I can't make a gothic/metal thread without these dudes/chicks I suppose. I cannot say they are my favoUrite, but well this song samples Vincent Price so I have to love them at least a little bit.


I wanted to have sex with Faith and the Muse, but my wife said no. So instead I have sex with her whilst we play their albums. Good enough!

Somehow I missed out entirely on Fields of the Nephilim until about 2 years ago, and I bought two albums without hearing them. They are... stupendous. In fact I listened to them exclusively for about 3 months straight, and when you can get that excited for a new-to-you band in yer gorram 40s, well friends, that's livin' right there. L-I-V-I-N.

Choose whichever Siouxsie album you want, I'll take anything on Juju and be happy. And by happy I mean sad. But dancing.

The vocals may take some adjustment. It only took me 20 years to get there, but man, when I did, I realized how good this is. There's a reason why every sadgoth person covers this song to some extent sometime in their cold, dead existence.

So good it hurts. Fuck New Order. Joy Division or GTFOoRC.

Bela Lugosi's Dead. Have you seen The Hunger? If you've made it this far into my sadthread here and the answer is still no, go watch it, NOW!
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I have a soft spot for that Theatre of Tragedy album. Objectively speaking everything about it is probably ridiculous, but I just kind of like it. The Vincent Price track is definitely the best. Same sample appears in an Uada track off their album last year.

I've definitely heard On Thorns I Lay but have no recollection. Will listen again.

What CoF track was it? Link didn't work. Dusk and Cruelty are great albums.
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Pretty much anything involving Vincent Price is an automatic 8/10 from me, tbh. His corpse could crap on my face and I'd be like "solid effort, scared me senseless, would experience again."

The track is The Forest Whispers My Name from Vempire.

I love Dusk and Cruelty as well, but Vempire is also some Real Shit that cannot be denied.
I don't think I've ever listened to Vempire properly. I'm going to have a day off listening to tournament albums and listen to shit gothic metal instead.
yay i love this stuff and im already into most of it

i will return when im not on my dumbphone

EDIT: it's now.
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gotta rep the og's

again, know your roots. without this album, no katatonia, no nothing

no one needs to hear me recommending tiamat but here they are anyway because they gotta be. i will say that they're not as "gothic" as they often get pigeonholed as. i think they took black/death metal in a dreamy and romantic direction that is often confused with goth but is actually more a manifestation of pink floyd influence

a one-off classic of katatonia going full goth

sadness "ames de marbre" is a rarely talked about, but real-ass, cult classic. they're swiss and sometimes it feels like the continuation of "into the pandemonium" but both heavier and more dramatic

again i dont think the 3rd and the mortal cleanly fits into "gothic metal" either, but here they are because i want to talk about them and they have female vocals, that makes them goth right? this song, especially the intro instrumental before the vocals start, is like literally all i want in music.

just a good representative of the more rokkin goth style. cemetary was real hit and miss because a lot of their stuff is embarassing garbage but when they nail it, they nail it

least cheesy representative of the "beauty and the beast" branch that i've heard. this song in particular is just the absolute tits. the riff they drop into at 0:56 is just the best fucking thing in the world. guitar tone and feel similar to type o negative sometimes actually but less brooklyn ironic and more norwegian deadly fuckin serious

i think rotting christ's goth-bm period is often overlooked these days (and even back then) but "a dead poem" is actually my favourite rotting christ album, i think the songwriting just comes together in a very convincing way and there is real soul to it

gotta have these guys too

if you start looking into the visual kei scene there is a whole other universe of (sometimes) goth influenced metal and rock to discover. i've posted this before but it's just fucking jawdropping to me, i cannot fully explain how much i love this shit. siouxsie influenced probably

here's another jap thing. not really metal at all, it has the intensity of metal sometimes but it's not heavy. sorry for the shit audio quality. luna sea is huge in japan but no quality recordings on youtube.

i love love love bay laurel's first album, it's a little amateur hour sometimes but it has the Feels. pure fields of the nephilim worship but with a little cross-pollination from goth metal. its like fields influencing goth metal, which in turn influenced these guys who were basically metal kids deciding to do goth rock

just cant have a goth thread without these guys

not a great band tbh, but this song is great

best modern goth rock i've heard. ex-members of fields of the nephilim so its like the poppier bits of elizium with female vox. tried shilling these guys otf before. unfortunately this is by far their best song that i've heard
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a few things i forgot but can't forget

this is one of the purest instances of Goth Metal (capital G, capital M) i can think of

double dipping into sentenced just to showcase this often overlooked track which is easily one of their three best of all time. when they drop into that goth riff at 0:52 with the UH! it's such a classic ass egj moment

of course, these guys. actually my fav is "under the moonspell" but that's less obviously goth

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Yeah, nothing to add. For 20 years Draconian Times was my go-to "go-thic" album, a (galaxy of) genre(s) I approached on tiptoe but now I'm deep into most of the stuff cited above, and I still haven't properly started on Fields of the Nifelheim.

Also Tristania's debut, way underappreciated.
Did you guys hear the latest Paradise Lost album from last year? I really enjoyed that.

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lol hmm

sorry for killing the thread by posting every band anyone could ever think of :dopey:

but that's not true tho. in particular, does anyone have more goth rock recos? like, not metal? there's a lot of crap to wade thru...
i once owned a few CDs by Cranes. it was...different. the singer sounds like a kid, but the music was gothy dream pop.

it wasnt bad by any means. soothing, but the vocals take some effort

and of course, Sisters of Mercy. I couldnt get into it, but I know they are a cult act.

RE: Cradle of Filth....are those really worth looking into, or are those bizarro posts?

least cheesy representative of the "beauty and the beast" branch that i've heard. this song in particular is just the absolute tits. the riff they drop into at 0:56 is just the best fucking thing in the world. guitar tone and feel similar to type o negative sometimes actually but less brooklyn ironic and more norwegian deadly fuckin serious

What is this?
RE: Cradle of Filth....are those really worth looking into, or are those bizarro posts?

Well I was certainly being serious yeah, give "Dusk and Her Embrace" a listen, I think you might like it actually.
some of yall may like Beyond Dawn. they took a musical trajectory similar to katatonia, but weirder

beyond dawn is one of those bands that have been kind of on the outskirts of my radar for years and it hasn't really clicked. i have "revelry" and it doesn't really work for me. been trying to find "pity love" throughout the years but never did. i should get on that.