The great and all powerful religion thread!

1. Abstinence Makes the Church Grow Fondlers
2. Honk If Your Religious Beliefs Make You An Asshole
3. Intelligent Design Makes My Monkey Cry
4. Too Stupid to Understand Science? Try Religion.
5. There's A REASON Why Atheists Don't Fly Planes Into Buildings
6. "Worship Me or I Will Torture You Forever. Have a Nice Day." * God
7. God Doesn't Kill People. People Who Believe in God Kill People.
8. If There is No God, Then What Makes the Next Kleenex Pop Up?
9. He's Dead. It's Been 2,000 years. He's Not Coming Back. Get OVER It Already!
10. "All religion is simply evolved out of fraud, fear, greed, imagination and poetry." - Edgar Allen Poe
11. Viva La Evolución!
12. Actually, If You Look It Up, The Winter Solstice Is The Reason For The Season
13. I Wouldn't Trust Your God Even If He Did Exist
14. Cheeses Is Lard. Argue With THAT If You Can.
15. People Who Don't Want Their Beliefs Laughed at Shouldn't Have Such Funny Beliefs
16. Jesus is Coming? Don't Swallow That.
17. Threatening Children With Hell Is FUN!
19. Jesus Told Me Republicans SUCK
20. God + Whacky Tobacky = Platypus
21. God Doesn't Exist. So, I Guess That Means No One Loves You.
22. When the Rapture Comes, We'll Get Our Country Back!
23. Q. How Do We Know the Holy Ghost Was Catholic? A. He Used the Rhythm Method Instead of a Condom.
24. You Say "Heretic" Like It Was a BAD Thing
25. I Love Christians. They Taste Like Chicken.
26. Science: It Works, Bitches.
27. "Intelligent Design" Helping Stupid People Feel Smart Since 1987
28. I Found God Between The Sheets
29. I Gave Up Superstitious Mumbo Jumbo For Lent
30. My Flying Monkey Can Beat Up Your Guardian Angel
31. Every Time You Play With Yourself, God Kills a Kitten
32. If God Wanted People to Believe in Him, Then Why Did He Invent Logic?
33. Praying Is Politically Correct Schizophrenia
34. ALL Americans Are African Americans
35. I Forget - on Which Day Did God Make All The Fossils?
36. I Was An Atheist Until The Hindus Convinced Me That I Was God
37. The Spanish Inquisition: The Original Faith-based Initiative
38. If we were made in his image, then why aren't humans invisible too?
39. JESUS SAVES... You From Thinking For Yourself
40. How Can You Disbelieve in Evolution If You Can't Even Define It?
41. Q. How Can You Tell That Your God is Man-made? A. He Hates All the Same People You Do.
42. Every Time You See a Rainbow, God is Having Gay Sex
43. I Went to Public School in Kansas and All I Got Was This Lousy T-shirt and a Poor Understanding of the Scientific Method.
44. WWJD = We Won. Jesus Died.
45. The Family That Prays Together is Brainwashing their Children
46. Oh, Look, Honey Another Pro-lifer For War
47. Another Godless Atheist for Peace and World Harmony
48. God is Unavailable Right Now. Can I Help You?
49. "When Lip Service to Some Mysterious Deity Permits Bestiality on Wednesday and Absolution on Sundays, Cash Me Out." - Frank Sinatra
50. No Gods. No Mullets.
In response to the Catholic stuff, I agree. I'm just relaying the argument given by my Church leaders. The Church really needs to update on what the nature of sin is.
In response to the Catholic stuff, I agree. I'm just relaying the argument given by my Church leaders. The Church really needs to update on what the nature of sin is.

how can it change it's mind on a doctrinal or moral issue if it is infallible? unless of course it is fallbile in which case all of its infallible dogams are fallible... :ill:
Anyone, even within the Church, who still believes in infallibility is delusional. Even the Pope.

That's my point. The church has been saying FROM THE BEGINNING that it is infallible. The Pope is infallible, the ecumenical councils are infallible, etc. the entire religion is based upon this. If you can't trust them for in regards to this, something which they have been saying for centuries and excommunicating, anathematizing and killing anyone who disagreed then how can you trust ANYTHING they say?! I mean tomorrow they could come out and say "you know what we've been saying that jesus rose from the dead for centuries and have been declaring this an infallible dogma which you must believe or you burn in hell forever, but you know what? we goofed sorry! he's really just rotting in the ground."

In response to the Catholic stuff, I agree. I'm just relaying the argument given by my Church leaders. The Church really needs to update on what the nature of sin is.

It is what it is.

That's my point. The church has been saying FROM THE BEGINNING that it is infallible. The Pope is infallible, the ecumenical councils are infallible, etc. the entire religion is based upon this. If you can't trust them for in regards to this, something which they have been saying for centuries and excommunicating, anathematizing and killing anyone who disagreed then how can you trust ANYTHING they say?! I mean tomorrow they could come out and say "you know what we've been saying that jesus rose from the dead for centuries and have been declaring this an infallible dogma which you must believe or you burn in hell forever, but you know what? we goofed sorry! he's really just rotting in the ground."

See, I don't get all of this. The only thing that evangelicals see as infallable or maybe inerrent is a better word, is the Bible. If the Catholic church is on board with that, then it would seem they should know better than to think any man or organization is above reproach.
The Pope is the representative of God tbh, how could he err?

Also The Bible is pretty blatantly obviously errant in many parts, simply through sheer contradiction. You can't hold both A and ~A to be true.
The Pope is the representative of God tbh, how could he err?

Maybe because he is human. All have sinned. It's not the Bible they are getting that idea from.

Also The Bible is pretty blatantly obviously errant in many parts, simply through sheer contradiction. You can't hold both A and ~A to be true.

This isn't the issue at hand. The issue is what the "church" views as correct and constant.
I, like many other people on here, am an agnostic. For the simple reason that I don't believe you can prove the existence or non existence of any god either way, so I don't tend to waste too much time thinking about it.
Having said that, I think that some religions do have some good aspects, it's just a shame people can't use them for the greater good of humanity, rather than just saying, "You must think and act like this or you'll BURN IN HELL!", particularly when it's wielded by the fucking US Government and fundamentalist nutters in america to control and manipulate people. Please don't interpret that last comment as anti-american by the way - it's only the government and a minority of religious zealots that I'm criticising.
It is what it is.

See, I don't get all of this. The only thing that evangelicals see as infallable or maybe inerrent is a better word, is the Bible. If the Catholic church is on board with that, then it would seem they should know better than to think any man or organization is above reproach.

Yes but you see it was the Church that put the bible together in the first place. There is no divinely inspired 'table of contents' rather it was centuries of debate and church councils that decided the canon of the bible. If you can't trust the church which put the bible together, then how can you trust that you have the 'right' bible at all?!