The great and all powerful religion thread!

Well, the thing about believing in god is that my understanding from talking with people is that it isn't about proving anything - that indeed actually proving God's existence would defeat the purpose because it is in fact about faith, unconditional belief and the strength that comes from it, and that if you know then what's the point in believing?

I respect that.

If there's someone who comes to the conclusion that god exists by weighing the evidence, then I would think they were an idiot because while obviously nothing can be proved science seems to indicate no God, but if someone accepts God as an article of faith then I completely respect that.

However, I have great contempt for the christian faith itself, as well as the Catholic church, which has killed more people than...someone who killed a lot of people. I have no numbers for this one. Sorry.
Well, Christianity is based on faith, both because faith is the point of religion, and because tangible evidence simply can't be provided for the existence of God.

I respect other peoples' rights to their faith, as there are many people who have had different experiences from mine and no doubt have compelling reasons to believe what they do, but I personally have no belief in God whatsoever.
That´s the most irritating argument they have. But as i´ve heard somewhere;"The fact that you cant prove that there isn´t pink homosexual elephant bikers inside the core of Venus isn´t a very good proof of their existance",that´s a good reply to such arguments:)

:lol: that made me laugh
The Catholic religion is just Judaism with European mythologies added in. I learned this in my Church history class at a catholic school. We learned about how Judaism believed that it was unknown what was after death (and Jesus believed that also). After the "resurrection" of Jesus the apostles formed a different sect of Judaism which was later adopted by the Roman empire. And that is when I suspect the mythologies were mixed in.
I don't think we should even bother talking about evidence for or against the existence of god, everyone will just get angrier while becoming more and more convinced that they're right.

@Aapep: yes.
that's one thing that pisses me off about the church, they completely compromised their religion for power. In order to win over pagans they started weaving in pagan mythology and stuff that ran contrary to the original message. I'm not a fan of Jesus' original message, but it's a thousand times better than the clusterfuck that's emerged.
In before CC bitches about religion and says something along the lines of "its like someone telling them that 1+1 = 3!"
I trust cookie to not be a moron, actually.
I suspect that he will read the thread and then contribute to the discussion intelligently.
Well, the thing about believing in god is that my understanding from talking with people is that it isn't about proving anything - that indeed actually proving God's existence would defeat the purpose because it is in fact about faith, unconditional belief and the strength that comes from it, and that if you know then what's the point in believing?

I respect that.

If there's someone who comes to the conclusion that god exists by weighing the evidence, then I would think they were an idiot because while obviously nothing can be proved science seems to indicate no God, but if someone accepts God as an article of faith then I completely respect that.

However, I have great contempt for the christian faith itself, as well as the Catholic church, which has killed more people than...someone who killed a lot of people. I have no numbers for this one. Sorry.


Well, Christianity is based on faith, both because faith is the point of religion, and because tangible evidence simply can't be provided for the existence of God.

I think you guys are the first people that aren't Christians that also understand when Christians say "faith" as the answer to how God is real. I have said it to someone before and they just said I have weak's not that I have weak arguements, but it's the only arguement I have as I have no physical evidence of God. I just believe in Him by faith.

and yeah that's what Christianity is built on, trusting in God and the Bible though you can't see, hear, or feel Him.
No one could conclude that God is real by "weighing the evidence" because there isn't any which turns people off from Christianity.

Weareinflames...Catholics aren't the only christians. It was way back in the day that catholics hated jews, they killed anyone who wasn't a catholic and it was horrible. But I'm not catholic, I'm not anything. I'm just a plain 'ol Christian. The catholic church did kill alot of people but they aren't like that anymore.
I will admit this though about christianity, there are MANY frauds. They look at Christianity as a business and marketing tool...all these priests on TV always claiming to have a "prayer cloth" that if you set it by your bedside table God will grant you a huge blessing by next week. that's a bunch of bull. They want the money, they need you to send them that cash so they can go buy a new house. Even in the Bible it says to be aware of false prophets which is exactly what these people are. They only preach the parts in the Bible that says God will let you prosper...but they don't preach the parts that says you will suffer also :rolleyes: they only want money. The christian industry thing is's full of hypocrites and frauds. But I don't care, I'm fine as long as I have my metal and a Bible. :kickass: I'll let those hypocrites fall into themselves.
@ WAIF: I think Cookie is a smart guy and quality poster but the way he expresses his viewpoints pisses me off. Even though I agree with him for the most part.

@Aapep: yes.
that's one thing that pisses me off about the church, they completely compromised their religion for power. In order to win over pagans they started weaving in pagan mythology and stuff that ran contrary to the original message.

I don't think it was to win people over, but to retain order in society by scaring them. The whole eternal paradise or eternal suffering depending on how you lived your life thing was a Greek idea iirc. Jesus's original teaching was to do good for the good of doing it.
Sorry, I just can't buy into it. Seeing as every religion is made by man, and every religion is different from each other, it makes you think, how can they all be true? I'm atheist and believe in what science has proven so far, but that doesn't mean I'm going to be an asshole and start telling christians that god doesn't exist and what not... With music, EVERYTHING is based on personal opinion, and it happens a lot on this forum where peoplase shoot insults into the face of anyone who disagrees with them... this is just wrong... sorry. This goes for life too... People can believe what they want, I don't see any of you calling people faggots in real life because their car is a different color from yours. Seriously... fuck off.

I probably offended a lot of people with that post, but I meant only good.
Weareinflames...Catholics aren't the only christians. It was way back in the day that catholics hated jews, they killed anyone who wasn't a catholic and it was horrible. But I'm not catholic, I'm not anything. I'm just a plain 'ol Christian. The catholic church did kill alot of people but they aren't like that anymore.
I will admit this though about christianity, there are MANY frauds. They look at Christianity as a business and marketing tool...all these priests on TV always claiming to have a "prayer cloth" that if you set it by your bedside table God will grant you a huge blessing by next week. that's a bunch of bull. They want the money, they need you to send them that cash so they can go buy a new house. Even in the Bible it says to be aware of false prophets which is exactly what these people are. They only preach the parts in the Bible that says God will let you prosper...but they don't preach the parts that says you will suffer also :rolleyes: they only want money. The christian industry thing is's full of hypocrites and frauds. But I don't care, I'm fine as long as I have my metal and a Bible. :kickass: I'll let those hypocrites fall into themselves.
I'm aware that catholics aren't all christians, I say catholics because they're the ones with the Catholic Church and the Pope and all that.
Also, there was a long time where all the Christians were part of the church and subordinate to the pope and were what would become Catholics. I think. Religious history isn't my strongest suite.

And of course televangelists and that lot are a big scam.

However, I also have deeper problems with the precepts of Christianity itself. But not a major problem. My anger towards the religion generally stems from the way the church has acted over the years and the way Christianity has been used as a tool by the powerful. The same is true of Islam, but worse, because they didn't fuck with scandinavia and thus unintentionally sow the seeds of unadulterated awesomeness a thousand years later (BATHORY!).

I think Cookie is a smart guy and quality poster but the way he expresses his viewpoints pisses me off. Even though I agree with him for the most part.

Can we stop talking about someone who hasn't even posted in this thread?
It's like he's a fucking legend or something. Should we roll out a red carpet for when he arrives at this thread?
In advance:

by that logic so is the old one, seeing as they're the same topic.

But that's a self-fulfilling prophecy; if you fill up my thread with your whining about how it'll suck, then yes, it'll suck.
If you're not interested in actually discussing this stuff, gtfo. Seriously.
And I did create this for the purpose of taking an argument out of the lyrics>music thread in gmd...
Sorry, I just can't buy into it. Seeing as every religion is made by man, and every religion is different from each other, it makes you think, how can they all be true? I'm atheist and believe in what science has proven so far, but that doesn't mean I'm going to be an asshole and start telling christians that god doesn't exist and what not... With music, EVERYTHING is based on personal opinion, and it happens a lot on this forum where peoplase shoot insults into the face of anyone who disagrees with them... this is just wrong... sorry. This goes for life too... People can believe what they want, I don't see any of you calling people faggots in real life because their car is a different color from yours. Seriously... fuck off.

I probably offended a lot of people with that post, but I meant only good.

no I don't think you offended anyone. I agree with you. everyone should just accept other people's opinions. each person believes they're right...but who's REALLY right? we don't everyone should stop shoving things down other people's throats.
I don't remember the exact quote....but the thing about the crayons all being different colors, some duller and sharper than others, they all still live in the same box. :)

and when I was scrolling past that red carpet I thought it was a fruit roll-up:lol: