The great and all powerful religion thread!

Dum dum dum dum dum.


Yes but you see it was the Church that put the bible together in the first place. There is no divinely inspired 'table of contents' rather it was centuries of debate and church councils that decided the canon of the bible. If you can't trust the church which put the bible together, then how can you trust that you have the 'right' bible at all?!

True. I guess for me, at this point, it comes down to assuming that there was a divine table of contents in the mind of God, and that he ensured that it was put together correctly. This is a topic I don't know a lot about, but really want to learn more about, but haven't yet.
True. I guess for me, at this point, it comes down to assuming that there was a divine table of contents in the mind of God, and that he ensured that it was put together correctly. This is a topic I don't know a lot about, but really want to learn more about, but haven't yet.

and history shows us that it was the church (i.e. the catholic west and the orthodox east before the schism) that were actually responsible for putting the bible together. so the catholic and orthodox argument is that god inspired the church to decipher what exactly is canon and what is not. therefore if you believe the bible you should believe in the church which put the bible together (supposedly under god's divine inspiration) and in her interpretations of it.
and history shows us that it was the church (i.e. the catholic west and the orthodox east before the schism) that were actually responsible for putting the bible together. so the catholic and orthodox argument is that god inspired the church to decipher what exactly is canon and what is not. therefore if you believe the bible you should believe in the church which put the bible together (supposedly under god's divine inspiration) and in her interpretations of it.

But you know that (a) all have sinned. The pope is an all. How is he infallable?

Doctrinally, a person can do something inspired by God and the thing can be exactly what God wanted to be done. But that doesn't mean that because God used that person in that instance (or in many such instances) that the person is somehow infallable.

The church sold indulgences. What part of the bible were they interpreting when they did that?

I need to read up on church history and the cannonization process.

I wish I was a more motivated reader.
How is he infallable?

I didn't think that mattered. As long as he has (true) faith in god he is forgiven 'by the grace of god'. So he can touch as many little boys as he likes.
But you know that (a) all have sinned. The pope is an all. How is he infallable?

Doctrinally, a person can do something inspired by God and the thing can be exactly what God wanted to be done. But that doesn't mean that because God used that person in that instance (or in many such instances) that the person is somehow infallable.

The church sold indulgences. What part of the bible were they interpreting when they did that?

I need to read up on church history and the cannonization process.

I wish I was a more motivated reader.

Well as you know I'm agnostic now so I'm simply trying to present these ideas from Catholic and Orthodox viewpoints for the sake of our discussion. Infallibility however has NOTHING to do with whether a person is sinful or not.
When Catholics claim that the Pope is infallible they do not mean that all of his opinions are correct or that he knows everything or that he is sinless, etc. They mean that when the Pope speaks Ex Cathedra (from the Chair) in his official position as Successor of Peter he speaks infallibly on matters of doctrine and morals as the Holy Spirit guides him. To my knowledge there have only been a couple of Ex Cathedra statements made by Popes. Infallibilty is something that is also given to the church and expressed in her Ecumenical councils (such as the Council of Nicea, etc.). This does not mean that the church knows everything or is right about everything but when it holds an ecumenical council the decisions of the council are believed to be inspired by God.

For more information on the history of the church, her councils and the process of the canonization of the bible you should read the following books:

1. The Way: What Every Protestant Should Know About the Orthodox Church- Clark Carlton
2. The Orthodox Church- Timothy Ware
Jesus was a well hung jew.

But seriousness aside...

One day Jesus went to see the phsyciatrist. During his appointment, he said to him "Doc, everywhere I go, I get the feeling people are following me."
I have a bad feeling about this, but this has been polluting threads in GMD, so here we go.

Now then: NO insults, this is for reasoned debate. However, I don't want it to be really pretentious and ridiculous and filled with ANUS assholes and nietszche-fellating, so we're keeping it out of the Philosopher.

Anyhow, this is for debating topics pertaining to Christianity, and I guess also Islam and Judaism, since from a historical standpoint the three have intertwined extensively.
so then...what's the question? lol

You just start a thread and say "you talk about christianity here" and that's it? lol

well okay then...I guess I will start something, if you don't think God (or a god) exists...say why or give evidence etc...

ha, I was just trying to start discussion :p
That´s the most irritating argument they have. But as i´ve heard somewhere;"The fact that you cant prove that there isn´t pink homosexual elephant bikers inside the core of Venus isn´t a very good proof of their existance",that´s a good reply to such arguments:)
I'm not sure about the existance of a God, but it is fucking annoying when people dismiss the whole point of a religion (be good for the benefit of mankind) because they believe in something they don't.