The great and all powerful religion thread!

Out of this list, some are useless in terms of human morality. If we take it down to the bare-bone of what should be followed by anyone, then keep only 6, 8, 9 and 10 (with limitations but still, spending a lifetime wishing you have what this other guy has, you wind up not doing much).

The rest are add-ons, specific to the traditions of this specific religion. Number 1 is racist and discriminatory but I doubt its intent is towards hating other religions as much as it is about having its own members following only one cult at a time, please.
6,8,9, and 10 are basic human decency, and of course every single one of them has exceptions.
I don't see how 1 is racist, and it wasn't intended as discriminatory because I think it was intended just so that Jews would only be Jews. However, it's been used as an excuse to forcibly spread christianity.

You are right though...there is no logic in Christianity. I know that sounds weird to say that Christianity makes no sense yet I still believe it...but I do.

about commandment 3. You know that it's taking His name in vain to say "goddamn" or "oh my god" take God's name in vain when you use it without reverence. Anytime you say God and aren't referring to GOD or a god at's taking His name in vein. Also anytime you use His name as a witness to a lie. such as when you are in court and you swear by His name...yet you take His name in vain as you have not used it with reverence and have used it carelessly witnessing Him to you're falseness.

"The Pharisee of the parable, for instance, used the name of God with a loud voice and raised his hands and eyes, but in vain. His intent was to gain arrogant personal satisfaction rather than to present a devoted prayer in repentance and humbleness."
^^ I found that one a website....does that explain it a little more for you?
Okay, I understand it better now. Thank you.
I don't agree with it, but I now at least understand.
I find it incredibly pretentious of God to demand that his name be used with awe and reverence. Who the hell does he think he is?

I suppose I don't believe that humans should even have to strive for such perfection. Individuals have the right to pursue the endeavors they see fit. "Do what thou wilt." I don't mean to blatantly reference Satanism, but I believe that sentiment. Which leads me to Rampage's comment...

I don't believe literally in Lucifer, no. You're right, I find symbolism in his image. But I'm not bashing every form of belief. The description of the Christian God is filled with inconsistencies, in my opinion. Now, there could easily be a belief that said some form of greater power created this world. It doesn't necessarily have to be a perfect, infallible being. Perfection is not a staple of a god, as is evident in the ancient mythologies. However, Christianity purports this idea of an omnipotent, omniscient god, which I find implausible.

Now, to WAIF:
People who follow those commandments believe that they will be punished for breaking them. They obey out of fear (or love, some might say; I view it as fear...). I don't understand why using the lord's name in vain is disrespectful either. Perhaps someone here can explain it to us.
Once again, the concept of fearing god is an invention of the church. I find the concept of a god you fear disgusting, frankly. It has nothing to do with Christ's concept of god, who was a paternal figure, stern yet benevolent, forgiving, and above all loving. This one is more like an abusive alcoholic father who beats the shit out of his kids every time they squeak.

:lol: at finding incredibly glaring faults in the tenets of Christianity yet believing it anyway.

If someone comes up to you with a rock in his hand and says it's a butterfly, do you believe him too? Think for yourself.
V5, no offense, but shut up. We've gone over this point repeatedly. I know you're not a moron, so either you didn't read my (or Zeph's) post or you're being willfully ignorant. Either way, please either contribute meaningfully or go back to lurking.

i don't see why god makes such a big deal out of 'believing in him' or not. i mean if he really wants to let us know he's there why doesn't he just do it? why all the vagueness? not only that... is it reasonable to send someone to eternal torment because they aren't convinced that said god exists even though he's suspiciously absent from the picture?
According to christ's concept of god, he doesn't. The idea that someone could be nice and kind and loving and all that but go to hell because they're a buddhist is again an invention that has no basis in christ's message. The original god was down with the heathens as long as they were cool. He'd just prefer if you believed in him.

Because then it would be concrete belief in fact, which is effortless, and proves no loyalty. Faith, however, requires effort and is a sign of devotion.
thank you. I thought I made this clear earlier, but I guess certain people didn't read my post.

Why would God risk the future and destiny of ones soul, with the chance that they won't be a believer and have them burn in Hell? In fact, I would rather burn in Hell, than worship a God like that, who doesn't care about his people. Also, if God did show himself, then the religion and worship would still require effort, like going to church, giving up sacrifices, etc.

My understanding is that the idea of people who haven't accepted Christianity going to hell is an invention of the church and has nothing to do with christ's original message.
But they claim he has, in the form of Jesus and through the prophets before him.

yeah but every religion claims that their god spoke to their prophet... where is the evidence NOW that shows god exists, etc. not only that but the bible is full of false prophecies... the most obvious being jesus' failed second coming prophecies... so if we are to judge the validity of christianity on the basis of jesus and the prophets then it fails.
According to christ's concept of god, he doesn't. The idea that someone could be nice and kind and loving and all that but go to hell because they're a buddhist is again an invention that has no basis in christ's message. The original god was down with the heathens as long as they were cool. He'd just prefer if you believed in him.

the original god?! which one is this?
me, of course.

I mean Jesus's original concept of god.
Based on my knowledge of that religious type shit.
Which is limited.

the new testament is the earliest evidence of early christian belief... so if the new testament does not contain the conception of god you speak of... then what exactly is your source? your imagination?
V5, no offense, but shut up. We've gone over this point repeatedly. I know you're not a moron, so either you didn't read my (or Zeph's) post or you're being willfully ignorant. Either way, please either contribute meaningfully or go back to lurking.

Dear WAIF, suck it. Yours, V5.

FUCK tolerance. I want to challenge perceptions, not fall in line with people I pretend to understand the thoughts of.
Dear WAIF, suck it. Yours, V5.

FUCK tolerance. I want to challenge perceptions, not fall in line with people I pretend to understand the thoughts of.

Thing is, you're not challenging perceptions at all. If you want perceptions challenged, why not start with your own? Why not try to understand those people's thoughts instead of "challenging perceptions" by spewing the same atheist stuff that 98% of this forum is saying? I'm not saying I disagree with that stuff, but I don't see anything productive in sitting around talking about how much we don't believe in God. And regardless, this is supposed to be an intelligent discussion, so you could at least not be obnoxious.
I personally see nothing productive in this discussion AT ALL anymore.

Anyway, here are my perceptions: belief in God is fucking illogical, stupid and pointless. If you STILL believe even if you realize this, I feel bad for you. If you have faith, that's your prerogative, but I find it to be problematic in some ways.
I personally see nothing productive in this discussion AT ALL anymore.
Then gtfo.

Anyway, here are my perceptions: belief in God is fucking illogical, stupid and pointless. If you STILL believe even if you realize this, I feel bad for you. If you have faith, that's your prerogative, but I find it to be problematic in some ways.
I actually wish I could believe in God. The comfort true believers take from their faith seems so attractive. It would be wonderful to believe that there's a greater purpose to it all, that we live on after death, and most of all that someone is watching us wade through the petty bullshit of daily life and understands etc.
I imagine it would be a sorta warm fuzzy feeling.

I'm probably wrong, though.
I prefer comfort in things that I can readily experience without some sort of annoying fucking middle-man.

BTW just believing things doesn't mean they exist. That would be nice, and probably warm and fuzzy.
So, you'd like drugs if you had your own drug field in columbia but because you have to go through a dealer they're no good?

And as far as believing things not meaning they exist, in this case, does it make a difference? You would never come face to face with proof that god does not exist, and there's no point at which you would expect him to manifest, so there's no difference between believing in him when he doesn't exist and believing in him when he exists.
Atheists don't believe in an afterlife. I'm pretty sure most don't even believe in reincarnation (which is a second life, not an afterlife technically).

To be honest the only thing the label atheist tells us is that the person do not believe in god. "A" - a negative prefix and "theos" - god. Therefore athiem in itself only means "disbelief in god" and says nothing about any other beliefs and/or ideas.

However it is very common that an atheist also rejects other religious ideas while he's at it. So in practice most atheists dont believe in an afterlife just like they usually don't believe in ghosts or spirits. However the term itself only describes a person who does not believe in one or several gods.
Thank you, but in modern usage atheist refers to someone who does not believe in religion. So V is essentially right.
To be honest the only thing the label atheist tells us is that the person do not believe in god. "A" - a negative prefix and "theos" - god. Therefore athiem in itself only means "disbelief in god" and says nothing about any other beliefs and/or ideas.

However it is very common that an atheist also rejects other religious ideas while he's at it. So in practice most atheists dont believe in an afterlife just like they usually don't believe in ghosts or spirits. However the term itself only describes a person who does not believe in one or several gods.

Thanks man, I had no idea. So glad you know how to copy/paste definitions from places.

WAIF said:
So, you'd like drugs if you had your own drug field in columbia but because you have to go through a dealer they're no good? Spirituality isn't like this and can't analogically be compared in this way to real things.
I actually don't know why I said that, it was kind of a joke.
Disregard it.

But you are missing the point of spirituality, which is that uncertainty forces faith to be stronger.
Thanks man, I had no idea. So glad you know how to copy/paste definitions from places.

I don't copy/paste. I studiet religion at university level for 2 years. This is among the basics.

Thank you, but in modern usage atheist refers to someone who does not believe in religion. So V is essentially right.

Well, it depends on how you see it but you're right that alot of people automatically assume that an atheist rejects most or all aspects of religion, which often also is the case. However the word itself does not indicate the atheists attitude towards anything but the belief in god.

Just because alot of people believe in one definition of the word does not make it right, merely popular ;)
I haven't studied religion at all but I already knew everything you said, and it's wrong in the modern definition of atheism.

Semantics can only take you so far in a discussion of this caliber.