The great and all powerful religion thread!

The world is running fine. It just needs to shake off this evolutionary mistake called humankind and it will recover.

This is an asinine comment that deserves the same response I give everyone who is for population reduction:

"Why don't you set the example and start with yourself then?"

This is not to excuse the mistakes people make, but to say humanity itself is a mistake is absurd and makes me wonder why you haven't committed suicide with that kind of opinion (in fact, not commiting could be considered highly hypocritical).
hay gais how r u doin today? ok gr8! wel i wuld lyk 2 spk 2 u t2day about odin n his son thor n how he is teh savior of man
throw them out. instead of being a condescending jerk towards non-Atheists, at least be respectful of a person's right to choose. and besides, I'm no longer Asatru, I've embraced LaVeyan Satanism. seems more sound to me.
You're an idiot though. LaVeyan Satanism is arbitrarily putting a label on common sense but giving one free reign to be a dickhead.

Why would I throw out albums just because I disagree with the general message of their lyrical content? Support your argument.
TBH it really is the ultimate easy way out because you don't have to explain a god, because he is a god. [It] is outside the "natural realm" and therefore not bound by the laws of the natural.

Edit: But I think we are all aware of that. Kind of "ldo".

Easy way out, more like cop-out. Again, argument from ignorance. No different than the sacred mysteries of Catholicism. The point is to not understand because proof lies in faith.

So if this God lies outside the natural realm, in what ways does he operate within the natural realm? He's obviously played some part, no?

This is an asinine comment that deserves the same response I give everyone who is for population reduction:

"Why don't you set the example and start with yourself then?"

In no way did I imply I was pro-population reduction. Overpopulation is not so much the problem as the morbidly unequal distribution of resources.

Now, try looking from my perspective: that the world and life have no purpose. Our evolution was a "mistake" in that it's the result of the tiniest of chances that a species develops a higher intellect than the rest of nature. Given that our civilization is destroying the environment and ourselves, the path we're taking will render the planet uninhabitable. That includes nuclear holocaust. Species that cannot adapt to their environment (in our case, by destroying it), by natural law will perish.

Luckily, more people are taking steps to slow this process down, perhaps even stop it. But it's a humanistic endeavor.

Of course, if you believe life has a purpose and that salvation is on the way both/either in this life or "the next", then you need not worry about current issues like global warming, because Revelation is soon to be fulfilled.

No but he's my idol.
throw them out. instead of being a condescending jerk towards non-Atheists, at least be respectful of a person's right to choose. and besides, I'm no longer Asatru, I've embraced LaVeyan Satanism. seems more sound to me.

throw them out? that's fucking stupid.
it's seems like you just keep going from one trend religion/ideology to the next... first you were Atheist "yeah i'm an atheist, fuck your god i'm badass" then you were Asatru "yeah i'm better than atheists now i've got moral principles and badass gods on my side" now its Satanism "yeah that odin shit is fake i use satan as a symbol to show how unlike and different i am from others despite the fact that i go from one ideology to the next seemingly without any real thought behind it".
I hate how most metalheads who become satanists just do it to be kvlt. It pisses me the fuck off. And I also hate all those hippie faggots who pose as Buddhists and say "yeah, bro, I'm so peaceful." Part of Buddhism is that you don't abuse substances, the only thing they know about Buddhism is that it was started by a guy from somewhere in Asia. And then I get instantly labelled as one of those faggots since I identify myself as a Mahayana Buddhist and have long hair.
throw them out? that's fucking stupid.
it's seems like you just keep going from one trend religion/ideology to the next... first you were Atheist "yeah i'm an atheist, fuck your god i'm badass" then you were Asatru "yeah i'm better than atheists now i've got moral principles and badass gods on my side" now its Satanism "yeah that odin shit is fake i use satan as a symbol to show how unlike and different i am from others despite the fact that i go from one ideology to the next seemingly without any real thought behind it".

try 20 some years of religious brainwashing and then you'll bite your tongue...
I hate how most metalheads who become satanists just do it to be kvlt. It pisses me the fuck off. And I also hate all those hippie faggots who pose as Buddhists and say "yeah, bro, I'm so peaceful." Part of Buddhism is that you don't abuse substances, the only thing they know about Buddhism is that it was started by a guy from somewhere in Asia. And then I get instantly labelled as one of those faggots since I identify myself as a Mahayana Buddhist and have long hair.

I don't do it to be "kvlt", I do it because it makes sense to me. real satanism means I have no god or master, I serve no one but myself, which is very empowering if you look at it in the right light.
Or it's a way of thinking for misanthropes who think helping others and relying on others is weak.
I don't do it to be "kvlt", I do it because it makes sense to me. real satanism means I have no god or master, I serve no one but myself, which is very empowering if you look at it in the right light.

What's wrong with secular humanism? You get your individuality, your atheism, and friends.
Subscribing to an ideology which basically tells you what is completely fucking obviously is a pretty stupid thing to do. You don't need Satanism to tell you that you "serve nobody but yourself." The fact that one resorts to an ideology in order to feel independent is kind of contradictory.