The great and all powerful religion thread!

I don't do it to be "kvlt", I do it because it makes sense to me. real satanism means I have no god or master, I serve no one but myself, which is very empowering if you look at it in the right light.

I wasn't aiming it at you. I was aiming it at the ton of faggots who are like "I'M METAL! SATAN! DEATH TO EVERYTHING UNMETAL!"
Infinity.........quite possibly the most fascinating word ever and how it attains to religion? Well more less what I coming to find these days is that religions exploited and distorted away from the infinite. It is definetly a complex subject and I don't necessarily believe all of it. I am an idealist, but damn this stuff rings pretty close to my frequency I'll tell ya that much.
I wish that made sense and had a cool concept behind it or something because it's sort of a weird intriguing, if disjointed thought.
Infinity.........quite possibly the most fascinating word ever and how it attains to religion? Well more less what I coming to find these days is that religions exploited and distorted away from the infinite. It is definetly a complex subject and I don't necessarily believe all of it. I am an idealist, but damn this stuff rings pretty close to my frequency I'll tell ya that much.

Please explain your concept of idealism further. It interests me.
Most of your posts are weird and verge on making sense but never quite get there.

What is wierd? Your wierd I am wierd at least in some ways.
Its pretty obvious with a logical approach that most religions are obviously sheepish. I mean it has become a major tool for mass manipulation and control. It is pretty easy to see that although some people would look at what I just said and not even be able to comprehend it.

The infinity thing goes back to the times of Atlantis (maybe mythical maybe not, it is surely debatable) and to me has a lot to do with our origins as humans. To go even farther and wierder I would say that we have extraterrestrial origins that have been suppressed as well as forgotten. Is this really too far fetched to be possible? To the people who are so applied to their laws and way of life to conceive of such things.......probably, but if you look around people are actually starting to open their mind to a lot of things that 20 years ago wouldn't even be fathomable. Science fiction is starting in many ways to become science non fiction. So, to me I think it is very plausible.
The infinity thing goes back to the times of Atlantis (maybe mythical maybe not, it is surely debatable) and to me has a lot to do with our origins as humans. To go even farther and wierder I would say that we have extraterrestrial origins that have been suppressed as well as forgotten. Is this really too far fetched to be possible? To the people who are so applied to their laws and way of life to conceive of such things.......probably, but if you look around people are actually starting to open their mind to a lot of things that 20 years ago wouldn't even be fathomable. Science fiction is starting in many ways to become science non fiction. So, to me I think it is very plausible.

Plato discussed Atlantis as being destroyed by its ill favor with the gods. He likely based it off of the natural disasters that coincided with the fall of archaic civilizations in the second millennium BCE. That includes the eruption of Santorini and is often connected with what caused the biblical plagues.

As for Atlantis being the super-advanced lost civilization that gave us a forgotten legacy, that is absurd, even for some of the claims made in this religion thread.
If Atlantis conquered parts of Africa and Europe then there would most likely be a kind of Latin or Sanskrit-like effect on the languages in those areas which isn't there.
try 20 some years of religious brainwashing and then you'll bite your tongue...

i had about oh 13 years of that starting around my early teens. i was so into it i was seriously planning on becoming a priest. so yeah i think i can have my say here.
I had about 8 years (which I remember living) of that and then the religion left me without any kind of catalyst like a tragedy or reading a book or something anyone said. It was like I woke up one day and just saw Christianity as the same grade of story as the Iliad or the Mahabharata.

They spoke Basque actually.

I thought that was just a theory by some German linguist that hasn't been very accepted in the linguistic community. Unless you're making a joke. I'm talking about the theory that Basque is the only surviving member of a dead language family that used to exist in Europe.

Or if you thought I said they spoke Latin or Sanskrit. I meant having an influential effect on the languages there like that of Sanskrit and Latin had in their regions.
I thought that was just a theory by some German linguist that hasn't been very accepted in the linguistic community. Unless you're making a joke. I'm talking about the theory that Basque is the only surviving member of a dead language family that used to exist in Europe.

I was making a joke, in light of Basque being a "mystery" language. I hold the theory that it's the only language that survived the incursion of Indo-European languages from the east.

Or if you thought I said they spoke Latin or Sanskrit. I meant having an influential effect on the languages there like that of Sanskrit and Latin had in their regions.

I understood what you meant. Even if they left a mark, all those regions were taken over by Latin and Greek almost completely (where Atlantis is most likely to have been).
I think it is more likely that Basque is just an isolate. In both of the Americas there were over 200 different language groups.
Please explain your concept of idealism further. It interests me.

Well I try not to get stranded in any one particuliar set belief or structure although I find this very difficult sometimes. I guess it comes down to what makes sense to you and putting together the parts of the puzzle that fit. For example I have been reading and studying for the last few years or so about Ancient Cultures, E.T's, Mind control, Infinite Consciousness, Quantum Physics, Metaphysics, Various religions, Alien Abduction etc. After a while things cross reference like crazy.

Being some indoctrinated into a religious world, I intuitively had a feeling that the world was a lot more complex than religion had answers to tell me otherwise. So after evolving in life a bit more I came to a realization that with an open minded ideas you can go very far. Recently, I realized that if one wants stay confined in the bubble of whatever it is that floats your boat be it belief science, religion, physics, laws etc. thats fine and dandy. Ideas are free to come and you take a bit of this and a bit of that and see what connects. The key is to as much as possible try to keep an open mind. It is definetly possible to do it in a logical way. In turn lifting the veil off a lot of things which seemed hidden, but were actually just there in plain view waiting to be discovered almost.

I am sure this will be a bit controversial, but thats cool.
Doesn't bother me.