The great and all powerful religion thread!

No its not an ingenious creation. Its a rather predictable creation at that. Let me put it this way... Believe in whatever the fuck you want, it doesn't matter. If you want to believe theres a higher being, fine. If you want to believe there is higher hope, fine. But don't fuck with other people's faith. Keep that in mind.

As much as I see how pointless religion is, I'll simply put it at that.
No its not an ingenious creation. Its a rather predictable creation at that. Let me put it this way... Believe in whatever the fuck you want, it doesn't matter. If you want to believe theres a higher being, fine. If you want to believe there is higher hope, fine. But don't fuck with other people's faith. Keep that in mind.

As much as I see how pointless religion is, I'll simply put it at that.

Is that the long-term or short-term explanation?
No its not an ingenious creation. Its a rather predictable creation at that. Let me put it this way... Believe in whatever the fuck you want, it doesn't matter. If you want to believe theres a higher being, fine. If you want to believe there is higher hope, fine. But don't fuck with other people's faith. Keep that in mind.

As much as I see how pointless religion is, I'll simply put it at that.

Yeah, no shit. We can still debate about it.
HEY GUYS! Noah got every wild land animal of each gender on a boat and SAVED them from the flood. OMFG!!! AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!

OH HEY GUYS! Did you know Moses split the seas?



HEY GUYS! Noah got every wild land animal of each gender on a boat and SAVED them from the flood. OMFG!!! AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!

OH HEY GUYS! Did you know Moses split the seas?




Fuck, you are quite the dumbass, stop posting in semi-intellectual discussion threads
I have nothing else to share, have fun talking about religion (At least making the best use of the fun there is). But I'll be fairly honest with you, greek mythology is actually really interesting.
I haven't responded to this thread yet.

I am an atheist as it currently stands, because I haven't found any other system that works better for me. I don't believe in gods or whatnot but I think the surrounding mythology of various belief systems is really interesting and cool to think about. Proselytizers can go to hell (haw haw). I'm not "spiritual" either but I do acknowledge that certain things trigger that part of my brain, namely music and nature.

Think I've got a pretty healthy take on the world but that's just me tooting my own horn.
Dragging this to the appropriate thread although I don't know why :p

Right (even though that's a damn good example of Jesus being a major asshole, which I don't think you can deny he sometimes is/seems to be), but that doesn't mean they're not Christian. It just means they weren't very good at it. Not everyone can be as great at being Christian as you are (and, honestly, why would they want to be when it makes you a discriminating fucking douchebag?), but they're still Christians.

Can you clarify a few things?

What exactly makes Jesus an asshole "some of the time"? Either he was or was not an asshole (assuming he even existed for sake of arguement).

Going back to the verses quoted, it doesn't mean "They weren't good Christians". It means they were not "saved", which means they weren't. An outward confessions doesn't mean anything.

It would be like me walking around claiming I am a member of UM but have never signed up or posted. I might have put up posters about the website or told others about it, but that doesn't make me a member. (Weak analogy I know, sorry).

Also, what about being a "good Christian" makes a person a "discriminating douchebag"? What is discrimination?
obviously poorly thought out, the residual ranting of someone who read Dawkins when he was too young and thinks all Christians are Fred Phelps
Whatever, moving on:

Yo Dakryn, I have one question for you that I want a real answer to. I get that, to you, the homosexual lifestyle is disgusting, inhuman, immoral, etc. but what gives you the right to believe you are entitled to judge another person's private lifestyle choice insomuch as you can actually affect his/her rights through the proper outlets/channels? I think that is where religion becomes intensely dangerous. Having beliefs is perfectly fine, but why are you able to impinge on what someone else does? Isn't your entire belief system about personal entitlement, autonomy and survivalism? If so, and, if you were given the option to choose whether a gay man is allowed to do (insert contentious issue relating to homosexuality and its related lifestyle here) or not, am I wrong in thinking you would indeed vote to restrict his right to do the above thing? Is that not pretty much contrary to what you would normally understand as basic and necessary i.e. that people have their own right to choose what they do, etc.?

I mean, you may play it off like you are reserving (pertinent) judgment on gay people, but really, you would definitely act with clear bias against gay people if given the option to (between allowance and forbidding of a particular, sexual-preference related issue); this represents a major danger of religion, and a major problem with the people who ally themselves with one.
Well, yes. He is a self-identifying Christian who is knowledgeable about the Bible and what God judges humans on. I still don't get why an all-powerful, all-knowing, all-loving, benevolent higher power would give a shit what two consenting adults do in their private lives, but I guess that's just me being a godless heathen or something.
You sound like an angry high schooler, calm down. Do you have a link where he has stated this? Are you sure it's not just that he thinks buttsex is gross and can't get over that?

I didn't think the Christian god was all-loving or benevolent. Sounds like a sadist to me, making that guy almost sacrifice his son or whatever just to test his faith!