Whatever, moving on:
Yo Dakryn, I have one question for you that I want a real answer to. I get that, to you, the homosexual lifestyle is disgusting, inhuman, immoral, etc. but what gives you the right to believe you are entitled to judge another person's private lifestyle choice insomuch as you can actually affect his/her rights through the proper outlets/channels? I think that is where religion becomes intensely dangerous. Having beliefs is perfectly fine, but why are you able to impinge on what someone else does? Isn't your entire belief system about personal entitlement, autonomy and survivalism? If so, and, if you were given the option to choose whether a gay man is allowed to do (insert contentious issue relating to homosexuality and its related lifestyle here) or not, am I wrong in thinking you would indeed vote to restrict his right to do the above thing? Is that not pretty much contrary to what you would normally understand as basic and necessary i.e. that people have their own right to choose what they do, etc.?
I mean, you may play it off like you are reserving (pertinent) judgment on gay people, but really, you would definitely act with clear bias against gay people if given the option to (between allowance and forbidding of a particular, sexual-preference related issue); this represents a major danger of religion, and a major problem with the people who ally themselves with one.
HEY GUYS! Noah got every wild land animal of each gender on a boat and SAVED them from the flood. OMFG!!! AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!
OH HEY GUYS! Did you know Moses split the seas?
But I'll be fairly honest with you, greek mythology is actually really interesting.
Along the same line of thinking; the Bible teaches the people who put all their faith in it to be judgmental and discriminating against various groups of people (hell, a lot of the Old Testament is misogynistic as fuck!). I don't see why this is necessarily a useful or faith-bolstering trait of Christianity. If anything, it's "false marketing" to say your religion is one full of mercy, pity and love when in reality, it blatantly is not.
Yeah, that's a pretty much lame answer, but basically what I expected! Thanks though.
re: your questions...
Well, the way a lot of the Bible is phrased is pretty harsh and indiscriminately asshole-ish, such as the passage(s) you quoted. I don't see why a loving higher power would have to deliver such scathing words.
Then again, I also don't understand a lot of why the Bible is written how it is (such as, if God is omniscient and can see into the future, why couldn't he see that so many people would misunderstand his words and, idk, deliver them a bit more clearly? Why be metaphorical if you want people to believe in you? Seems kind of dumb to me, but, then again, godless heathen speaking here)...
It is the glory of God to conceal a matter, But the glory of kings is to search out a matter.
Along the same line of thinking; the Bible teaches the people who put all their faith in it to be judgmental and discriminating against various groups of people (hell, a lot of the Old Testament is misogynistic as fuck!).
I don't see why this is necessarily a useful or faith-bolstering trait of Christianity. If anything, it's "false marketing" to say your religion is one full of mercy, pity and love when in reality, it blatantly is not.
The Old Testament is the unmerciful, misogynistic text. The New Testament is the primary Christian text, and it internalizes sin. Whereas action is what used to condemn people to hell, now merely thinking about indecent action is sinful. The New Testament is a much more forgiving revision of faith than the Old Testament.
No, I think there is a difference, if you look at what Jesus teaches. He claims that even considering sin is sin. The Old Testament only teaches that acting sinfully is sin.
but I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman with lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart.
"Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that [is] thy neighbour's."
A lot is lost through translation into Greek and then into English, also, ignorance of the teachings in the OT is partially to blame.
The reference you are thinking of is Matthew 5:28
Adultery is sleeping with another person's spouse. A person's spouse belongs to them.
Well, you apparently disagree with God here, dude. Adultery is clearly not defined only as sleeping with another person's spouse according to the Bible and to the 10th Commandment.
22:22 If a man be found lying with a woman married to an husband, then they shall both of them die, both the man that lay with the woman, and the woman: so shalt thou put away evil from Israel.
Can you read the Greek, Dakryn? It's quite easy compared to the real stuff, such as Plato and Thucydides.