The great and all powerful religion thread!

Prove Santa doesn't exist. You can't? Well then I'll just say he exists because you can't prove me wrong. Burden of proof is on the accuser, in this case the person saying Odin and co. exist.

I hope you realize how bad that argument is.

but you can't prove they don't! Humanity is limited to what they percieve. did you know that humans only use 10% of their brains? this is why. you can't prove positive or negative on this issue. I chose Asatru as a way of better my life, and if you can't accept that, that's too bad. I realize you are an atheist/agnostic, and that's perfectly fine. what I'm saying is nobody is right or wrong. I can't prove Odin exists, but you can't prove he doesn't.
but you can't prove they don't! Humanity is limited to what they percieve. did you know that humans only use 10% of their brains? this is why. you can't prove positive or negative on this issue. I chose Asatru as a way of better my life, and if you can't accept that, that's too bad. I realize you are an atheist/agnostic, and that's perfectly fine. what I'm saying is nobody is right or wrong. I can't prove Odin exists, but you can't prove he doesn't.

Prove to me you aren't mentally retarded. As my evidence that you are I cite your statement above.
Prove to me you aren't mentally retarded. As my evidence that you are I cite your statement above.

prove to me you can debate without resorting to childish name-calling. my guess is you can't. ignored.
but you can't prove they don't! Humanity is limited to what they percieve. did you know that humans only use 10% of their brains? this is why. you can't prove positive or negative on this issue. I chose Asatru as a way of better my life, and if you can't accept that, that's too bad. I realize you are an atheist/agnostic, and that's perfectly fine. what I'm saying is nobody is right or wrong. I can't prove Odin exists, but you can't prove he doesn't.
That's great. Ignore my points and then make a false claim. Humans actually use our entire brains although you don't seem to be using much of yours.

You are not justified in believing something because it can't be proven wrong. For example you can't prove that I don't have a second invisible, intangible head sprouting from chest. It's invisible and intangible so it can't be perceived. Obviously it would be dumb to believe in that and it is no different to believe in God(s) for that reason.

If Asatru makes your life better, that's wonderful, but you can continue living well without believing in something irrational.

PS Here is the Snopes link on the 10% brain use myth:
prove to me you can debate without resorting to childish name-calling. my guess is you can't. ignored.

That was not childish name-calling. That was a real accusation. I didn't call you a fucktard (something stupid; irrelevant). I called you mentally retarded (something plausible).
being an atheist isn't rational either. Atheism isn't be all end all solution to everything. you're thinking like a Communist. Abolishing religion doesn't really solve anything, sometimes it even creates more problems. Ever see that South Park episode? Religion gets abolished in the future and yet are still people arguing over miniscule crap. There is NO simple solution to all this other than accepting differences in culture and whatnot. I use Asatru values to better my life. that is all. you obviously have a problem with that.

see? you're "browbeating" me by saying I'm irrational. you can't accept the fact I have chosen this path. Now, I accept your choice of faith or lack thereof. All you need to do is accept the path I have chosen. Differences are what makes the world interesting. Without it, there probably wouldn't be message boards, like this one. If everyone liked the same bands, life would be boring, and maybe in an extreme case we might end up killing each other out of boredom.
being an atheist isn't rational either. Atheism isn't be all end all solution to everything. you're thinking like a Communist. Abolishing religion doesn't really solve anything, sometimes it even creates more problems. Ever see that South Park episode? Religion gets abolished in the future and yet are still people arguing over miniscule crap. There is NO simple solution to all this other than accepting differences in culture and whatnot. I use Asatru values to better my life. that is all. you obviously have a problem with that.

see? you're "browbeating" me by saying I'm irrational. you can't accept the fact I have chosen this path. Now, I accept your choice of faith or lack thereof. All you need to do is accept the path I have chosen. Differences are what makes the world interesting. Without it, there probably wouldn't be message boards, like this one. If everyone liked the same bands, life would be boring, and maybe in an extreme case we might end up killing each other out of boredom.
You are grossly ignorant.

1.) Explain why Atheism isn't rational.
2.) Atheism does not claim to be the end all be all of knowledge or a solution. It is just the lack of belief in a deity.
3.) I never said I wanted to abolish religion. You are making up a strawman.
4.) I have no problem with you bettering yourself through a value system. I do have a problem with you arguing that it is logical to believe in gods.
5.) I am not browbeating you I am arguing with you. If your only counter-argument is to get defensive and say I am brow beating you, maybe your argument isn't all that great. I accept that you have taken this path, I am just telling you why I think it is wrong IN THE RELIGION THREAD.
5.) Your point on differences is irrelevant and another strawman. Religious differences add nothing positive to this world and there are numerous differences that do that I of course do not object to. You were even kind enough to post one.
So then I ask you to show me your case on how all the miracles at Lourdes are not true.

In 1858, an apparition of the Virgin Mary was reported in Lourdes, France; the Mother of God confirmed the dogma of her immaculate conception which had been proclaimed by Pope Pius IX just four years earlier. Something like a hundred million people have come to Lourdes since then in the hope of being cured, many with illnesses that the medicine of the time was helpless to defeat. The Roman Catholic Church rejected the authenticity of large numbers of claimed miraculous cures, accepting only 65 in nearly a century and a half (tumors, tuberculosis, opthalmitis, impetigo, bronchitis, paralysis and other diseases, but not, say, the regeneration of a limb or a severed spinal cord). Of the 65, women outnumber the men ten to one. The odds of a miraculous cure at Lourdes, then, are about one in a million; you are roughly as likely to recover after visiting Lourdes as you are to win the lottery, or to die in the crash of a regularly scheduled airplane flight – including the one taking you to Lourdes.

The spontaneous remission rate of all cancers, lumped together, is estimated to be something between one in ten thousand and one in a hundred thousand. If no more than 5 percent of those who come to Lourdes were there to treat their cancers, there should have been something between 50 and 600 “miraculous” cures of cancer alone. Since only three of the attested 65 cures are of cancer, the rate of spontaneous remission at Lourdes seems to be lower than if the victims had just stayed at home. Of course, if you’re one of the 65, it’s going to be very herd to convince you that your trip to Lourdes wasn’t the cause of the remission of your disease… Post hoc, ergo propter hoc.

- Carl Sagan, The Demon-Haunted World, pp. 233
You know you're in trouble when you use the line "Ever see that South Park episode?" as an argument in a serious debate.
In 1858, an apparition of the Virgin Mary was reported in Lourdes, France; the Mother of God confirmed the dogma of her immaculate conception which had been proclaimed by Pope Pius IX just four years earlier. Something like a hundred million people have come to Lourdes since then in the hope of being cured, many with illnesses that the medicine of the time was helpless to defeat. The Roman Catholic Church rejected the authenticity of large numbers of claimed miraculous cures, accepting only 65 in nearly a century and a half (tumors, tuberculosis, opthalmitis, impetigo, bronchitis, paralysis and other diseases, but not, say, the regeneration of a limb or a severed spinal cord). Of the 65, women outnumber the men ten to one. The odds of a miraculous cure at Lourdes, then, are about one in a million; you are roughly as likely to recover after visiting Lourdes as you are to win the lottery, or to die in the crash of a regularly scheduled airplane flight – including the one taking you to Lourdes.

The spontaneous remission rate of all cancers, lumped together, is estimated to be something between one in ten thousand and one in a hundred thousand. If no more than 5 percent of those who come to Lourdes were there to treat their cancers, there should have been something between 50 and 600 “miraculous” cures of cancer alone. Since only three of the attested 65 cures are of cancer, the rate of spontaneous remission at Lourdes seems to be lower than if the victims had just stayed at home. Of course, if you’re one of the 65, it’s going to be very herd to convince you that your trip to Lourdes wasn’t the cause of the remission of your disease… Post hoc, ergo propter hoc.

- Carl Sagan, The Demon-Haunted World, pp. 233
I've come to the conclusion that people exaggerate things way too much when it comes to miracles, sure when people tell you it it seems so real but look further than the surface and everything is highly explainable. They basically make things out bigger than it is because of culture, etc.. I'll give you this example of one, in my area there was a case of alleged demon possession at a church camp, and everyone seemed so upset the night of the alleged possession because there was a kid there who decided not to believe in God, so the people's excitement levels went up, and there was a girl there who was having signs of alleged demon possession, and of course this was a Fundamentalist church so the kids are taught to believe in spiritual warfare, and the usual weird dmeon possession activity happens(I'm sure it was similar to all the demon possession cases) and many of the kids said they seen a face in the campfire right at the same time. This may seem real on the surface, but the teachings and culture play a big par tin explaining this, anyone can see a face in the fire, it's no explanation of anything supernatural, and people can believe they're possessed because they've been taught to belive, who outside of conservative religious circles is getting possessed anyways? Im not and I'm sure the rest of the non-theist community isnt either. Basically, take all miracles with a grain of salt, they're explainable eneath the surface.