Utopian Blaster
wrong. Both of you. Just because Superman has iron cast morality, doesn't mean he's shit. Superman can move the earth by puching it. Thor ? Fag. Fo' Sho.
Depends on who's writing it. Hulk would own them both though
Superman is over-powered. Nothing is a challenge for him unless it's WAY the fuck out there, or it involves kryptonite. Ice breath? Heat vision? Please.
Magic fucks him up, as does any environment without a yellow sun. In the vast cosmic environments of four colour comic universes, that makes Superman fairly irrelevant unless fighting on earth.
It's teh comics! It doesn't have to be realistic.Unrealistic you mean apart from a man mutated by Gamma Rays, affected by rage fighting the last son of Krypton ?
I see. Still, I don't like him. I prefer Batman and Spider-man.
I see. Still, I don't like him. I prefer Batman and Spider-man.
It's teh comics! It doesn't have to be realistic.
Unrealistic you mean apart from a man mutated by Gamma Rays, affected by rage fighting the last son of Krypton ?
I agree with the Punisher and Green Lantern.