The great and all powerful religion thread!

Fuck, what's not to worship ?

I've come to the conclusion that people exaggerate things way too much when it comes to miracles, sure when people tell you it it seems so real but look further than the surface and everything is highly explainable. They basically make things out bigger than it is because of culture, etc.. I'll give you this example of one, in my area there was a case of alleged demon possession at a church camp, and everyone seemed so upset the night of the alleged possession because there was a kid there who decided not to believe in God, so the people's excitement levels went up, and there was a girl there who was having signs of alleged demon possession, and of course this was a Fundamentalist church so the kids are taught to believe in spiritual warfare, and the usual weird dmeon possession activity happens(I'm sure it was similar to all the demon possession cases) and many of the kids said they seen a face in the campfire right at the same time. This may seem real on the surface, but the teachings and culture play a big par tin explaining this, anyone can see a face in the fire, it's no explanation of anything supernatural, and people can believe they're possessed because they've been taught to belive, who outside of conservative religious circles is getting possessed anyways? Im not and I'm sure the rest of the non-theist community isnt either. Basically, take all miracles with a grain of salt, they're explainable eneath the surface.
This is frightening.

Rational people evaluate a claim based on its supporting evidence in order to discover its truth. Religious people start with a supposition and then warp everything that happens to fit that supposition. An example is how every natural disaster is an act of God or a miracle. I remember after that bridge collapsed, some woman who survived said she prayed and her prayer was answered by her not dying. I guess God just didn't like those other people who died. And then there's always the "it's a miracle! More people could have died!" bullshit.
There's a minister in my philosphy class, I foresee him having a rough time in there. Even today, we were just taking about basic philosophical stuff, and he was questioning everything. Was pretty annoying.
There's a minister in my philosphy class, I foresee him having a rough time in there. Even today, we were just taking about basic philosophical stuff, and he was questioning everything. Was pretty annoying.

There was a super-religious guy in my ethical theory class last semester, and he would go on long, annoying, irrelevent lectures about how God fit into the ideas we were discussing. Eventually he eased off that shit and became a normal person for the rest of the semester. It's kinda hard to push your warped ideology anyway when you're surrounded by rational people who can counter your every claim.
Rabid. When first I met your posts, I thought you were an illiterate ignorant fuck.

However, with time, I have found you to be intermitantly amusing and brighter than I gave you credit for. I apologise for judging you prematurely.
