The great and all powerful religion thread!

So you feel it is ok to believe in something without sufficient evidence.

This is the basis on which Christianity is formed, and using this as an argument is pretty ineffective in dealing with Christians. In my experience, the best way to show the inherent flaws in Christianity is to expose the contradictions in the Bible and reveal to them the truth about a lot of Jewish traditions that were misconstrued by Christianity.
I agree 100%

Except the problem with this is that Christians believe that if you don't believe in Christianity you go to hell. So if the evidence could go either way and it's really just a matter of "preference" or "opinion" then it is completely LUDICROUS for God to send most humans to hell. Now if the evidence for Christianity was OVERWHELMING then yes it would make more sense for God to be able to judge someone who rejected it.
In fact of point there is no evidence that Christianity is true. Actually those who believe in it do so not only without evidence to support many of their beliefs but also contrary to evidence that contradicts the Bible.
I think that whole thing about going to hell if you don't believe in Christianity is a bit of a stretch. I'd like to believe hell's reserved for people who's done some seriously bad shit (such as Hitler), not for people who believe differently.

Besides, other religions have their own heavens, so if you die you go your specific religion's heaven, instead of a Christian one. To go to hell for that reason is a bit ludicrous.
I think that whole thing about going to hell if you don't believe in Christianity is a bit of a stretch. I'd like to believe hell's reserved for people who's done some seriously bad shit (such as Hitler), not for people who believe differently.

Hell simply does not exist, even by Biblical standards. And to think that God would send specific people to hell for certain atrocities sounds nitpicky. It makes you second-guess yourself.
I think that whole thing about going to hell if you don't believe in Christianity is a bit of a stretch. I'd like to believe hell's reserved for people who's done some seriously bad shit (such as Hitler), not for people who believe differently.

Besides, other religions have their own heavens, so if you die you go your specific religion's heaven, instead of a Christian one. To go to hell for that reason is a bit ludicrous.

"really bad shit" According to who? This is all based on human perception. What exactly is the basis for assuming someone is going to hell. How can you seperate two situations where lives were taken that didn't need to be. For example. Hitler was the CAUSE of millions of deaths, but yet soldiers in the American military kill innocent people daily, a majority of which follow some type of faith. How exactly can you distinguish a life for a life? I personally don't think you can. Does that mean anyone who has ever taken a life is going to hell? Who knows. The only person who will know, assuming in this instance there is a heaven and hell and all that jazz, is the murderer in question.

This goes for anything that is punishable by hell. Is sinning the only offense you get sent to hell for? Or is it an act that is deemed bad by humans?


Nothing wrong with debating what you think. This is how you educate yourself my frang. For all we know, what I said makes no sense what so ever and is just a figment of your imagination.
I think that whole thing about going to hell if you don't believe in Christianity is a bit of a stretch. I'd like to believe hell's reserved for people who's done some seriously bad shit (such as Hitler), not for people who believe differently.

Besides, other religions have their own heavens, so if you die you go your specific religion's heaven, instead of a Christian one. To go to hell for that reason is a bit ludicrous.

This is something that bothers me a bit. A religion has set rules and guidelines. In a belief system such as Christianity you cannot simply decide to bend the rules because you like your version better.

I hear it all the time. "well, the bible says this but I like to beleive..."

It doesn't work like that.
Maybe it doesn't, but I still disagree. Still, we don't know for a fact they would go to hell. Every religion has their own set of afterlives. Jews have their heaven, Muslim's have their heaven, and there's also Nirvana and Reincarnation, so it's not exactly a straight answer in my mind.

It still doesn't change my stance that people should believe what they want to believe.
I think that whole thing about going to hell if you don't believe in Christianity is a bit of a stretch. I'd like to believe hell's reserved for people who's done some seriously bad shit (such as Hitler), not for people who believe differently.

Besides, other religions have their own heavens, so if you die you go your specific religion's heaven, instead of a Christian one. To go to hell for that reason is a bit ludicrous.

Mark 16:16
He who believes and is baptized will be saved; but he who does not believe will be condemned.

John 3:18
“He who believes in Him is not condemned; but he who does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.

2 Thessalonians 2:12
that they all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

Luke 8:12
Those by the wayside are the ones who hear; then the devil comes and takes away the word out of their hearts, lest they should believe and be saved.
Yeah, I know, Evil? already told me.

I guess what i've learned is that nobody truly knows what happens after death. Do you go to heaven? Do you rot in the ground? Do your souls go and join the collective bond? Do you get reincarnated? Who knows? Nobody has been dead for more than a day and came back to tell us what it's like, so nobody knows. It just depends on the faith you have.
I think there's enough evidence to believe in both sides of the equation.

You either believe in it or you don't.
I don't think there is. If you could point me to some evidence for belief, that would be helpful.

But if someone believes in hell and wants to warn people from it, they don't mean to use fear. They just mean to help people. How do you help people if you don't tell them why you think they need help? Now I don't think that hell is the best place to start when telling a person about Christianity, and I know that it is used a a scare tactic and I don't agree with doing that, and I certainly wouldn't do it.
Whether or not they mean to do it, they are still using fear. If I tell you that you shouldn't leave your house because a man will kill you if you do, I am using fear to change your actions, even though I was trying to save you. Since there is no evidence of the existence of hell, it is even worse.

Except the problem with this is that Christians believe that if you don't believe in Christianity you go to hell. So if the evidence could go either way and it's really just a matter of "preference" or "opinion" then it is completely LUDICROUS for God to send most humans to hell. Now if the evidence for Christianity was OVERWHELMING then yes it would make more sense for God to be able to judge someone who rejected it.
In fact of point there is no evidence that Christianity is true. Actually those who believe in it do so not only without evidence to support many of their beliefs but also contrary to evidence that contradicts the Bible.
Thank you thank you

Maybe it doesn't, but I still disagree. Still, we don't know for a fact they would go to hell. Every religion has their own set of afterlives. Jews have their heaven, Muslim's have their heaven, and there's also Nirvana and Reincarnation, so it's not exactly a straight answer in my mind.

It still doesn't change my stance that people should believe what they want to believe.
We also don't know for a fact that there is a God. Or that any other religious claims are true. People should believe what they can ascertain as the truth, not what they want to believe.

Yeah, I know, Evil? already told me.

I guess what i've learned is that nobody truly knows what happens after death. Do you go to heaven? Do you rot in the ground? Do your souls go and join the collective bond? Do you get reincarnated? Who knows? Nobody has been dead for more than a day and came back to tell us what it's like, so nobody knows. It just depends on the faith you have.
Until we know more, it is better to believe what we KNOW happens and not make up something else and then say, "well we don't know it's wrong". In this case we know, when people die their bodies rot and their existence ceases. Until further evidence arises, that should be our conclusion.