The great and all powerful religion thread!

Hey christians, I have a question. This may seem weird but you know how there's 24 hours in a day, and the Sabbath is on a Sunday right, meaning it's a 24 hour long event? There's so many time zones around the world though and ummmm... does the Sabbath end earlier on different parts of the world, later on different parts of the world? Very weird question I know, but I just don't get it. God obviously must sleep 24 hours on the sabbath.
Hey christians, I have a question. This may seem weird but you know how there's 24 hours in a day, and the Sabbath is on a Sunday right, meaning it's a 24 hour long event? There's so many time zones around the world though and ummmm... does the Sabbath end earlier on different parts of the world, later on different parts of the world? Very weird question I know, but I just don't get it. God obviously must sleep 24 hours on the sabbath.

The Sabbath starts on Friday at 6:00 pm and goes till Saturday at 6:00 pm. Sunday is the Lord's Day or the day of Jesus' resurrection and hence why the early Christians had Liturgy on Sundays (and why Christians still do).
This is a good point. There is so much in the Bible that is silly (the entire book of genesis for example) that the wandering seems reasonable.

It's sad how no one realizes anymore that the book of Genesis was heavily based on the Epic of Gilgamesh. The creation story, people in a garden, the flood...all ripped directly from it. And never mind people who say "oh, that's because all the mythologies were taking account of what God did", the Epic of Gilgamesh predated biblical texts by thousands of years, not to mention that the Torah and such was not created until after nearly half a century of slavery in Egypt, when the only cultures they had to derive anything from were pagan ones.
I think most of the stuff in the bible isn't true, but it's meant to teach morals and values. It's also quite a fun read. However, there are some true stories in the bible, like the Exodus and Jesus up until the resurrection.

(Of course, I believe the resurrection story is true myself, but it depends on what religion you believe in, so one could disagree).
People compartmentalize their belief, so that they can see that the Epic of Gilgamesh is just the mythology of an ancient culture but they believe the Bible, also a myth of an ancient culture, as truth.

It confounds me how people can do this. The God portrayed in the scriptures is one of atrocious deeds and tyrannical, primitive values, yet Christians and Jews worship him as a merciful, loving deity. Every day I try to fathom why, of all the ancient deities, this particular God came to hold such influence.
I have been reading all the "witty" little sayings that the local churches put on their marquees recently, and one that really amused me was "exposure to the son may prevent burning". That sentence pretty much summed up everything that is wrong with modern Christianity. :lol:

Um why?
I have been reading all the "witty" little sayings that the local churches put on their marquees recently, and one that really amused me was "exposure to the son may prevent burning". That sentence pretty much summed up everything that is wrong with modern Christianity. :lol:

"Don't bring pain upon yourself. Let the Church help."

"The best position is on your knees."