Not at all pretentious. I am curious to know how you rationalize your feelings with your thought.
As passionate as I did sound in my previous posts, it's just a matter of being comfortable with your own beliefs. I was raised the way I was raised, I was taught certain values at churches that I was taught in. I don't believe in judging others based on their life choices (unless they did something completely terrible in the past, such as rape, murder, or if he was a child predator).
For example, I understand that judging from your posts in this thread, you're an Athiest. You don't believe in a God or Gods. I disagree, because I believe in
aGod, i'm part of a monotheistic religion. However, I won't think of you any differently for it, just respect the fact I believe differently and i'll respect yours. Of course, if you were an asshole, i'd think differently of you for being an asshole, regardless of you being Jewish, Christian, Hindu or whatever.
Another example is this friend I have. She happens to smoke Pot, as well as do various drugs. Do I share her same passion? Of course not, I want to steer clear from that stuff. However, she's incredibly nice to me, so I acknowledge her as my friend, and not a druggie.
I just try to be open minded about a lot of stuff, the only exception is being music. I'm a little picky when it comes to music.