The great and all powerful religion thread!

Wasn't there some Christian guy who said humans rode dinosaurs?

i heard that too, i think the guy said that humans lived with the dinosaurs and they co-existed peacefully and that humans even rode dinosaurs. It shows you they will say or trust in anything to try to prove what they believe to be true. thats how sickly devoted to faith they are.

ride dinosaurs....what a fucking dumb peice of shit:lol:
This is what i found about the dinosaur thing and its some of the funniest stuff i've ever read:

Favorite Qoute from page (Its from the POV of a dino, since this is a program for little children):
"I lived about 4,500 years ago. How do I know? Well, fossils don’t come with birth certificates, but we can read an eyewitness account from someone who was there—the Creator Himself. In God’s Word, the History Book of the Universe, we read about a global Flood that buried all the living things on Earth.”
Did I tell you guys of that one time I got this real bad fukkin itch on my back, specifically the top ov my left shoulder?

Wait...what were we talking about, now?
i heard that too, i think the guy said that humans lived with the dinosaurs and they co-existed peacefully and that humans even rode dinosaurs. It shows you they will say or trust in anything to try to prove what they believe to be true. thats how sickly devoted to faith they are.

ride dinosaurs....what a fucking dumb peice of shit:lol:

Ken Ham also founded the Creation's a little sample of a humorous article of someone taking a tour.

The whole group then bustles into the lobby of the building, where they are greeted by the long neck of a huge, herbivorous dinosaur. The kids run past that and around a corner, where stands another, smaller dinosaur.

Which is wearing a saddle.

It is an English saddle, hornless and battered. Apparently, this was a dinosaur used for dressage competitions and stakes races. Any working dinosaur accustomed to the rigors of ranch work and herding other dinosaurs along the dusty trail almost certainly would wear a sturdy western saddle.

This is very much a show dinosaur.

"We," Ham exclaims to the assembled, "are taking the dinosaurs back from the evolutionists!" And everybody cheers.
I have a question for believers: Why don't you believe in Zeus?

Does everyone want to know why christianity and Islam made it to the top?

Because they are both monothiestic religions. The one flaw in a polythiestic relgions is that there is more then one god, making it possible for the integration of other pantheons. To the followers of polythiestic religions, many of them would encounter the other cultures with a different set of gods and would revere them as well. This is because that there is the possibility that those gods might exist aswell, and pissing them off is a bad idea.

However, with a monothiestic religion, there is really just one god. Said god is all powerful and all knowing, in just about every case. So both the christians and muslims could, infact, ignore the gods of other pantheons completely, because they only have one absolute god. Then, the could persecute and make war against other cultures of "infidels" without having limits.

That is why monothiesm always rises to the top over polythiesm. An excellent comparison is between democracy and dictatorship. In the dictatorship, things get accomp-lished much faster because all the power derives from one "all-powerful" figure.
