The great and all powerful religion thread!

There are theories about how much embellishment or whatever (I can't remember the proper term) takes place in how much time, and it has been said that the writing were close enough to the events to minimize that potential tendancy. Also contemporaries of the events were still alive when the writings occurred, so that if they had changed substantially, there would have been people who could have attempted to point that out.
That's an optimistic view; some gospels can arguably be dated as late as 100 CE, and there's much evidence that parts were written by anonymous persons who did not witness the events they were writing about (s/a large parts of Matthew and Luke being copied from Mark). Especially considering the earliest copies we have date to something like 400 CE, and they are all second hand accounts, you have to wonder if what we have now is anything close to what Jesus (assuming he actually existed) said.
I mean things like "I will return from the dead". His philosophical points of course, but those are opinion based. Obviously no one can rise from the dead, so even if Richard Dawkins or someone else who I agree with said stuff like that, I wouldn't believe that it would come true.
Also there's this crazy bus in the town center here in Plymouth ocasionally. I figured I'd take a picture of it because it somehow is kind of funny (both the bus itself as well as the two scruffy looking people sitting in lawn chairs in front of it). It's The Modern Jesus Army!

I didn't want to get shot by the Jesus army so I took it from a bit too far away but oh well.

Also there's this crazy bus in the town center here in Plymouth ocasionally. I figured I'd take a picture of it because it somehow is kind of funny (both the bus itself as well as the two scruffy looking people sitting in lawn chairs in front of it). It's The Modern Jesus Army!

I didn't want to get shot by the Jesus army so I took it from a bit too far away but oh well.


:lol:i figured there would probably be something like this out there, but its still very funny