The great and all powerful religion thread!

Ok, I meant justification. He had justification that took into account things that we may not be able to see, or if we did we may not understand or even agree with. But it doesn't nullify the fact that as the creator he has the right to make such decisions. It may or may not be like that example. The thing is, God says that his ways are not our ways. The thing is, is it that hard to fathom that you might not comprehend everything about a God who can create life?

There is always a disconnect in these arguments. If I believe that God created everything, then he is not limited by anything but himself, and most of these things are very minute issues. If you don't believe in this God, then you look to discredit the bible based on your human judgements of what it says.

Here's the problem. When you approach the bible with an unbiased mind to see if it is true then such passages as this would certainly indicate to you that it is a manmade work. Afterall slaughtering people for crimes they did not commit is clearly not a just or moral act and yet we have "God" in this passage ordering such an action, therefore the bible God must not be real. The reality is that most people are either brought up christian or convert to christianity for very emotional reasons (Jesus got me off of meth; or the bible gives me a reason to live, etc.) and then when they eventually find out about passages such as the one I listed they are so emotionally invested in the whole belief system that they have to explain them away or just throw up their hands and say "Well I don't have a clue as to why God would allow the Israelites to rape all of the virgin girls or slaughter infants but I'm just gonna trust Him anyway!" Once you stand back outside of your emotional investment and realistically look at the bible it becomes quite obvious that it is not the word of God: attrocities; contradictions, false prophecies, scientific/historical erros, absurdities, etc.
Actually, I don't have to deal with them, God does. If he is the creator of life, then he has the right to take life. I don't necessarily fully understand the justification that God had, but as the creator, and as one who knows the future, and can likely see it all at once, apparently he had reasons.

"i dont know, but he's god so he must be right"...

what a terrible answer! thats like saying "i dont know why we're at war, but bush said it so he must be right!" (btw, i'm pro war, but it makes for a great point)
Ok, I meant justification. He had justification that took into account things that we may not be able to see, or if we did we may not understand or even agree with. But it doesn't nullify the fact that as the creator he has the right to make such decisions. It may or may not be like that example. The thing is, God says that his ways are not our ways. The thing is, is it that hard to fathom that you might not comprehend everything about a God who can create life?

There is always a disconnect in these arguments. If I believe that God created everything, then he is not limited by anything but himself, and most of these things are very minute issues. If you don't believe in this God, then you look to discredit the bible based on your human judgements of what it says.

So in other words he's a narcisstic selfish God who only cares about himself? ...
Roman Catholic, church-going.

Becoming a metalhead has certainly challenged my beliefs, but I see no harm in keeping a faith that promotes a positive lifestyle and good works. That and the Catholic Church has really cleaned up its act in recent history, gravitating toward the more liberal side of the religious spectrum, and not full of fundamentalists or extremists. The Catholic Church is the world's largest charitable organization, and even non-believers should acknowledge that.

That aside, being a metalhead and a practicing Christian at the same time gives me the thrill of leading a double-life of polar oppositions within my character.

This is your Church not full of extremists, promotes a positive lifestyle and works, and has cleaned up it's act :rolleyes: :
I was recently converted to christianity.

The book of God is very real. Archeologists digged up a bible that was predated to about the time Jesus died. The bible matched word for word for the currently modern bible so if you believe that man changed the bible, don't, it's been the same forever since the bible was made. Back then people could indeed edit the bible but it wasn't at a lightning speed like pace back then, but despite this it seems the origional has survived.

Seeing this why does it seem the bible is true? Stars are different? Back then in new testament times MAN BELIEVED STARS WERE THE SAME. A type of water system on Earth? Back then MAN DIDN'T EVEN KNOW OF A WATER SYSTEM ON EARTH. So I ask you now fellow UMers why harden your heart to God. He is real, you have just been blinded by satan. Screw Dark Funeral I hate that band.


Read the whole bible? Then he's miles and miles ahead of the average Christian.

Very true one time I was around a large group of younger christians (around their teens) and a person asked them if they recognized a qoute off Mark and very few raised their hands, the adults that were there all raised their hands.
I was recently converted to christianity.

The book of God is very real. Archeologists digged up a bible that was predated to about the time Jesus died. The bible matched word for word for the currently modern bible so if you believe that man changed the bible, don't, it's been the same forever since the bible was made. Back then people could indeed edit the bible but it wasn't at a lightning speed like pace back then, but despite this it seems the origional has survived.

:lol: Dude you are so dumb... first even if there was a biblical text from that era that matched word for word with our current text that would not mean that the CONTENT of those texts was therefore true. Secondly I assume you are talking about the Dead Sea Scrolls... in which case you are wrong. The DSS only contain portions of the Old Testament as well as numerous apocryphal texts. And even those portions differ in some areas with the Masoretic text. The earliest fragment of the New Testament we have is from John 18 and it dates to 125AD! Nearly 100 years after Jesus' life. Stop blabbing inane christian apologetics and learn some critical thinking skills.
Just because you said that, I'm listening to Dark Funeral. Right now.

So they dugged up a bible? Give me the exact news story in which they dugged up this bible.

Also, there are also stories from the same time of those eras that describes Jesus humping Mary Magdalene. And stories of him as a kid... all curiously left out of the modern bible...
Well, I would love to keep discussing this, but I will be on vacation starting tomorrow, and I have to get ready tonight. So I apologize for leaving some things unanswered (yeah, like I have all the answers :lol ) but I will jump back in when I get back.
Well, I would love to keep discussing this, but I will be on vacation starting tomorrow, and I have to get ready tonight. So I apologize for leaving some things unanswered (yeah, like I have all the answers :lol ) but I will jump back in when I get back.

Don't worry... Blue Jay can fill in for you... :lol: :lol: :lol:


:lol: :lol: :lol:
Blue_Jay, don't listen to these jokers. God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble. :kickass:

Then how 'bout he humbles himself and gets the fuck out.\

How about all christians eat some humble pie and get thier fucking religion out of my face,, and stop being so poroud that "Jesus loves you"... I don't care.